
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 整体院癒庵堂

住所 :

Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0021 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
街 : Saitama

Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0021 Saitama,Japan
りん。 on Google

It's such a wonderful treatment that my body wouldn't be possible without it. I went to various manipulative treatments and beauty treatments, but overwhelmingly, Mr. Heiando is the best. Cospa is also wonderful.
Ai on Google

整体・マッサージ・エステ等々数え切れないくらい行った上で断言するけど、ここが一番効きます。店内のBGMとスタッフさんのノリに最初は「やばいところに来た」と思いましたが、慣れました。 ダイエットとは別件ですがリハビリで全く回復しなかった箇所も治りました。魔法かよ・・・ これからもお世話になります。
I will affirm after doing countless manipulative treatments, massages, beauty treatments, etc., but this is the most effective. At first, I thought "I came to a bad place" to the BGM in the store and the staff's glue, but I got used to it. Although it is a different matter from the diet, the part that did not recover at all due to rehabilitation was cured. Is it magic ... Thank you for your continued support.
Rumina Tabata on Google

この前、癒庵堂さんにお伺いしました。 まず、何よりもすごいのはその場でびっくりするくらいの効果が出ることです。私はこれまでいくつかの整体院に行きましたが、一番効果が出たと思います。技術が凄すぎます。 また、スタッフさんがとても話しやすい方でとても楽しかったです。 是非皆さんにも一度行ってみてほしい整体院です。
The other day, I visited Mr. Heiando. First and foremost, the effect is amazing on the spot. I've been to several manipulative clinics so far, and I think it worked best. The technology is too great. Also, the staff was very easy to talk to and it was a lot of fun. It is a manipulative clinic that I would like everyone to visit once.
ぽあ【癒&ers】 on Google

It's a little far from knowing Heiando on YouTube, but I definitely want to go there once! When I made an inquiry over the phone and went to the store, the staff teacher was very kind and kind, and my anxiety was blown away. The treatment is so effective that it doesn't really seem like it's in the world! Immediately after receiving it, my body changed and the pain disappeared, and I am still surprised. Even if I was told that I didn't have to come, I will continue to attend! The director and staff teachers are all too nice and captivated!
ゆみ on Google

なんだか癖になる、個性派整体院です。 骨盤・小顔矯正はその場で変化が確認できます。 通って6ヶ月ほどで約6kg体重が落ちました! (施術+ストレッチ•よく噛む•1日水2ℓ) 首を調整してもらう時、自分でもびっくりするくらいボキボキっと鳴るのですが、全く痛みもなく、力んだりする前にふわっと終わっているところがすごいです。 すっきり!&首の可動域が広がります。 男気のある(?)実直な先生たちが揃っていて、 信頼できるところもおすすめポイントです。 整体院のYouTubeチャンネルがあるので、行く前にどんな雰囲気なのか予習できます◎
It is a unique manipulative clinic that becomes a habit. Changes in pelvis and small face correction can be confirmed on the spot. I lost about 6kg in about 6 months! (Treatment + Stretching • Chew well • 2ℓ of water per day) When I have my neck adjusted, it makes a surprisingly buzzing sound, but it's amazing that there is no pain at all and it finishes softly before I force myself. Clean! & Wider range of motion of the neck. There are masculine (?) Honest teachers, A reliable place is also a recommended point. There is a YouTube channel of the manipulative clinic, so you can prepare for what the atmosphere is like before you go ◎
みこ【癒&ers】 on Google

現在4回ほどしゅんや先生に施術をして頂きました。 痩せても肋骨が広がってお気に入りの洋服が入らないと施術中相談すると、すぐに対応してくれお気に入りの洋服が入るようになりました。 自分だけじゃ絶対に痩せれない部分を痩せさせてくれる夢のある整体院です。 ちなみに痩せるために通いましたが、腰痛・肩こり・首からくる肘の痛みも無くなっていました。
Currently, I have been treated by Shunya-sensei about 4 times. When I consulted during the procedure that my ribs would expand even if I was thin and I couldn't fit my favorite clothes, I immediately responded and my favorite clothes came to fit. It is a manipulative clinic with a dream that makes you lose weight in areas that you can never lose weight by yourself. By the way, I went to lose weight, but my back pain, stiff shoulders, and elbow pain from my neck were gone.
七味 on Google

いつも、いた先生にお世話になっています。 通い始めて3ヶ月したくらいの時に、 買ったはいいけれど、腰への食い込みが痛くて封印していたデニムスカート(全く伸縮しない)を履いてみると… 買った当初は無理矢理力を込めてウエストのボタンを閉めていたのに、びっくりするくらい簡単にボタンが止まるようになっていました!笑 自分で何をしても腰幅だけは決して痩せなかったのにちゃんと効果が出ていることも嬉しかったし、無理なく通える価格なので本当に素晴らしいと思います‼︎ 着替えも用意してあり、仕事帰りに寄らせて頂けるのもとても助かっています。 不安な方は、公式のYouTubeチャンネルでお店の雰囲気がわかるので、視聴してから行くと馴染めると思います。
I am always indebted to the teacher who was there. About 3 months after I started going It's okay to buy it, but when I put on the denim skirt (which doesn't stretch at all) that was sealed because it hurt to bite into my waist ... When I first bought it, I used to force myself to close the button on the waist, but it was surprisingly easy to stop the button! Lol No matter what I did, I was happy that the waist width was never thin, but it was effective, and I think it's really wonderful because it's a reasonable price! ︎ We have prepared a change of clothes, and it is very helpful to be able to drop in on the way home from work. If you are uneasy, you can see the atmosphere of the shop on the official YouTube channel, so I think you will get used to it after watching it.
お鈴【癒&ers】 on Google

即座に効果を実感できる、本当に出会えて良かった整体院です! 骨は鳴るけど痛くないし、骨盤が内側に入っているのが初回だけでもすぐに実感できました。感動です。肩や首の可動域も、施術前後の大差で毎回笑けてしまいます。私は1ヶ月通っただけで人からも「痩せたよね!」と言われるようになりました。感激です。 何より、先生方がとても気さくで大変お優しいです!私を担当してくださっているイタ先生は勿論、カーテン越しに色んな先生が声をかけてくれたり話題を共有したりします。先生方の軽快なトークと高度な施術の効果で、院内は常に笑いと感動で溢れています。とても心地良い空間です! ここまで素晴らしい上に、1回の骨盤矯正代が¥4,000!お値段も良心の塊です(3ヶ月で30万かけて通ってここまでの効果が出なかった某エステサロンは何だったのか…)。 効果良し、雰囲気良し、値段良し!文句のつけどころなんて、私には見つかりません!!
It is a manipulative clinic that I am really glad to meet, where you can immediately feel the effect! The bones ring but it doesn't hurt, and I immediately realized that the pelvis was inside even the first time. I'm impressed. The range of motion of the shoulders and neck also makes me laugh every time because of the big difference before and after the treatment. After just one month, people started to say, "You've lost weight!" I'm thrilled. Above all, the teachers are very friendly and very kind! Not only Mr. Ita, who is in charge of me, but also various teachers talk to me and share topics through the curtains. The hospital is always full of laughter and excitement due to the light talks of the teachers and the effects of advanced treatments. It's a very comfortable space! It's so wonderful, and one pelvis correction fee is ¥ 4,000! The price is also a lump of conscience (what was a certain beauty salon that took 300,000 in 3 months and did not have such an effect ...). Good effect, good atmosphere, good price! I can't find anything to complain about! !!

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