
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ザ・クリニック東京

住所 :

Nishiazabu, Minato City, 〒106-0031 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://www.theclinic.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Nishiazabu, Minato City, 〒106-0031 Tokyo,Japan
M H on Google

内腿、外腿、膝の脂肪吸引をして頂き、2ヶ月経過した者です。 6ヶ月で完成するというお話でしたが、現時点で、知人にも痩せたと言われるほどの効果を実感しています。 他院の症例に対する修正施術もなさっているというほど、技術が高いのはもちろんですが、医師、看護師やコンシェルジュの方の接客もすばらしいです。 疑問点は解消されるまでしっかり話してくださいますし、院内に施術経験済みの看護師やコンシェルジュの方が多く、生の意見を聞けるのも非常に参考になりました。 術後も定期的にLINE等を通じて経過を確認してくださいますし、何かあった時はLINEで連絡して、すぐに解決して頂いています。術後の経過中に必要になった内服薬や塗り薬が全てクリニック負担なのも魅力です。 次回、また今年中に腹部の脂肪吸引を予定しています。 私自身も内科医をしており、医師としての目線で、間違いなく信用できる、おすすめできるクリニックです。 個人の一意見ですが、ぜひ参考にされてください。
Two months have passed since liposuction of the inner thigh, outer thigh, and knee. It was said that it will be completed in 6 months, but at this point, I have realized the effect that even acquaintances say that I have lost weight. Of course, the technique is so high that we are also performing correction treatments for cases in other hospitals, but the customer service of doctors, nurses and concierges is also wonderful. Please talk to me until the questions are resolved, and there are many nurses and concierges who have experience in the hospital, and it was very helpful to hear the opinions of the students. Even after the operation, we regularly check the progress through LINE etc., and if something happens, we will contact you via LINE and have you resolve it immediately. It is also attractive that all the internal medicines and ointments needed during the postoperative course are borne by the clinic. Next time, I plan to have abdominal liposuction again later this year. I myself am a physician, and from the perspective of a doctor, I can definitely trust and recommend this clinic. This is an individual opinion, but please refer to it.
なみ on Google

大本命は太股の脂肪吸引ですが、今回は二の腕の脂肪吸引をしました。 担当してくださったのは今西先生です。 物腰が柔らかく、お忙しい中でもLINEでの術後のご相談に親身に対応してくださりありがたかったです。 不安になっても、LINEにて逐一ご相談にのって頂ける点はとてもいいなと思います。 術後1週間(抜糸日)にて口コミを書いているため、評価の方は☆4としました。 理由としては、まだ浮腫が酷く細さを実感できていないためです。 そのほかに関しては、カウンセリング〜抜糸に至るまで、丁寧にご対応頂けたため大変満足しております。 内出血に関しては、処方していただいた治打撲一方という漢方のおかげか、1週間経った段階であまり気にならない状態です。また、傷口に関しても、看護師の方にお聞きした通りにきちんとテープを貼っていたおかげかみみず腫れもなく綺麗です。 細さを実感できるのが3〜6ヶ月後ということなので気長に経過をまちたいと思います。
My big favorite is liposuction of the thighs, but this time I did liposuction of the upper arm. The person in charge was Professor Imanishi. I'm soft and I'm grateful for your kindness in responding to post-operative consultations on LINE even when I'm busy. Even if you feel uneasy, I think it's very nice that you can consult with us one by one on LINE. Since I wrote a review one week after the operation (the day of thread removal), the evaluation was ☆ 4. The reason is that the edema is so severe that I have not yet realized the fineness. Regarding other matters, we are very satisfied because we were able to respond carefully from counseling to thread removal. With regard to internal bleeding, I am not so worried about it after a week, probably because of the prescription of the Chinese medicine, which is one of the cures. Also, the wound is clean without swelling, thanks to the fact that the tape was properly applied as I asked the nurse. It will be 3 to 6 months later that you can feel the fineness, so I would like to wait patiently.
o a on Google

中居先生に顔の脂肪吸引をしていただきました。何年も悩んでなかなか踏み出せずにいましたが、丁寧なカウンセリングで不安が希望に変わったので思い切って行うことにしました。 他院でもカウンセリングを受けましたが、一番親身にカウンセリングしてくださいましたし、多数の実績を持ってらっしゃる先生にお願いしたいと思い、こちらに決めました。また院内も衛生的で綺麗で細やかな心遣いがあることもこちらに決めた要因の一つです。 施術当日も、手術らしい手術が初めてだったので不安でしたが、当日ついてくださった看護師の方々がとても丁寧で頼もしくて、心強かったです。ありがとうございました。 術後は、痛みやむくみ、内出血が出て不安になりましたが、事前にしっかり術後の症状などについて聞いていましたし、LINEでいつでも相談できるので、今は我慢の時、と不安を払拭することができました。そうした術前の説明、術後のフォローもしっかりしてくださるので安心です。 まだむくみや内出血もある時期ですが、マッサージなどしながら経過を見て、イメージしていた形に近づくのが楽しみです。今後の経過も一緒に相談したいただけるので、それも心強いです。引き続きよろしくお願いします。
I had Mr. Nakai do liposuction on my face. I had been worried for many years and couldn't take the step, but I decided to take the plunge because my anxiety turned into hope after careful counseling. I received counseling at other hospitals, but I decided to do it because I wanted to ask a teacher who has a lot of achievements and gave me the most personal counseling. In addition, one of the factors that decided here is that the hospital is also hygienic, clean, and delicate. On the day of the operation, I was worried because it was my first time to have an operation that seems to be an operation, but the nurses who followed me on the day were very polite and reliable, and it was encouraging. Thank you very much. After the operation, I was worried because of pain, swelling, and internal bleeding, but I had heard about the postoperative symptoms in advance, and I can always consult on LINE, so I am worried that it is time to put up with it. I was able to wipe it off. I am relieved that such preoperative explanations and postoperative follow-ups will be solid. There is still swelling and internal bleeding, but I'm looking forward to seeing the progress while massaging and getting closer to the shape I had imagined. It is also encouraging to be able to discuss the future progress together. Thank you, continue.
にまめちゃんねる on Google

I've always been concerned about the fat on my upper arms and shoulders. There were various failures on the upper arm and shoulder, so I chose the clinic carefully. This clinic was really relieved because he heard all the anxieties in the counseling and the teacher palpated well in the examination. In addition, when liposuction was performed at another hospital, the wound did not heal well and redness remained clearly, so this time we nominated Dr. Murata, who specializes in scar repair. Everyone at this clinic was very polite and kind, so I was able to attend without any tension on the day of surgery. Also, the marking on the day of surgery was more polite and surprising than other hospitals. I have swelling one week after the operation, but I am very happy that the line is beautiful when viewed from the side without taking too much fat. I am very grateful that the prescribed medicines can be re-prescribed according to the postoperative course. In addition, the nurses shared the anxiety that they muttered immediately after the operation, and when they pulled out the thread, they asked, "What about the ◯◯ you mentioned before?" I'm glad that you shared even the smallest things. It was really nice to meet Mr. Murata, this clinic. thank you.
misa misa on Google

お腹と腰の脂肪吸引をお願いしました。 最初のカウンセリングから術後に至るまで、スタッフの方々全員が、不安が無くなるまで時間をかけて丁寧に対応して下さりとても感動しました。 今回は加藤先生が担当して下さり、カウンセリング時から私の質問に対して詳しく説明して下さりました。また、先生は1日に何件もの脂肪吸引手術を施している実績があり、安心して手術にのぞめました。手術後、シャワーを浴びる際に初めてお腹と腰を見た時は、思っていたより内出血もなく、とてもほっそりとしていてとても嬉しかったです。今まで3つのクリニックで脂肪吸引をしてきましたが、ザクリニックさんがダントツで仕上がりもよく、安心感がありました。ただ、料金面で他クリニックさんよりも高く感じてしまったため、マイナス1とさせて頂きました。 しかし、今後また脂肪吸引をする際や、友人・家族がしようとする際は絶対にザクリニックさんを紹介したいと感じました。この度は、本当にありがとうございました。悩んでいましたが、脂肪吸引をやって良かったです。
I asked for liposuction of the abdomen and waist. From the first counseling to the postoperative period, all the staff members took the time to respond politely until the anxiety disappeared, and I was very impressed. This time, Professor Kato was in charge and explained in detail to my question from the time of counseling. In addition, the teacher has a track record of performing many liposuction surgeries a day, so I was relieved to have surgery. When I first saw my stomach and hips when I took a shower after the surgery, I was very happy that I had no internal bleeding than I expected and was very slender. I've been doing liposuction at three clinics so far, but I was relieved that the clinic was very good and the finish was good. However, I felt that the price was higher than other clinics, so I decided to set it to -1. However, I definitely wanted to introduce Mr. The Clinic when I had liposuction again or when my friends and family tried to do it. This time, thank you very much. I was worried, but I'm glad I did liposuction.
cq on Google

術後1ヶ月目です。 大腿部全周・膝の脂肪吸引とCRF(豊胸)を行いました。結果、ダイエットでは得られなかった脚のライン、体質的に不可能だったバストのサイズアップを叶えることができました。 決め手は、脂肪吸引・注入の技術指導機関であり症例数が多いこと=安心感、担当医の今西先生や看護師の方々の専門性の高さとホスピタリティに溢れる人としての品格です。 特に、カウンセリング時の不安に寄り添い、的確な助言をしてくださった看護師の方の対応は、心強く忘れられません。 初回から経過観察まで、継続して安心感を抱くことは何にも変えられないと思います。 貴院にお願いして心から良かったと思います。
It is one month after the operation. We performed fat suction and CRF (breast augmentation) around the thigh and knee. As a result, I was able to achieve the leg line that I could not get on a diet and the size increase of the bust that was physically impossible. The decisive factor is that it is a technical guidance institution for fat suction and injection, and the number of cases is large = a sense of security, and the high degree of specialization and hospitality of the doctor in charge, Dr. Imanishi and the nurses. In particular, I will never forget the response of the nurses who gave me accurate advice and were close to the anxiety during counseling. From the first time to the follow-up, I think that continuing to have a sense of security cannot be changed. I am glad to ask you.
Clara Bodin - Official on Google

They didn't make my face look any better. I wasted a lot of money here and now my face looks ridiculous. I had to go to the hospital. I do not recommend this place
W G on Google

Had a wonderful Vaser Lipo on arms experience in The Clinic Tokyo. The service was polite and thoughtful, and thanks to the experienced doctor and nurses the surgery went smoothly. They also send me reminders during the downtime. Still takes a few more days to recover but my arms absolutely got slimmer and shaped nicer than before, can’t wait to see the final results!

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