
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ピタットハウス西新井店

住所 :

Nishiaraisakaecho, Adachi City, 〒121-0816 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.pitat.com/shopDetail/nishiarai.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishiaraisakaecho, Adachi City, 〒121-0816 Tokyo,Japan
ウヨ on Google

スタッフの方の対応が良かった。スピード感ある物件探しと豊富な情報量。賃貸でも売買でもお世話になって感謝しております。 是非他の不動産会社と比べてみて下さい。
The staff was very friendly. Finding properties with a sense of speed and a wealth of information. I am grateful to you both for renting and buying and selling. Please compare it with other real estate companies.
。 “‪Chi‬” Chi on Google

この店は約束を守れない! 調べてすぐ折り返すとの電話がない! これを3度やられた! クレームより先にここの従業員 頭大丈夫か?と思いここの書き込み
This store can't keep its promise! There is no phone call to call back immediately after checking! I've done this three times! Employees here before complaints Are you okay with your head? I think writing here
桜紗 on Google

There were no complaints and they responded very smoothly.
中村慎吾 on Google

休日中、同一マンション内で好条件の4物件が登録されていたので、電話で問い合わせ。当然休日なので、電話は掛からず、メールで問い合わせを行う。 休日明け9時、条件や問い合わせ可能日時などをメールの返信が来たので、条件や問い合わせ可能電話番号などを記載し、すぐに返信 同日11時になって電話を掛けてみた所、3物件はすでに決まっているとのこと。 1物件は13時に内見できると言われたので、なんとか時間を作り再度電話。その際現地ではなく店舗に来てくれと言われる。 さらに付け加えて、13時までの間に申し込みされるかもと言われる。 「不動産業界の慣習として、来店しようがしまいが、内見は問い合わせ順に処理を行うでしょう?」 と説明させてもらったが、この会社の方針で、来店した人優先なんですって。 ・・・。 なお、当該物件は今も掲載されっぱなしです。
During the holidays, 4 properties with favorable conditions were registered in the same condominium, so please contact us by phone. Of course, it's a holiday, so I don't make a phone call and make inquiries by email. At 9 o'clock after the holiday, I received an e-mail reply with the conditions and the date and time when inquiries can be made, so enter the conditions and telephone numbers that can be inquired and reply immediately When I called at 11 o'clock on the same day, it was said that 3 properties had already been decided. I was told that I could preview one property at 13:00, so I managed to make some time and call again. At that time, you are asked to come to the store instead of the site. In addition, it is said that applications may be made by 13:00. "It is customary in the real estate industry, whether you come to the store or not, will the preview be processed in the order of inquiries?" I explained that, according to the policy of this company, priority is given to those who come to the store. ... The property is still listed.
on Google

I couldn't get in touch with him once because of my circumstances, but he responded without a disgusting face. It was helpful to have me respond by e-mail to suit me who couldn't make a phone call.
レオナルドベンゴ・フェリペ on Google

ピタットハウスの方とお話をすることなく、賃貸契約が完了したのですが、契約時にピタットハウスの口コミをする必要がありましたので、とりあえず評価します。 単刀直入に言いますと、評価のしようがありません。 ただ、契約が複雑というか要求が多いため、評価3とさせていただきます。
The rental contract was completed without talking to the Pitat House, but I had to review the Pitat House at the time of the contract, so I will evaluate it for the time being. To put it straightforwardly, there is no way to evaluate it. However, since the contract is complicated or there are many requests, we will give it a rating of 3.
市川翔 on Google

不動産屋に限らず営業って 契約して欲しいと、押し付けがましくなってしまうものですが今回担当して下さった、三浦さん 相手の気持ちを考えて物件の紹介をしてくださったり、内覧の行き帰りの際、たわいもない話やちょっとしたスポットなども教えてくれてとても気持ちが良かったです。そして、物件の契約する際も、スムーズに対応して下さりありがとうございました。 これからもお仕事頑張ってください。
Not limited to real estate agents If you want me to sign a contract, it will be difficult to push, but Mr. Miura who was in charge of this time It was very nice to think about the feelings of the other person and introduce the property, and to tell me a story and a little spot when going back and forth between the previews. And thank you for your smooth response when contracting the property. Please do your best in the future.
iori akiba on Google

At first, when I contacted him through SUMO, he responded kindly and politely, and quickly searched for a property that was close to my wishes. I'm sorry I couldn't make a contract through Mr. Yonemoto. However, even at that time, he did not look unpleasant and took my feelings and pushed me to make it a property of another company. I would definitely like to consult with Mr. Yonemoto at the next opportunity. I'm really thankful to you.

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