
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リトル・ベアー

住所 :

Niikura, Wako, 〒351-0115 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Saitama

Niikura, Wako, 〒351-0115 Saitama,Japan
加藤あきひ on Google

The ice was delicious
一則Plagepournager on Google

A bakery that is looking forward to creative bread. Yutaka Mizutani is also a bakery that stopped by.
TheGhostBlackops on Google

I always bought bread at this bakery before going to school. And the bakery owner is kind! !! !! !! !! Great bakery. The bread was delicious!
菅原裕治 on Google

隠しキャラ 動物クッキー美味しいよ!
Hidden character Animal cookies are delicious!
宇治抹茶ラテ on Google

子供が赤ちゃんの頃から購入しています。 子供連れで行っても温かく迎えて下さいますし 地域の学生さんやお年寄りなど、幅広い年代の方で賑わっています。 パンは個包装で安心ですし、リーズナブルで、どれも美味しいです。 うちの家族はラピュタパンが大好きで、あれば必ず購入します。 パンダのクッキーもあり、友人の子供にプレゼントしたら大喜びでした*
I have been buying it since my child was a baby. Even if you bring children, you will be warmly welcomed. It is crowded with people of all ages, including local students and the elderly. Bread is individually wrapped and safe, reasonably priced, and all are delicious. My family loves Laputa bread and will definitely buy it if there is one. There was also a panda cookie, and I was delighted to give it to my friend's child *
Kサノイ on Google

値段はとっても手頃だと思います。 菓子パン、惣菜パンからロールパン、フランスパンまであります。 午後の時間に伺ったので午前中ならばもっと種類はあるかもしれません。 あんぱん推しのようで購入、お試しで食べてみようと思います。 また伺います。
I think the price is very reasonable. There are sweet breads, prepared breads, rolls, and French breads. I visited in the afternoon, so there may be more kinds in the morning. I will buy it like Anpanshi and I will try it and try it. I will visit you again.
APTX 4869 on Google

いつか行きたいと思い、今日初めて買いに行きました。 どこか懐かしい感じがする街のパン屋さんです。店内で目移りしつつ…気になるパンをいくつか購入しました。 その中でもクリームパンは美味しかったです。 また買いに行きます。
I wanted to go someday, so I went to buy it for the first time today. It's a bakery in a town that feels nostalgic. While moving around in the store ... I bought some bread that I was interested in. Among them, the cream bun was delicious. I will go buy it again.
Noboru Narigasawa on Google

街のパン屋さん。 和光市にはパン屋さんがない。 いや、あるけど味は。 コンビニはスーパーのパンはどれも美味しい。 ただ、こういう街のパン屋の味は別格。 最近はたまにしか開店してないのが残念。 特に土日。 種類は豊富で甘いのから惣菜まで。 今日はカレーパン、ラスク、コッペパン、ガトーショコラケーキ? 手作りでオヤジさん、息子さん夫婦が営んでいる街のパン屋さん。 この味わいはここだけだと。 良いパン屋さんなので長く続いてほしい!
A bakery in the city. There is no bakery in Wako. No, but it tastes good. At convenience stores, all supermarket bread is delicious. However, the taste of bakeries in such towns is exceptional. It's a pity that the store has only opened occasionally these days. Especially on Saturdays and Sundays. There is a wide variety of sweets, from side dishes to side dishes. Today is curry bread, rusks, koppe bread, gateau chocolate cake ? A handmade bakery in the town run by a father and his son. This taste is only here. It's a good bakery so I want you to continue for a long time!

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