東日本橋整形外科 手のクリニック

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東日本橋整形外科 手のクリニック

住所 :

Nihonbashiyokoyamacho, Chuo City, 〒103-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.seikei-tegeka.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:45AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:45AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:45AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:45AM–12PM
Thursday 8:45AM–12PM
Friday 8:45AM–12PM
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashiyokoyamacho, Chuo City, 〒103-0003 Tokyo,Japan
城山隆 on Google

この病院は、「手のクリニック」となっていますが「手」が専科であって一般的な整形外科とまったく同じく診療して頂けます。入院施設がなく日帰り手術が基本になります。手術後翌日から消毒の為に通院しなければなりません。カード支払いができず現金支払いとなります。症状にもよりますが、指先痺れを元通りに肘の神経の圧迫を和らげる手術は、7万円程になりAMとPMの診察の合間にとりおこないました。手術とリハビリ以外は予約ができません!先生が、兎に角おもろい! 術後の経過ですが、7週目で驚異的な回復力ということ。神経 は 若い!とお褒めのお言葉を頂きました。流石、関東地区の患者さんが通院する訳です。混雑する理由を再認識させて頂きました。あと、看護士、受付事務の皆さんの教育にも力を入れているようで、いい感じの病院です!さすが!です!因みに、エレベーターもありますのでリハビリも安心です。最後に先生は、プライドを持って対応して下さいます!
This hospital is a "hand clinic", but "hand" is a specialized course and you can treat it just like general orthopedics. There is no hospitalization facility, and one-day surgery is fundamental. You must go to the hospital for disinfection the next day after surgery. Cash payment is not possible. Depending on the symptom, the operation to relieve the pressure on the elbow nerve to restore the fingertip numbness cost about 70,000 yen and was performed between AM and PM examinations. No reservations can be made except for surgery and rehabilitation! The teacher is horny! It is the progress after the operation, but it is amazing resilience in the seventh week. The nerve is young! I received a compliment. This is why patients in the Kanto region go to the hospital. I reaffirmed the reason for the congestion. Also, it seems to be a good hospital that seems to put effort into the education of nurses and receptionists! As expected! is! By the way, there is an elevator, so rehabilitation is safe. Finally, the teacher will respond with pride!
竹澤咲 on Google

先生は自分の意見を一方的に押し付け、こちらの話には一切耳を傾けようともしません。 患者さんが多いですが、人気だからというより非効率、人手不足による回転率の悪さのためだと思います。
The teacher unilaterally imposes his opinion and does not listen to this story at all. There are many patients, but I think it is because of inefficiency and poor turnover due to labor shortage, rather than because of its popularity.
冨田公一 on Google

手首の痛みが取れず、専門に見てもらおうと行ったが待たされる。 それは有名な医者と思うと良いのだが、受付の看護師の対応が、痛くて来訪してくる客に対しての邪険すぎるので減点
I couldn't get rid of my wrist pain, so I went to see him professionally, but I was kept waiting. It's good to think of it as a famous doctor, but the nurse at the reception is too intrusive for the visiting customers, so the points are deducted.
のりころ範子 on Google

I think the hospital is a good hospital where teachers, nurses and receptionists are polite. However, the waiting time is too long! ️ For 3 hours, just waiting makes my back hurt and the waiting time is really too long. I have a backache! ️
アルサイ on Google

他の整形外科では治らなかった手首の痛みで受診しました。すぐにMRI→手術となりました。手術後、全く痛みはとれず、全然改善できないため、通わなくなりました。一番痛みの強い掌側に硬いしこりがあったため、色々ネットで調べたところ、ガングリオンの疑いがあり、治療法のひとつである強く押し潰す方法(素人はやらない方が良い)で自分で行ったところ、治りました!手の専門病院に通って治らなかった痛みを自分で治しました!事実です! ここの医者は経緯や状況を把握して、しっかりと触診してくれません。 わざわざ遠くから通った時間とお金が無駄になりました。
I had a medical examination because of wrist pain that could not be cured by other orthopedics. Immediately, MRI → surgery. After the operation, I couldn't get rid of the pain at all and couldn't improve at all, so I couldn't go. There was a hard lump on the palm side, which is the most painful, so I searched on various nets and found that there was a suspicion of ganglion. By the way, it has healed! I went to a hospital specializing in hands and healed the pain I couldn't get rid of myself! It's a fact! The doctor here doesn't know what happened and what's going on and doesn't palpate. I wasted my time and money when I went all the way from afar.
yama on Google

他院で誤診を受けたので、2軒目でこちらにきました。診察は的確かつ、説明も丁寧で安心しました。 必要のないレントゲンや薬の処方もなく、信頼できました。 ただ、人気院らしく、ものすごい待つので待つ覚悟が必要です。(2時間待った日もあります)待ち時間を費やす本など持参が良いかも。テレビがついているので私はテレビをみていましたが。 フリーWi-Fiがあったらいいのになと思いました。
I received a misdiagnosis at another hospital, so I came here at the second house. The examination was accurate and the explanation was polite and reassuring. I was reliable because there were no unnecessary X-rays or prescriptions for medicines. However, it seems to be a popular hospital, and it is a tremendous wait, so you need to be prepared to wait. (Some days I waited for 2 hours.) It may be good to bring a book that you spend waiting time. I was watching TV because it has a TV. I wish I had free Wi-Fi.
tomoko nagayama on Google

The teacher has a quick and accurate diagnosis. It may not be suitable for people who want to talk carefully. I had an operation on my spring finger, but I felt that he was a good teacher just because he was touching his hand. I think it's a good hospital except for waiting time and compulsion of non-woven masks.
みかん on Google

評価は1ですが、マイナス5としたい。 まず、経緯、状況を重要視しない。患者に対しての思いやりも皆無。どのようにして実体を把握するのだろう。 会話も一方的で思い込みも激しく、患者を不愉快にさせてる事への気付きもない。 こんな医師は初めてだ。凄い! お一人を除いて全体的に同じ感じでした。 似たコメントをされていた方、お辛かったでしょうね。 貴重な時間と交通費をドブに捨てたも同然。
The rating is 1, but I want to make it minus 5. First, we do not emphasize the circumstances and circumstances. No compassion for the patient. How do you know the substance? The conversation is one-sided, the beliefs are intense, and there is no notice that it makes the patient uncomfortable. This is the first doctor like this. amazing! It was the same overall except for one person. Those who made similar comments would have had a hard time. It's almost like throwing away precious time and transportation expenses.

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