National Defense Medical College Hospital - Tokorozawa

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact National Defense Medical College Hospital

住所 :

3 Chome-2 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-8513, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 359-8513
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5PM
Friday 8:30AM–5PM

3 Chome-2 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-8513, Japan
toto ro on Google

紹介状の宛名の医師がいる日を事前に電話確認して受診したのに、その医師はほぼ外来に来ていませんと言われました。 残念です。 こちらの口コミ通り、採血で二回失敗され笑ってしまいました。 予め覚悟していったので予想通りでした。 古い建物なのは仕方ないですが、薄暗いので通院するにも気持ちが沈みます。 明かりだけでも明るくしてもらえたら嬉しいです。
I called in advance to confirm the day when the doctor addressed to the referral letter was there, but I was told that the doctor had hardly come to the outpatient department. I'm sorry. According to this review, I failed to collect blood twice and laughed. I was prepared in advance, so it was as expected. It can't be helped because it's an old building, but it's dim so it makes me feel down when I go to the hospital. I would be happy if you could make it brighter with just the light.
ファットマン on Google

よくある何とかクリニックとかと比べると3段階、4段階うえで何とかクリニックでは「加齢のせいです問題ありません」とか言われて処方箋もなかったものが、ここではしっかり病名も出てきて、治療の対応があります。 信用レベル、医術レベルが断然違いますね。 残念なのは患者が多いので、受付から実際の診察まで時間がかかることでしょうか。 でも、しっかり検査もしてもらえるのはとてもいいですね。
Compared to the usual clinic, there are 3 stages and 4 stages, and at the clinic, there was no prescription because it was said that "it's because of aging, there is no problem", but here the name of the disease comes out firmly and treatment is handled. there is. The credit level and medical level are definitely different. Unfortunately, there are many patients, so it may take some time from reception to the actual examination. However, it is very nice to have a thorough inspection.
【メインチャンネル】だーま on Google

先生はとても丁寧ですが科の電話対応は最悪です。 保留音も鳴らさずに電話を待たせるので個人情報だだ漏れです。 詳しく質問すると都合が悪いのか勝手に切ります。それでも折り返しの電話は出来ない病院のシステムで逃げます。 「電話対応改めた方がいいですよ、最初から保留音も鳴らさないと個人情報が流れますよ?」と指摘すると黙ります。 医師の対応や技術が良くても、受付が個人情報等のコンプライアンスの観念から言うと全くプロの仕事ではありません。 主治医は言い方なので星2つ。
The teacher is very polite, but the telephone response of the department is the worst. It is a leak of personal information because it makes the call wait without ringing the hold sound. If you ask a detailed question, I will cut it arbitrarily whether it is inconvenient. Even so, I can't make a call back and escape with the hospital system. When I point out, "It's better to change the telephone response, personal information will flow if you don't play the hold tone from the beginning?" Even if the doctor's response and skills are good, the receptionist is not a professional job at all from the viewpoint of compliance with personal information. My doctor is saying it, so it has two stars.
momo SJ. on Google

先生は話を聞いてくれるいい先生もいます。 一番最初の受付の方はみなさんとても感じがよく親切でした。ですがレントゲンの時の声の大きい太めの男性と心電図の時のメガネをかけた年配の女性がとても感じが悪く、痛くて立てないのに『ちゃんと立って!』『まっすぐ立って!』と大きな声で言われ、心電図のところでは痛くてもたもたしてしまっていたら早くしてと言わんばかりの嫌な顔と態度をされました。あととても乱暴で痛かったのでもう行きたくありません。
S S on Google

There are good doctors, but since they are the Self-Defense Forces, they will be transferred in a few years. The hospital ward only cleans the same place, so there are some dirty places. The food at the time of admission is not good for the lowest class. Since it is a university hospital, residents will perform surgery. I had a 2 hour scheduled surgery and it took 4 hours.
tom tom on Google

子供の頃からお世話になっています。 こちらで3回手術を受けました。 40年近く通院しています。 航空公園駅が無かった頃は、新所沢駅からタクシーで通いました。 昔は今よりずっと待ち時間が長く、受診は一日がかりで会計でもかなり待ちました。 通院は何かと不便なことも多かったですが、当時の先生方は親切丁寧に診察してくださいました。誠実な対応に感謝しています。 現在は病院のシステムも医療も進歩したかも知れませんが、医師の人間としての質は大分落ちたように思います。患者に対する姿勢が以前と全然違います。 長くお世話になっている病院だけに残念です。
I have been indebted since I was a child. I had three surgeries here. I have been going to the hospital for almost 40 years. When there was no aviation park station, I took a taxi from Shin-Tokorozawa station. In the past, the waiting time was much longer than it is now, and it took me a whole day to get a medical examination, and I had to wait a long time for accounting. It was often inconvenient to go to the hospital, but the teachers at that time kindly and politely examined me. Thank you for your sincere response. The hospital system and medical care may have improved now, but I think that the quality of doctors as human beings has deteriorated significantly. The attitude towards the patient is completely different than before. It's a pity only for the hospital that has been indebted for a long time.
あい on Google

産婦人科病棟でお世話になりました。 看護師さん、先生方はいつも忙しそうですが皆さん気さくな感じで優しいです。特に先生方は皆さんお若いですが入院時の説明や検査結果等分かりやすく丁寧に説明して下さいます。毎回わからない事や聞きたい事は無いかともきちんと聞いてもらえますので質問もしやすかったです。 ただ、看護師長だけは患者に寄り添う気が無いのかな…と同じ部屋の皆でよく話していました。指導する立場だからかもしれませんがよく看護師さんを追いかけ回して欠点を見つけては説教していたり、バタバタしている看護師さん達を常に監視しているだけに感じました。 体調に関わるあるトラブルがあり、看護師さん達に相談したら皆さん親身になって聞いて下さってどうにかならないか聞いてみます!と何人かの方が言って下さったのに師長が全て却下したようで。それからメンタルが落ちて悲しくなりました。 時々朝挨拶に病室に顔を出してはくれましたが気持ちがこもってないのがバレバレ。正直不要です。 皆さん印象良いのに、残念ですね。
Thank you for your help in the obstetrics and gynecology ward. The nurses and teachers seem to be busy all the time, but they are all friendly and kind. In particular, all the teachers are young, but please explain in an easy-to-understand manner such as explanations at the time of admission and test results. It was easy to ask questions because every time I was asked if there was something I didn't understand or wanted to ask. However, I wonder if only the chief nurse is not willing to snuggle up to the patient ... I often talked with everyone in the same room. It may be because I am in a position to teach, but I often chase after the nurses to find defects and preach, and I feel that I am always watching the nurses who are fluttering. I have some troubles related to my physical condition, so if I consult with the nurses, I'll ask them if they can help me. Some people said, but it seems that the teacher rejected everything. Then my mental health fell and I became sad. He sometimes appeared in the hospital room for greetings in the morning, but I wasn't feeling well. To be honest, it is unnecessary. Everyone has a good impression, but it's a shame.
Tom Dillon on Google

I have been using Boeidai's services for a number of years, mostly for a chronic neck condition. I will not go anymore. The reason is the waiting time. They have a reservation system and sometimes the system works. Other times, I have sat two or three hours beyond the reservation before being called. A friend says the same thing happens to him. After waiting for two and a half hours today -- the second such occurrence this year and one of several over the past ten -- I just feel too frustrated to continue. I have not been to a hospital with a reservation system that so frequently postpones the scheduled time (and never with a word about it). I'll find some place else.

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