Namiki Hospital - Tokorozawa

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Namiki Hospital

住所 :

5 Chome-2753 Higashisayamagaoka, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1106, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 359-1106
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9–11:30AM
Tuesday 9–11:30AM
Wednesday 9–11:30AM
Thursday 9–11:30AM
Friday 9–11:30AM

中村夕華里 on Google

46o,!? ? ! Mon! Mondaiw.?!? tj
taki take on Google

A hospital in a field that cannot be visited without a car
AM AU on Google

It is rattle. It's always available
ろこんさん on Google

ここは防衛医大から先生が来ており、連携しています。お隣はケアハウスで直結。家族も安心できるかも? うちは、年老いた家族が入院していましたが、先生もナースさんも、ヘルパーさんもみなお年寄りに優しく、驚きました。 内科の西井先生お世話になりました?
A teacher from National Defense Medical College is here and we are working together. The next door is directly connected to the care house. May my family feel at ease? We had an elderly family hospitalized, but I was surprised that the teachers, nurses, and helpers were all kind to the elderly. Thank you to Professor Nishii of Internal Medicine ?
S S on Google

並木病院 訪問看護のステッカーをつけた車が平然とタバコの灰を車外へ捨てながら走るのを見た。後ろを走れっていると、車線をはみ出すことも数回。人の命を預かる仕事、という意識はどうやら持ち合わせていないようだ。最寄り病院が並木病院でないことを幸せに思う。
Namiki Hospital I saw a car with a sticker for home-visit nursing running while throwing cigarette ashes out of the car. When I was running behind, I sometimes went out of the lane several times. Apparently, he doesn't have the consciousness of a job that takes care of people's lives. I am happy that the nearest hospital is not Namiki Hospital.
kouji on Google

私が具合がわるくても、ここだけは運ばれたくない。 病状の対応ってだいたいどこも同じかんじですが、窓口受付の対応が雑すぎるとかんじます。 所沢にすんでいて、評判もありますが、行きたくないくらいの感覚を覚えました。
Even if I'm sick, I don't want to be carried here. The treatment of medical conditions is almost the same everywhere, but I think that the reception desk at the counter is too messy. I live in Tokorozawa and have a good reputation, but I felt like I didn't want to go.
豆柴 on Google

乳腺外科…最悪です。若い人には親切らしいですが、年寄り相手には罵詈雑言、ドクハラもいいところです。急変時も「次回予約時に来てくれ」の返答のみ。仕方なく他院に救急搬送。 事務…淡々としてます。可もなく不可もなく。 内科…いい先生ですが、若いゆえか患者の希望よりご本人の治療ポリシーを優先する傾向あり。 看護師…とても親身になってくれる方がいました。業務も大変だろうにありがたかったです。 一方でなんやこいつ…みたいのもいるので、組織としての力というよりは、個々人の思いと力量の差にみえました。
Breast surgery ... the worst. It seems to be kind to young people, but abusive miscellaneous words and dochara are also good for older people. Even in the case of a sudden change, only the reply "Please come at the next reservation". There is no choice but to transport it to another hospital. Office work ... It's just plain. It's neither good nor bad. Internal medicine ... Although he is a good teacher, he tends to prioritize his treatment policy over the patient's wishes, probably because he is young. Nurse ... There was a person who was very kind to me. I am grateful that the work will be difficult. On the other hand, there are some things like this one, so it seemed to be the difference in individual thoughts and abilities rather than the power as an organization.
glog 18C on Google

ここは最悪。 アカツと言う院長は診察ではなく人の肘を掴み自分の意見を押し通す。 マジで最悪。看護師は医療ハラスメントの概念が欠如していて不躾。 2度と行かない。
This is the worst. The director, Akatsu, grabs a person's elbow instead of a medical examination and pushes his opinion through. Seriously the worst. Nurses are unscrupulous because they lack the concept of medical harassment. I will never go again.

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