
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 潟沼レストハウス

住所 :

Narukoonsen, Ōsaki, 〒989-6823 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–3PM
Sunday 10AM–3PM
Monday 10AM–3PM
Tuesday 10AM–3PM
Wednesday 10AM–3PM
Thursday 10AM–3PM
Friday 10AM–3PM
街 : Miyagi

Narukoonsen, Ōsaki, 〒989-6823 Miyagi,Japan
M Inoue on Google

鳴子温泉には時々訪れますが、温泉地のすぐ近くにこのようなところがあったのを知りませんでした。 平日にも関わらずそこそこ人がいてパドルボード?をやっていました。 あいにくと雲が多くきれいな湖面を見ることは出来ませんでしたが、また訪れてみたいと思います。
I visit Naruko Onsen from time to time, but I didn't know that there was such a place in the immediate vicinity of the hot spring area. Even though it's a weekday, there are so many people and paddleboarding? I was doing. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the beautiful surface of the lake with many clouds, but I would like to visit again.
氏家純 on Google

宮城県大崎市鳴子にあります 潟沼レストハウスさんに行って来ました✨ こちらのお店では温泉水で入れたコーヒーが飲めます✨ コーヒーは温泉の湯を使用しています✨ 血液をサラサラにして動脈硬化、糖尿病に良いとされている全国でも数少ない温泉です✨ ていねいに入れたなめらかさとコクの深いコーヒーに仕上がっております✨ とっても美味しいです✨ チョコレート?が2個付いていたのも嬉しかったです✨ 店主さんも優しい方で潟沼のことを丁寧に教えてくださいました✨ 素晴らしい景色と温泉の湯で作ったコーヒー最高でした✨ ごちそうさまでした✨ #宮城県大崎市 #潟沼レストハウス #温泉水でコーヒー #鳴子温泉 #色が変わる湖
Located in Naruko, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture I went to Katanuma Rest House ✨ At this shop, you can drink coffee made with hot spring water ✨ Coffee uses hot spring water ✨ It is one of the few hot springs in Japan that is said to be good for arteriosclerosis and diabetes by smoothing blood. The coffee is carefully added to make it smooth and rich. ✨ Very delicious ✨ I was also happy to have two chocolates ? ✨ The owner was also kind and taught me about Katanuma politely ✨ The coffee made with the wonderful scenery and hot spring water was the best ✨ Thank you for your feast ✨ #Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture #Katanuma Rest House #Coffee with hot spring water #Naruko Onsen #Lake that changes color
遠藤英男 on Google

景色がとても良く、ボートも時間の制限が無く借りられる。紅葉の時期は沼を一周りして、心のリフレッシュができます。 そして、お腹が空いたらレストハウスで食事も有りかな。
The scenery is very good and boats can be rented without time restrictions. During the fall foliage season, you can go around the swamp and refresh your mind. And if you're hungry, maybe you can have a meal at the rest house.
shigeru t on Google

A caldera lake created by a volcanic eruption 1200 years ago. The lake water seems to be quite acidic even from a global perspective, and fishing is impossible because no fish live in it. The scenery is beautiful, it is good for taking pictures because it is reflected on the surface of the lake, it seems that you can walk around the lake
Karunajala Youngs on Google

Peaceful and beautiful lake
Brandon Virgo on Google

Friendly owners and a welcoming atmosphere all await you here. You can try rowing one of the small boats they have for rent at the store. I paid 600 yen with no time constraints.
Naoko Fujimaki on Google

We had coffee here to rest after 1hour+ walk to get here hoping to see the fall color. They serve pretty good coffee. The bathroom is far from this rest stop across in the parking lot. I over heard that you can bring your own lunch at the picnic table outside. The menu had decent lunch menu like noodle dish etc. No English menu here like many other places in Naruko.
Ceco23 on Google

It is a small but lovely place where you can have kakigori, ice cream, food and very cute gifts.

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