
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact なるこりんの野菜ジェラート

住所 :

Narukoonsen, Ōsaki, 〒989-6711 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89888
Webサイト : http://narukorin.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi

Narukoonsen, Ōsaki, 〒989-6711 Miyagi,Japan
さゆ on Google

’22/3 初めて訪問。 きさくなご婦人が販売してくれるジェラート屋さん。 お話によると、延べでは100種類以上のジェラートがあるそうですが、その季節のものを12種類くらい出してくれているみたいです。 今日は山ウド+キャラメル、はっさく+うるいをチョイス。 自分はどっちも美味しかったし、発想が面白い店は大好き。 そばを通ったら、また伺いたいですね。
'22 / 3 Visited for the first time. A gelato shop sold by a kisaku lady. According to the story, there are more than 100 types of gelato in total, but it seems that they are offering about 12 types of gelato for that season. Today, I chose mountain udo + caramel, hassaku + moist. Both of them were delicious and I love stores with interesting ideas. If you pass by, I would like to visit you again.
3153 on Google

There is no "Narukorin (Gerato)" that used to be in "A la Date Michi no Eki" in Iwadeyama. Turn left from Michi no Eki and take Route 108 to the west for about 12 minutes. Moved to the place where there is a soft serve ice cream sign. The price was 450 yen for singles and 600 yen for doubles, probably because the ingredients are gradually increasing, but it was still delicious. But I wonder if I can buy it often ?
太田恵 on Google

There used to be a store at A la Date Michi no Eki, but now it's open at the main store. The back of the store was still empty because it was in the process of creating an eat-in space. First of all, the main vegetable is the axis and combined with other vegetables to make Gerrard. Each one! Tokafu-ntoka surprised ... It's fun to discover fresh taste. This time we will try 6 different flavors! It's a good place and a disappointing place that you can't understand until you try it because each has its own personality. I think it's fun to have people try various flavors and discover their own tastes. This time, I liked orange milk.
たこたこ on Google

旬の野菜や果物をふんだんに使った優しいお味のジェラートがいただけました。 鳴子温泉郷での湯巡りの合間にオススメです。 機会が有れば岩出山の道の駅の店舗にもお邪魔してみたいです。
We had a gentle-tasting gelato with plenty of seasonal vegetables and fruits. It is recommended during the hot spring tour in Naruko Onsenkyo. If I have a chance, I would like to visit the store at Iwadeyama Road Station.
佐久間博秀 on Google

2018/9/3 に訪れました。コロナ禍でお店がご繁盛されていてなによりです。農産物の多い道の駅にあるお店としてふさわしく、野菜をブレンドしたジェラートが幾種類もありました。#なるこりんの野菜ジェラート
I visited on 9/3/2018. Above all, the shops are thriving due to the corona. Befitting a shop at a roadside station with a lot of agricultural products, there were many types of gelato blended with vegetables. # Narukorin's vegetable gelato
KitKat Turna on Google

有名な道の駅というこで寄ってみたところ、野菜ジェラートという見たことないものがあったので、興味本位で購入してみました! まず野菜をジェラートにするという発想が面白いですね、他ではまず食べることは出来ないであろう味がいくつかありました。 ちなみに私は小麦のフロマージュ味と王道の藻塩ミルク味にしました。 どちらも甘くて、でもくどくないので気づいたら食べ終わっていました^^; 地元の食材を使用していたり、季節によって変わったりするらしいので、また別の時期に行きたいと思います! ちなみにお値段ですが、 シングル : 450円 ダブル : 600円 (プレミアムと記載してあるものは+50円) でした。珍しい味のものを食べることができたので、個人的には値段が高いとは感じませんでした! 是非お立ち寄りの時は皆さんも食してみてください(๑´ڡ`๑)
When I stopped by at the famous roadside station, I found a vegetable gelato that I had never seen before, so I bought it with a focus on interest! First of all, the idea of ​​making vegetables into gelato is interesting, and there were some tastes that you wouldn't be able to eat anywhere else. By the way, I chose the fromage flavor of wheat and the algae salt milk flavor of the royal road. Both are sweet, but they aren't too bad, so when I noticed, I finished eating ^^; It uses local ingredients and seems to change depending on the season, so I would like to go to another time! By the way, it's a price, Single: 450 yen Double: 600 yen (Those listed as premium are +50 yen) was. I personally didn't feel the price was high because I was able to eat something with an unusual taste! Please try it when you stop by (๑´ڡ`๑)
A “食べ歩き大好きマン” I on Google

It is a vegetable gelato shop near Naruko Onsen in Miyagi prefecture. The sweetness is modest and the gelato, which is a combination of vegetables and seasonal fruits, is delicious. Gelato seems to be good for the body, but I enjoyed the unusual flavor that I could eat even though I was not good at sweetness. The gelato decoration is also beautiful and which one do you eat? I'm at a loss.
igara -C (slipknot07) on Google

なかなかお目にかかれないジェラートがたくさんあります。 この地域だからこその味も多く、近くにいらした際は、ぜひ足を伸ばしていただきたい場所です。

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