Baby Chu Chu

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Baby Chu Chu

住所 :

Nibancho, Sakata, 〒998-0045 Yamagata,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 12–5PM
Sunday 12–5PM
Monday 12–5PM
Tuesday 12–5PM
Wednesday 12–5PM
Thursday 12–5PM
Friday 12–5PM
街 : Yamagata

Nibancho, Sakata, 〒998-0045 Yamagata,Japan
七五十 on Google

店長さんが優しいオーラが出てます。行った時におまけまでしてもらいました。色々な味が楽しめます。 また、お邪魔します。
The manager has a gentle aura. When I went, I had a bonus. You can enjoy various tastes. I will bother you again.
Chieko Honma on Google

It's nice that you can choose ONE spoon from 3 types for ¥480.
たけのこMr. on Google

It is a gelato made by a couple who is full of kindness from the whole body and from customer service. The taste of gelato seems to be full of its tenderness and is very delicious.
金内沙織 on Google

前から気になっていたBaby Chu Chuさんにやっと行ってきました。 マンゴーと森のベリーを頼みお味見で山形の桃をいただきました。 妹はあずきとバナナチョコにお味見にサンゴールドいただきました。 マンゴーとベリーは味が濃くてシャーベットなのでさっぱりして美味しかったです。 バナナチョコとあずきも甘すぎず、後味さっぱりで美味しかったです。 店主の雰囲気がとても可愛らしくて(旦那さんかな?)対応が丁寧でとても素敵でした。
I finally went to Baby Chu Chu, who was always interested. I ordered mango and forest berries and had a Yamagata peach as a tasting. My sister had Azuki and Banana Chocolate to taste. The mango and berry were sober and sorbet, it was refreshing and delicious. Banana chocolate and azuki were not too sweet and the aftertaste was refreshing and delicious. The shop owner's atmosphere was very cute (my husband?) And the response was polite and very nice.
ポーリンナタ on Google

Like a fisher, you have your brother serving you, and you have a good gelato at the same time, so you're going to be a husband and wife with an inspiring comment. Very kind and good impression. This is what makes it so popular !! ️ It made me think that there are such gelato shops in Tokyo.
菅原ハムがあればいいさ on Google

お値段高めですがなかなか旨い。 抹茶が濃い目でした。 玄米茶が、私としては好みです♪ ソフトクリームとセットだと600円。 ジェラート(ふたヘラ)440円。 ふたヘラが良さげです。 クラシックが掛かっていて 落ち着いた店内。お子さまが居るので わんぱくですな?
The price is high, but it is quite delicious. Matcha was a strong eye. I like brown rice tea ♪ 600 yen for a set with soft serve ice cream. Gelato (lid spatula) 440 yen. The lid spatula is good. Classic is hanging The calm interior. I have children It's naughty ?
みぃ on Google

I heard from a person at work that this ice cream is delicious. There is a parking lot in front of the shop, but there were people who lined up because it was small, so I stopped at the city hall and walked. There were various kinds of ice cream and the taste was very good. The shop is also very kind. I think I want to go again.
Anders Johnson on Google

Very friendly shopkeep, was delicious. We'd definitely come back!

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