
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 初音湯

住所 :

Narimasu, Itabashi City, 〒175-0094 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : http://1010itabashi.or.jp/detail/39/
街 : Tokyo

Narimasu, Itabashi City, 〒175-0094 Tokyo,Japan
Reiko Rosa on Google

For elderly people, climbing the stairs to the entrance is a minus point, but low chaise lounges and mirrors are installed here and there in the dressing room, and handrails are also installed in the bathtub in the bathroom, making good use of the flow line. I am. The radon hot springs of the electric bath that was fluttering were good.
銭湯甲斐 on Google

昭和39年頃からの営業だそうです。 カウンター式の番台で、電子マネーが使用できます。 当日は雨が降っており、傘をさしながら店舗に到着。入口を見回したが、傘立てが無い。番台のご主人に傘立てを聞くと「下足入れに入るよ。」と返事。下足入れを見ると奥に穴が空いていて、傘を入れることができる。これならば、カギを二つ持つ必要が無く、便利だ。(写真参照。) さて、浴槽は4つ有り、電気、ジェット、シルキー、水風呂で、ジェットがやや広め。4人位が入れるサイズで、湯温は42度程度です。 カランの湯温は湯のみで使用できます。 飾りとしてか、浴室入口上が色塗りされています。 カラン上の置き台が凹んでいて、押しやすいようになっています。 シャンプーやボディーソープは設置されています。
It is said that it is business since about 1964. Electronic money can be used on the counter-type watch stand. It was raining on the day and we arrived at the store with an umbrella. I looked around the entrance, but there was no umbrella stand. When the master of the series asked the umbrella stand, he answered, "I'm going to put my feet in." There is a hole in the back when you look at the lower legs and you can put an umbrella in it. This is convenient because you don't need to have two keys. (See photo.) By the way, there are four bathtubs, electric, jet, silky, water bath, jet is slightly wide. It is a size that can accommodate about 4 people, and the hot water temperature is about 42 degrees. Kalan hot water can be used only with hot water. As a decoration, the color above the bathroom entrance is painted. The stand on the callan is concave, making it easier to push. Shampoo and body soap are installed.
だんどり on Google

成増に残った唯一の銭湯?工事が終わり再開していたので行ってみました。番台(フロント)のおじさんはキチンと挨拶をして下さいます。サウナは+300円。電子マネー(FeliCa)対応。Edyで支払いました。サウナセットはバスタオルとサウナキーを渡されます。 サウナバスはホントに小さく3人で満員かな?時計もテレビも無く砂時計が3コ置いてありますけど…何分計か不明。サウナの中から脱衣場が見えますのでそこの壁の時計を見ることが何とかできました。サウナマットは置いてなく番台で貰ったバスタオルを下に置いて使い出た時にドアの横にタオルを掛けるフックがあります。 水風呂ですが温度計はありませんで体感温度ですけど、残念ながらぬるい…。 (他の情報だと井戸水で冷たいはずですが) 節水コマがついた蛇口をひねり水を流しても水風呂より温かい水が出てきてびっくりしました。 …まだ早い時間でしたから管に残っていた水が出たのかな?1人しかサウナを使っていなかったので水を出しっぱなしにしなかったので、もしかしてしばらくすれば冷たい水が出たかも知れませんけど 印象としては全体的にコンパクトな銭湯ですね。 非日常を求めて行くような銭湯ではなく日常で使う銭湯だと思いました。
The only public bath left in Narimasu? The construction was finished and it was restarting, so I went. The uncle at the front desk will say hello to you. Sauna is +300 yen. Supports electronic money (FeliCa). I paid with Edy. The sauna set will be given a bath towel and a sauna key. Is the sauna bath really small and full with 3 people? There is no clock or TV, and there are 3 hourglasses, but ... I don't know how many minutes. I could see the dressing room from inside the sauna, so I managed to see the clock on the wall. There is no sauna mat, and there is a hook next to the door to hang the towel when you put the bath towel you got from the watch stand underneath and use it. Although it is a water bath, there is no thermometer and it is a sensible temperature, but unfortunately it is lukewarm. (Other information should be cold with well water) Even if I twisted the faucet with a water-saving piece and let the water flow, I was surprised that warmer water came out from the water bath. … It was still early, so I wonder if the water left in the pipe came out? Since only one person was using the sauna, I didn't leave the water out, so maybe after a while, cold water came out. The impression is that it is a compact public bath overall. I thought it was a public bath that I used in my daily life, not a public bath that I went to seek extraordinary life.
みどりやん on Google

2021.4.1〜2021.5.1まで工事の為休業 薬湯40度ほど。電気ラドン湯とバブル系は43度くらい 銭湯絵は無く、区民プールを彷彿とさせるタイルと年代物のタイルが混在しています。 懐かしのぬるい湯が吹き出すジュピナシャワー有 立ちシャワー無し ヘッドが動かせるシャワー2基有 サウナと水風呂があるので交互浴が楽しめます。
Closed due to construction from 2021.4.1 to 2021.5.1. About 40 degrees of medicinal bath. Electric radon hot water and bubble system is about 43 degrees There is no public bath painting, and tiles reminiscent of a ward pool and vintage tiles are mixed. There is a Jupina shower where nostalgic lukewarm water blows out No standing shower Two showers with movable heads There is a sauna and a cold bath so you can enjoy alternating baths.
hefeweizen on Google

成増駅から坂を下って5〜6分ほど。少し奥まったところにあります。三角ぽい屋根が目印。 入ってすぐのロビーも広く、脱衣所もロッカーは小さめですが数が多いです。 お風呂場は寝転ぶタイプのジェットが3つあるので やや狭く感じます。それとラドン湯+電気風呂、薬湯と盛りだくさん。 それとサウナと水風呂です。 入り口脇の立ちシャワーが独特で、30秒ほど洗車のような気分が味わえます。 洗い場は多くて26ほど。どれもシャワー付き。 この辺りはあまり銭湯がないので貴重な銭湯、長く続いて欲しいですね。
About 5-6 minutes down the slope from Narimasu Station. It's a little deep. The triangular roof is a landmark. The lobby immediately after entering is large, and the lockers at the dressing rooms are small, but there are many. In the bathroom there are three jets that lie down I feel a little narrow. And radon hot water + electric bath, medicinal water and so on. A sauna and a bath. The standing shower by the entrance is unique, and you can feel like a car wash for about 30 seconds. There are at most 26 washrooms. All have showers. There aren't many public baths around here, so I'd like you to continue using it for a long time.
北川良彦 on Google

コンパクトながらとてもよく清掃された銭湯。 飲料は受付のみ。サウナ込みで770円。バスタオル1枚貸出し。 ボディソープ・シャンプーは備付。 洗い場は十分だが湯殿は小さめ。42度程のバイブラ、電気風呂と、41度程の濁り湯。 サウナもMAX3名ほどの容量だが、温度計は93〜98度。テレビ・12分計なし。砂時計が置かれ音楽が流れている。 水風呂は20度くらいだが惜しみなく水を注いでいる。 脱衣所が広く、腰掛けもあるので休憩が可能。 設備がコンパクトなため混雑の恐れはあるが、日曜21時くらいに訪れた限りでは快適に過ごせた。
A compact but very well-cleaned public bath. Beverages are available only at reception. 770 yen including sauna. One bath towel can be rented. Body soap and shampoo are included. The washing area is sufficient, but the bathhouse is small. A vibra of about 42 degrees, an electric bath, and a muddy water of about 41 degrees. The sauna has a capacity of about 3 people, but the thermometer is 93-98 degrees. No TV / 12-minute counter. An hourglass is placed and music is playing. The water bath is about 20 degrees, but I am generously pouring water. The dressing room is large and there is a stool so you can take a break. There is a risk of congestion due to the compact facilities, but as long as I visited around 21:00 on Sunday, I was able to spend a comfortable time.
イケダ ケイ, a.k.a. 珊瑚LOW (珊瑚LOW) on Google

東京23区最果ての湯、彩乃国は目と鼻の先。 ぬる湯に42度程度のバイブラ3台及び電気風呂で同時利用7名がいいところ、加えて水風呂2名程度で決して広くはない。洗い場も13名程度だろうか。 個人的には電気風呂が強めなのと水風呂が丁度良いので実用性で特に気に入っている湯屋。 交通icなど電子マネー対応。
Ayanokuni, the farthest hot spring in the 23rd ward of Tokyo, is just a stone's throw away. It is good to use 3 vibras at about 42 degrees in lukewarm water and 7 people at the same time in an electric bath, and in addition, it is not wide with about 2 people in a cold bath. I wonder if there are about 13 people in the washroom. Personally, the electric bath is stronger and the water bath is just right, so I especially like the bathhouse because of its practicality. Supports electronic money such as transportation ic.
W T on Google

23区最果ての地に来ました。。 空が高い!マンション低い!物価安い! というわけで、風呂へ。 脱衣場は広いが湯船がちっさいちっさい。 小間切れの電気、寝湯、ジェットがあって、ぬる目の乳白がある。 サウナは別料金で360円と高め。水風呂とシャンプーリンスはあります。 温まるには物足りないかな。
I came to the farthest land in the 23rd ward. .. The sky is high! The apartment is low! Prices are cheap! So, take a bath. The dressing area is large, but the bathtub is small. There is electricity in the booth, sleeping bath, jet, and milky white with slimy eyes. The sauna is as high as 360 yen for an extra charge. There is a cold bath and shampoo conditioner. Isn't it enough to warm up?

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