Misuzu-yu - Nerima City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Misuzu-yu

住所 :

6 Chome-10-2 Oizumimachi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 178-0062

6 Chome-10-2 Oizumimachi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0062, Japan
指銭湯 on Google

A sento with an atmosphere of gable making. The ceiling of the dressing room is well made and the phoenix picture is wonderful. The tile picture is the Niagara Falls. Pay sauna 300 yen. It is interesting that there are also a bath, super jet, massage, bifurcated calcium and equipment.
戸田欣吾 on Google

初めて利用しましたが、 まず入って受付の方60〜70代の方に声かけても無視され、3回目でようやく会話ができました。 初めてで分からないので、入ってもいいですか?と聞くと、 金払わんと入れんがな??と笑われ、小馬鹿にされました。 サウナも緊急事態宣言で利用停止のようです。 これはリサーチ不足でしたが 銭湯自体もとても小さく、3つあるのですが、どれも2人入ればいっぱいのような作りです。 受付の対応から不快な思いをしたので もう2度と行きません。
I used it for the first time, Even if I entered the reception desk and talked to people in their 60s and 70s, they were ignored, and I was finally able to have a conversation the third time. I don't know for the first time, so can I enter? When asked Do you have to pay money? ?? I was laughed at and made a fool of myself. The sauna also seems to be suspended due to a state of emergency. This was a lack of research The public bath itself is also very small, and there are three, but all of them are made to fill up with two people. I felt uncomfortable from the reception I will never go again.
範馬勇次郎 on Google

古き良き昔ながらの銭湯です。 アットホームな雰囲気に適温の風呂と水風呂。 このままの形でずっと残っていってほしい!
It is a good old-fashioned public bath. An appropriate temperature bath and cold bath for a homely atmosphere. I want you to stay in this form forever!
mataro on Google

入浴460円。サウナ利用+300円。 懐かしい雰囲気が残る、街の小さな銭湯。 お風呂はジャグジータイプの浴槽が3つの他、水風呂、サウナが有りました。 温度設定は43℃程で、銭湯にしてはぬるめかな~ 消毒臭はソコソコ感じられました。 ちなみに浴室内は、ナイアガラの滝?のようなペンキ絵と、極彩色の鳥の絵が配置され、一風変わった雰囲気が印象的でした? 洗い場は固定式シャワー20。 石鹸類は持参するか、受付で購入出来ます。 100円リターン式ロッカー、3分20円ドライヤー有り。 営業時間16:00~23:00 日曜、祭日のみ15:00~ 毎週月曜日定休(不定休有り) 駐車場はありません。 私は近くのコインパーキング利用しました。
Bathing 460 yen. Sauna use + 300 yen. A small public bath in the city that retains a nostalgic atmosphere. There were three jacuzzi-type bathtubs, a cold bath, and a sauna. The temperature setting is about 43 degrees Celsius, which is lukewarm for a public bath. The disinfectant odor was felt sloppy. By the way, is Niagara Falls in the bathroom? A paint picture like this and a picture of a colorful bird were arranged, and the unusual atmosphere was impressive ? The washing area is a fixed shower 20. You can bring soaps or purchase them at the reception. There is a 100 yen return locker and a 20 yen dryer for 3 minutes. Business hours 16: 00-23: 00 Sundays and public holidays only from 15:00 Closed every Monday (with irregular holidays) There's no parking lot. I used a nearby coin parking lot.
Halky on Google

東映東京撮影所の横を歩いていると趣のある煙突が見えました。嗚呼、あれに見えるが美寿々湯じゃないか、東都の果てか 仮面ライダーやセーラームーンもこのお風呂に入ったのかな?、そんなことを考えながら入る初夏の水風呂はこの上なく気持ちが良いのでした
When I was walking next to Toei Tokyo Studios, I saw a quaint chimney. It looks like that, but it's Misuzu-yu, the end of Tohto Did Kamen Rider and Sailor Moon also take this bath? The early summer water bath that I entered while thinking about that was the most comfortable.
hefeweizen on Google

大泉学園駅からだと歩いて15分ほど。 白子川の近く、東映の撮影所からも数分ほどの住宅街にある銭湯です。 夕暮れに染まる煙突がにょきっと見えます。 細い路地にコインランドリー併設、 入り口こそ改装されていますが、脱衣所は天井が高く立派な格天井。青山のまい泉のあの姿、枠の一つ一つに鳳凰が描かれていました。見応えがありますね。 脱衣所は広めで年季が入っています。 ロッカーはリュックが縦置きでちょうど入るくらいのサイズ。 お風呂場はそれほど奥行きがない中で、洗い場は20ほどで全てシャワー付き。 立ちシャワーが2箇所にありました。 お湯は3つに区切られていて、 二股温泉、座るタイプのマッサージバス、ジェットバス。どこも1〜3名入るといっぱいのサイズ。 お湯は42〜3度くらいでしょうか。ちょうど良い温度で、冷やしなしの水風呂と交互浴が心地よいです。 サウナがついてるのでそっちの利用者と変わりばんこに入っていました。 土曜の夕方、開店10分後に訪れたのですが、常に常連さんで6〜7割くらいの賑わい。人気の銭湯ですね。 傾いた日差しが窓から入って、湯煙を乱射して明るいお風呂でした。 ロビーに小さめの休憩所あり。 シャンプー、ボディソープ等の備え付けはありませんでした。ドライヤーは3分20円のタイプのようです。
It's about a 15-minute walk from Oizumi Gakuen Station. It is a public bath located in a residential area near the Shirako River and a few minutes from the Toei movie studios. You will surely see the chimney dyed at dusk. A coin laundry is attached to a narrow alley, The entrance has been renovated, but the dressing room has a high ceiling and a magnificent ceiling. A phoenix was drawn on each of the frames of Maisen in Aoyama. It's worth seeing. The dressing room is wide and has a season. The locker is the size that the backpack can be placed vertically. The bathroom is not so deep, but there are about 20 washrooms, all with showers. There were two standing showers. The hot water is divided into three, Futami Onsen, sitting type massage bath, jet bath. Everywhere is full size for 1 to 3 people. Is the hot water about 42 to 3 degrees? At just the right temperature, the uncooled water bath and alternating bath are comfortable. Since it has a sauna, I was in a different place from that user. I visited there on Saturday evening, 10 minutes after the store opened, but it was always crowded with regulars, about 60 to 70%. It's a popular public bath. It was a bright bath with sloping sunlight coming in through the window and shooting hot water. There is a small rest area in the lobby. There was no shampoo, body soap, etc. The dryer seems to be a type of 20 yen for 3 minutes.
Namaste Japan Vlog on Google

JerJer B (Jeremy) on Google

Great nostalgic feeling. A bit in need of renovation, but that's part of its charm in a way.

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