Naoko Ladies Clinic

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Naoko Ladies Clinic

住所 :

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–1PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan
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女性の院長ということで行きました。 待ち時間が長いです。検診の結果を聞きに行くだけでも、予約しても30分待ちました。 毎回測定する血圧と体重はなぜ必要なのか説明してほしいです。全ての患者さんで毎回必要とは思えません。待合室が小さいので、血圧体重を測定してる時の周りの患者さんの目が気になりました。 また患者さんが多く待合室も小さいので、居心地が悪いです。 先生は優しいですが、説明が少なく薬の説明などもほとんどありませんでした。 内診後、他のクリニックでは洗浄されるのが当たり前でしたがこちらではなく、とても不安な気持ちになりました。 なにか異常があって不安な時は別のクリニックに行きたいと私は思いました。 時間に余裕がある方には向いてるかもしれませんが、私はもう行きません。
I went there because I was a female director. The waiting time is long. I waited for 30 minutes even if I just went to hear the result of the examination or made a reservation. I would like you to explain why you need blood pressure and weight to be measured each time. I don't think it's necessary every time for all patients. Since the waiting room is small, I was worried about the eyes of the patients around me when measuring blood pressure and weight. Also, there are many patients and the waiting room is small, so it is uncomfortable. The teacher was kind, but there were few explanations and few explanations of medicines. After the pelvic examination, it was natural to be washed at other clinics, but this was not the case, and I felt very anxious. When something went wrong and I was worried, I wanted to go to another clinic. It may be suitable for those who have time, but I will not go anymore.
okappa mayumayu on Google

半年前ぐらいからお世話になってます。会計や診察室に入る時も名前を呼ばれる事はないで、院内はとても静かな雰囲気です 私は婦人科疾患でお世話になりました。受診前は凄く相談するのが恥ずかしかったのですが、先生は親身になって相談にのって下さり、看護師さんもとても親切にしてくれました!本当に感謝感謝です。 ただ、予約を取っていっても30分待ちになることが多いので、トータル1時間は見たほうがいいです。 待ち時間が長そうな時は、コロナで密を避けたいので一度出るのですが、スマホで呼び出し状況がわかるようになったので安心して、外にいることができます。 待ち時間は長いですが、待つ価値はとってもあるクリニックです!!
I have been indebted to you for about half a year. The name is not called when entering the accounting or examination room, and the hospital has a very quiet atmosphere. I was taken care of by a gynecological illness. Before the consultation, I was very embarrassed to consult with him, but the teacher was kind enough to give me a consultation, and the nurse was very kind to me! Really grateful thanks. However, even if you make a reservation, you often have to wait for 30 minutes, so you should watch for a total of 1 hour. When the waiting time seems to be long, I go out once because I want to avoid crowding with the corona, but now that I can see the calling status on my smartphone, I can go outside with confidence. The waiting time is long, but it's a clinic worth the wait! !!
するめ on Google

受付のおばさん愛想悪すぎ。ピルを処方してもらう為の問診票に「生理痛が重い」と書いたら「何のために飲むかもう少し詳しく書いてくれ」と言われた。人生で初めてのピルで色々分からないことだらけだし、婦人科にかかるのも初めてで不安だったのに言い方がキツくて悲しくなりました。 確かに私の書いた問診票は不十分だったかもしれないけど、もう少し優しい言い方で教えて欲しかったです。必要以上に愛想良くしろとは言いませんが、初めての婦人科で不安な人も安心出来るような対応をして欲しいです。 もう1人の受付の方と院長先生はとても良い人でした。 今はピルの処方の為に通っていますが、今後ピル以外にも診察してもらう事があるかもしれないと思うと、新しく病院を探した方が良いかもしれないと考えています。
The aunt at the reception is too unfriendly. When I wrote "I have severe menstrual pain" on the questionnaire for prescribing pills, I was told "Please write in a little more detail what you should take." It was my first pill in my life and I was full of things I didn't understand, and even though I was worried about going to gynecology for the first time, I was sad to say it. Certainly, the questionnaire I wrote may not have been enough, but I wanted you to teach me in a slightly gentler way. I'm not saying that you should be more amiable than necessary, but I would like you to take measures so that even those who are uneasy in the first gynecology department can feel at ease. The other receptionist and the director were very good people. I am currently attending to prescribe pills, but I think it may be better to look for a new hospital if I think that I may have other medical examinations besides pills in the future.
25 25 on Google

先生はいいけど、受付の一部の方と妊婦でもないのに謎に体重計に乗らなければならない所が 嫌かもです。待合室が狭いので体重見られてしまうのが嫌。
The teacher is nice, but there is a mysterious place where I have to get on the scale even though I am not a pregnant woman with some of the receptionists I don't like it. I don't want to see my weight because the waiting room is small.
M M on Google

今まで受診した婦人科の先生の中で、なおこ先生は1番好きな先生です。婦人科嫌いで検診を怠っていた自分が先生に会うことがモチベーションになるくらい(笑) とても混んでいるので予約は取りづらいけど、それほど皆さん、こちらのクリニックが良いと思っていらっしゃるのでしょう。納得です。 精密検査で不安な結果が出た時は検診日よりも前にお電話いただきましたし、とても親切で安心できる女医さんです。
Of all the gynecological teachers I have visited, Naoko is my favorite teacher. I hate gynecology and neglected to have a medical examination, so it's motivating to see my teacher (laughs) It's so crowded that it's hard to make a reservation, but I'm sure everyone thinks this clinic is good. I'm convinced. When I got anxious results in the detailed examination, I called before the examination day, and she is a very kind and reassuring female doctor.
미유 on Google

院長先生や、看護師さんはとても優しく、星5つつけたいのですが、受付のメガネの方がとても感じが悪いです。 質問したらすごく冷たく言われ、それ以上質問するのはやめようと思ったぐらいです。 これからも通いたいけど、この受付の方がいるかと思うと、行くのに勇気がいります。 先生達がいいだけに、受付の対応で評判が落ちるのはもったいないと思います。
The director and the nurses are very kind and I would like to wear 5 stars, but the glasses at the reception are very unpleasant. When I asked a question, I was told very coldly, and I even thought I would stop asking any more questions. I would like to continue to attend, but when I think that there is this receptionist, it takes courage to go. I think it's a waste to lose the reputation of the receptionist because the teachers are good.
meow meow on Google

婦人科がとても苦手で行く前から緊張して吐きそうになる人間です。意を決して予約して当日伺いました。入ってからすぐに表示があったので受付まで挙動不審になる事もなくスムーズでした。 受付の方はビジネスライクな雰囲気で親切さとは程遠いですが、態度が悪いとまでは思いませんでした。 院長も非常勤の先生もビジネスライクな感じで、不快な思いはしませんでしたが、親切だとか温かい雰囲気を求める方だとこちらの病院は合わないと思います。 どちらかと言えば、先生自身もウンザリというか疲れ気味な感じで淡々と仕事をこなしている感じでした。ナースも先生と似た雰囲気でした。 ナースの挙動から見ても、先生>患者という感じにヒエラルキーがハッキリしている印象でした。 ただ、これまでの経験で1番痛みを感じなかった内診だったので、それは感動しました。(非常勤の先生に子宮頸がん検査と経膣エコーをしてもらいました) 一つだけ気になったのが、体重測定が待合室にあるので実質見られ放題なところです。笑 どなたかの付き添い男性が待合室に居たのですが、測定する人の様子を常にジーッと見ていたのでなんか嫌だなぁ、と思いました。
He is a person who is not very good at gynecology and is nervous and almost vomiting even before he goes. I made a reservation and visited on the day. Since there was a display immediately after entering, it was smooth without any suspicious behavior until the reception. The receptionist has a business-like atmosphere and is far from kind, but I didn't think he had a bad attitude. Both the director and the part-time teacher felt business-like, and I didn't feel uncomfortable, but I don't think this hospital is suitable for those who want a kind or warm atmosphere. If anything, the teacher himself was tired and tired, and he seemed to be doing his job lightly. The nurse had a similar atmosphere to the teacher. From the behavior of the nurse, I had the impression that the hierarchy was clear as if it were a teacher> a patient. However, I was impressed because it was the most painless pelvic examination in my experience so far. (I had a part-time teacher do a cervical cancer test and a transvaginal echo) The only thing I was interested in was that the weight measurement was in the waiting room, so I could see it as much as I wanted. smile There was a man with someone in the waiting room, but I didn't like it because I was always watching the person measuring it.
こねこねこ on Google

非常勤の大学病院の先生にばかりお世話になってますが、質問には丁寧に応えて頂いてます。 ただ1人の先生はちょっと冷たい感じ。 はじめての妊娠でしたがおめでとうの一言もなく「あー確認できますね」で終わりました… 待ち時間は予約してても1時間程度かかります。検査結果も電話確認は不可。コロナ禍でなるべく密な場所に行きたくないので不安です。 受付は確かに気持ちの良くない方もいますが、ここはサービス施設ではなく病院ですから。接客態度をそこまで求める必要もないと思っているので私はあまり気になりません。 きちんと会計と予約が出来れば良いかと。 1番気になるのはトイレの芳香剤。 においづわりで待合室も辛いのに、かなーりキツい香りで毎回の尿検査がとてもしんどいです。。 これは病院変えたいくらいで悩み中。 追記 やっぱり辛くてクリニックを変えました。
I am indebted only to the teachers at the part-time university hospital, but they answer my questions politely. Only one teacher feels a little cold. It was my first pregnancy, but without a word of congratulations, it ended with "Ah, I can confirm it" ... Waiting time is about 1 hour even if you make a reservation. The test results cannot be confirmed by phone. I'm worried because I don't want to go to the densest place possible due to the corona. The reception is certainly unpleasant, but this is a hospital, not a service facility. I don't really care because I don't think it's necessary to ask for customer service that much. I wish I could make a proper accounting and reservation. The most worrisome thing is the toilet fragrance. Even though the waiting room is spicy due to the smell, the urine test is very difficult every time because of the strong scent. .. I'm worried about this because I want to change the hospital. postscript After all it was painful and I changed the clinic.

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