
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nandokiya

住所 :

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Tokyo

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Kota Yamakawa on Google

黒くて無骨な「上牛めし」と美味しい味噌汁。七味をふってかきこむ幸せ。 豆腐は味がしみしみで真っ黒? 玉ねぎも大ぶりで甘みたっぷりです。 新橋って本当に楽しい!
Black and rugged "Kamigoshi" and delicious miso soup. The happiness that shakes and shakes Shichimi. Tofu tastes dark and black The onions are also large and sweet. Shimbashi is really fun!
橘カヲル on Google

同店は「酒の飲める大衆食堂」である。それだけならビジネス街にはありがちなお店なのだが、特筆すべきは早朝から深夜まで24時間営業中というコンビニのようなお店だというところ(注:日曜の夜から月曜の夕方にかけては休み)。 おかげで、早朝は出勤前のサラリーマンや夜勤明けの水商売の方などが利用し、昼間は近隣で働く人たちがランチを食べるべく押し寄せ、夕方からは「ちょっと帰宅前に一杯お酒を…」という方々で常に利用客がいる。 定食メニューもあるのだが、私が同店を訪れると、ついつい頼んでしまうのが牛めし。味噌汁と香の物もセットだ。 調理場の隅にある寸胴鍋で煮込まれた各種の具は、いかにも味が染み込んでいそうな色をしており、見た目もよい。 具材は牛肉のほか、タマネギ、豆腐、コンニャクという構成。居酒屋の定番メニューである肉豆腐に通じる内容となっている。 チェーン店の牛丼屋が低価格競争の代償として具の盛り付けをセーブしている(…ように感じるのは私だけ!?)なか、ご飯が隠れるほどに具材が盛り付けられているのが嬉しい。 見た目どおり、醤油ベースの煮汁の味が各具材に染み込んでいる。だが見た目に反してアッサリした後口で醤油臭さや塩辛さはない。 おかげで肉の味はもとよりタマネギや豆腐、それにコンニャクの個性も残っているので美味しく食べることができる。 同店では、ご飯は昆布と炭を入れた上で羽釜で炊かれていると物の本に記載があった。牛めしだけでなく各種定食にも定評があるので、試してみて欲しい。
The store is a "popular dining room where you can drink alcohol." That's a typical store in the business district, but it's worth mentioning that it's a convenience store-like store that is open 24 hours a day from early morning to midnight (Note: closed from Sunday night to Monday evening). Thanks to this, office workers before going to work and water business people after night shift use it in the early morning, and people working in the neighborhood rush to eat lunch in the daytime, and in the evening, "a little drink before returning home ..." There are always customers. There is also a set meal menu, but when I visit the restaurant, I just ask for beef rice. Miso soup and pickles are also included. The various ingredients simmered in the pan in the corner of the kitchen have a color that seems to be soaked in the taste, and they look good. In addition to beef, the ingredients are onion, tofu, and konjac. The content is similar to meat tofu, which is a standard menu at izakaya. While the chain store Gyudon is saving the serving of ingredients in return for the low price competition (I'm the only one who feels like ...?), I'm happy that the ingredients are served so much that the rice is hidden. .. As it looks, the taste of soy sauce-based broth soaks into each ingredient. However, contrary to its appearance, there is no soy sauce odor or saltiness in the mouth after it has been assassinated. Thanks to this, not only the taste of meat, but also onions, tofu, and konnyaku's individuality remain, so you can eat deliciously. At the same store, it was stated in the book that the rice was cooked in a feather kettle with kelp and charcoal. Not only beef rice but also various set meals have a good reputation, so please give it a try.
Kiyotake SHODA on Google

写真は「牛めし 並」580円、味噌汁・漬物付きです。 飴色を通り越してかなりこい醤油色ですが、実際にはしょっぱくありません。 具は、牛肉・玉ねぎ・糸こんにゃく・焼き豆腐が入り、定食屋さんの一品という感じです。 よく煮込まれていて味が馴染み、家庭料理的なホッとする味わいでした。 コレが24時間食べられるのは嬉しいですね。 (日曜日15:00-月曜日15:00までは休み)
The photo is "Beef rice average" 580 yen, with miso soup and pickles. It is a soy sauce color that is quite dark past the amber color, but it is not really salty. The ingredients include beef, onions, thread konjac, and yaki-dofu, making it a dish of a set meal restaurant. It was well cooked and the taste was familiar, and it was a home-cooked and relaxing taste. It's nice to be able to eat this for 24 hours. (Sunday 15: 00-Closed until Monday 15:00)
M on Google

In the store, the staff with strong characters originally explained that it was a gyudon restaurant. While listening to the recommendations, I ordered meat tofu and fried chicken, but when I sprinkled the beef with a strong taste and the curry powder that I strongly recommend, the taste change was a great success, half as it was and the other half was curry powder. .. The hydrangea is also thick, plump and drains well, so you can enjoy it crispy. After that, I had grilled horse mackerel with salt, which was also plump and easy to eat and delicious. The entrance does not have an easy-to-enter atmosphere, but even one person could spend time without panic.
55 Hanaprio on Google

The color is very dark, but the inside of the tofu is white and the taste is sweet, and it is very delicious.
杉 エギル・ダッチ・モーフィアス on Google

[昔ながらの大衆食堂] 入るのにちょっと勇気がいるたたずまいですが普通の食堂です。 早朝から営業しているし、朝から全てのメニューが頼めるのがありがたいです。8時前だっていうのに呑んでる人もいて昭和生まれにはなんともいえず落ち着く雰囲気。
[Old-fashioned popular dining room] It looks like it takes a little courage to enter, but it is an ordinary restaurant. It's open early in the morning and I'm grateful that you can order all the menus from the morning. Even though it was before 8 o'clock, some people were drinking it, and it was a calm atmosphere when I was born in the Showa era.
M 11 on Google

昼御飯 上牛めし(味噌汁・卵・お新香付)850円 濃い味付けが良いですね。 3回目
Lunch rice with top beef rice (with miso soup, eggs, and new incense) 850 yen The strong seasoning is good. Third time
Norio Yamamoto on Google

Good place to have a quick bite and alcohol.

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