
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北方らーめん

住所 :

Namiki, Koriyama, 〒963-8026 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : Fukushima

Namiki, Koriyama, 〒963-8026 Fukushima,Japan
Daidai Yan on Google

北方タンタンメンを噂でかぎつけて参上❗️ 夜は売り切れて無いとʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ スイッチ(by Nintendo※意味違う)切り替えチャーシューメン?と餃子?注文。 喜多方の麺と脂の強いスープ、滋味❗️ チャーシューの味の濃さもバランス良く◎ 餃子?。 これはニラ分量といいジューシーさといいこれだけでもお腹いっぱいになるボリューム‼️ 大変美味しい◎でしたわ✌️ 今度は親方に辛いですぅ〜と挑戦状叩き付けられた北方タンタンメン挑みますわ? 楽しみだ?
Going to the northern tantanmen with rumors ❗️ If it's not sold out at night ʅ (◞‿◟) ʃ Switch (by Nintendo * meaning different) Switch Char siu noodles ? and dumplings ? order. Kitakata noodles and fatty soup, delicious ❗️ The richness of the char siu taste is well-balanced ◎ Dumplings ?. This is the amount of garlic, the juiciness, and the volume that makes you full! ️ It was very delicious ◎ This time it will be painful for my master ~ I will challenge the northern tantanmen who was struck by the challenge ? I'm looking forward to it ?
ホット檸檬 on Google

? こじんまりした店内はアニメのフィギュアがいっぱいで素敵です。 ラーメンは見た目よし、味よし、店主さんの接客は気配りが素晴らしく最高です。 北方タンタンメン食べましたが、とても美味しかったです。つけ麺みたいな感じで食べるのでスープは濃いめだそうですが、私はスープまで気に入り飲みたいと思っていたら店主さんがスープで薄めてくれて、小さな優しい気遣いに感動しました。 ぜひまた行きたいです。 最高です。
? The small store is full of anime figures and is wonderful. The ramen looks good, tastes good, and the shopkeeper's customer service is wonderfully attentive. I ate Northern Tantanmen and it was very delicious. It seems that the soup is thick because it eats like tsukemen, but when I liked the soup and wanted to drink it, the owner diluted it with the soup and was impressed by the small gentle consideration. I definitely want to go again. it's the best.
げすやば on Google

やっぱり肉そば! スープは見た目ほどくどくない!麺は中太ちぢれ、チャーシューも柔らかくほろほろ!結果、リピーターにですね~
After all meat soba! The soup isn't as bad as it looks! The noodles are medium-thick and the char siu is soft and fluffy! As a result, it's a repeater ~
fortune 222 on Google

I ate northern meat soba for the first time in a long time, but it was easy to eat even though it was full of lard, and the char siu was soft and the taste was soaked and it was very delicious (* ´︶` *) ❤︎
マカロン少尉 on Google

前に来たときよりもチャーシューが少なくなっていたように感じました。 味と麺は変わらぬ美味しかったです? 以前は麺が見えないほどにチャーシューで埋め尽くされていたイメージでしたが時代ですかね…物価も上がったし仕方ないのかなぁ… 駐車場が少ないですがまたいきたいと思います。
I felt that I had less char siu than when I came before. The taste and noodles were the same delicious ? It used to be an image that the noodles were filled with char siu so much that you couldn't see them, but it's an era ... I wonder if prices have risen ... There are few parking lots, but I would like to go again.
凜パパ on Google

2021-8-12 娘を2人連れて初訪問しました。 店内はアニメ感が強く、何か異様な雰囲気で大丈夫かなと不安を抱きました。 注文は私が肉そば、娘2人がチャーシュー麺と1/2ラーメンをチョイス。 全体的に気になったのは若干薄味ですが、テーブルに置いてあるラーメンスープの素を追い足し出来るので、問題は無し。 肉そばは背脂増し増しで、背脂好きにはたまりません。チャーシューは場所によって脂身が多いと感じることも有るのか、娘は一枚残しました。私がパクリと! 店員さんも気配りが出来る方で、娘がレンゲをスープに沈めてしまった際、新しいレンゲをお持ちしますかと、声をかけていただきました。 確かにレンゲは短かったです。 美味しくいただきました。
2021-8-12 I visited for the first time with my two daughters. The inside of the store has a strong sense of animation, and I was worried that it would be okay to have a strange atmosphere. I ordered meat soba, and my two daughters chose char siu noodles and 1/2 ramen. Overall, I was a little worried about the taste, but there is no problem because I can add the ramen soup base on the table. Meat soba has more backfat and is irresistible for backfat lovers. My daughter left one piece, perhaps because the char siu may feel a lot of fat depending on the location. I'm pakuri! The clerk was also attentive, and when my daughter sank the astragalus in the soup, she asked me if I would like to bring a new astragalus. Certainly the astragalus was short. It was delicious.
sumition sumition on Google

家族で初訪問、開店直後からお客さんが次々といらっしゃいます。 ラーメンとネギそばいただきましたがとても美味しかったです。 店主、店員さんの気遣いも素晴らしく気持ちよく食事ができました。
The family visited for the first time, and customers came one after another immediately after the store opened. I had ramen and green onion soba, but it was very delicious. The owner and the clerk were very considerate and I was able to eat comfortably.
林英幸 on Google

注文制です。 今回は北方肉そばの大盛りをいただきました。 背脂はお好みで少なくしたり出来ます。 背脂系ですが、塩味が強くキリッとしまったスープです。 麺は平打ち縮れ麺と細麺が選べます。 特にチャーシューはほろほろと崩れる程に柔らかく、正に歯がいらないと形容出来る程で美味です。 駐車場は店舗正面にありますが、台数が少ないですねー。 店内はアニメの展示、掲示物が沢山あり、子供も楽しめそうな雰囲気となります♪
It is an order system. This time I had a large serving of northern meat soba. You can reduce the amount of lard if you like. Although it is a backfat-based soup, it has a strong salty taste and is crispy. You can choose between flat and crispy noodles and thin noodles. In particular, the char siu is so soft that it crumbles and is delicious enough to be described as if you don't need teeth. The parking lot is in front of the store, but the number is small. There are lots of anime exhibits and notices in the store, making it an atmosphere that children can enjoy ♪

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