Namihei - Kamakura

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Namihei

住所 :

3 Chome-2-14 Koshigoe, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 248-0033

3 Chome-2-14 Koshigoe, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-0033, Japan
Yoshitake Takata on Google

映画 きみの声をとどけたい コトダマラジオで紹介のあったお店 シラス丼もアジフライ定食もどれも美味しかったです
A movie store that was featured on Kotodama Radio that wanted to hear your voice Both the Shirasu-don and Aji-fried set meal were delicious.
Kento on Google

The sake and rice were delicious, the clerk was kind, and the fish was really delicious.
らJag on Google

江の電をガラス扉越しに眺められます。肝心の味ですが、とても残念でした。 生しらすはべとっとして、生臭く、ご飯は団子のような米粒を感じられないもの。久しぶりに酷い炊き方のご飯でした。 以前近所で食べた生しらす丼と雲泥の差。多分二度と行きません。
You can see the electricity of the river through the glass door. It was a very important taste, but it was very disappointing. Produced as sticky, raw, and rice does not feel rice grains like dumplings. After a long time it was a bad meal. The difference between raw salmon and cloud mud I ate in the neighborhood before. Maybe I will not go there again.
田辺哲郎 on Google

おでん屋と言うより、魚料理の店 ヒラメの刺身は、抜群に旨かったです
A fish restaurant rather than an oden shop Flounder sashimi was outstandingly delicious
小﨑幸代 on Google

波平丼(シラスの三色丼)は、美味しかったのですが店主の方の対応に難アリでした。 ・私達(お客)が、来てから洋服をホールで着替える。 →着替えが必要なら、奥でやれば良いのに。 ・そんなに広いお店でも無いのに、私(女性)が2回声を掛けても気付かず、同席者(男性)が声を掛けて、やっと来てくれた。 →他にお客が居ないのに、何故2回も声掛けても、聞こえないならテレビの音量を下げるか、消して欲しい。 ・出入り業者(酒屋さん)とダラダラホールで、お喋りしていて煩い。 →店主も出入り業者も、お互いにサッサと仕事して欲しい。
The Namihei bowl (Shirasu's three-color bowl) was delicious, but it was difficult for the owner to respond. ・ We (customers) change clothes in the hall after coming. → If you need to change clothes, you should do it in the back. ・ Even though it wasn't such a large store, I (female) didn't notice it even if I called out twice, and the attendant (male) called out and finally came. → If you can't hear it even if you say it twice even though there are no other customers, please turn down or turn off the volume of the TV. ・ It's annoying to talk with a trader (liquor store) at the Dara Dara Hall. → I want both the shop owner and the trader to work with Sassa.
シビル丼 on Google

2021/05訪問 今日も今日とてシラス丼。 幼い頃より、自分の中でシラスと言えば腰越だった。 久しぶりの訪問で店舗選びに悩んだものの、柚子シラスとやらに惹かれて入店。 プレート皿にサラダ、生シラス、釜揚げシラス、柚子シラスとご飯が盛られており、ご飯は白米。 生シラスには生姜、釜揚げシラスには練り梅、柚子シラスにはワサビがそれぞれ添えられており、個人的には柚子シラス+ワサビの組み合わせがとても気に入った。 シラスの苦味と柚子の香りと甘み、ワサビの辛味が混ざり合い、他では味わったことの無いシラス体験。 腰越漁港が近いだけあって、とても良いシラスがふんだんに使われており、とても満足できる一皿だった。 ごちそうさまでした。
Visit 2021/05 Today is also today's Shirasu bowl. From an early age, Shirasu was Koshigoe. Although I had a hard time choosing a store after visiting for the first time in a long time, I was attracted to Yuzu Shirasu and entered the store. Salad, raw shirasu, fried shirasu, yuzu shirasu and rice are served on a plate, and the rice is white rice. Raw shirasu is served with ginger, fried shirasu is served with kneaded plums, and yuzu shirasu is served with wasabi. Personally, I really like the combination of yuzu shirasu and wasabi. The bitterness of shirasu, the scent and sweetness of yuzu, and the spiciness of wasabi are mixed, and you will experience shirasu that you have never tasted anywhere else. As the Koshigoe fishing port was near, very good shirasu was used abundantly, and it was a very satisfying dish. Thank you for the meal.
塚越淳(じゅんくん) on Google

From Saitama to Koshigoe at work, to Mr. Namihei who happened to pass by at noon. I dare to have a fried sardine set meal while imagining that everyone would order the shirasu system. I was surprised at how exquisite this is and the size of the round horse mackerel in Koshigoe, but it's not a big taste, and the owner says that it's prepared with fish sauce, so you don't need sauce, soy sauce, or mayonnaise. And that. An exquisite lunch where you can enjoy the taste of horse mackerel exactly as it is. I thought the price was a little high, but I was convinced by the size of this ? and the deliciousness of the horse mackerel. It was a treat ? I was wondering if delicious side dishes would come out at night, but I would like to come back again ... ?‍♀️
Daria Chen on Google

Nice food and sake.

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