
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 好々亭

住所 :

Nakayama, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0019 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakayama, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0019 Kanagawa,Japan
お康生 on Google

I don't think the large serving is melon, but Kata Yakisoba (just "Yakisoba" on the menu) is easy to serve for 3 people, and it's delicious.
たっけたっけ on Google

かた焼きそばは、とても量が多いけど、おいしいからお年をめした女性の方も1人でぺろりと食べていました。 感染対策のため、入口が開放されていて、暑い。
The amount of katayakisoba is very large, but because it is delicious, even an elderly woman ate it all by herself. The entrance is open and it is hot to prevent infection.
YUKI YUKI on Google

お店に入るまで8人位の待ちでやっと入店。 2人で立ち寄ってサンマーメンとタンメンを注文しました。 クチコミでは中でもかた焼きそばとサンマーメンが人気のようでチャーハンや餃子も美味しいらしい。 ホールでは女性の店員さんが1人でお客さんを捌き提供にバッシングとコップの水が減るとすぐに入れに来てくれたりテキパキこなしていました。 ただ、私には並んでまで食べたいかな〜って感じでした。
I finally entered the store after waiting for about 8 people until I entered the store. We stopped by and ordered Sanma-men and Tanmen. Among the word-of-mouth communication, fried noodles and sanma-men seem to be popular, and fried rice and dumplings are also delicious. In the hall, a female clerk was alone to handle and serve customers, and as soon as the water in the bashing and cups was low, they came to put it in and did a good job. However, I felt like I wanted to eat side by side.
けんじ on Google

ケンミンショーみてサンマーメン食べいったけど、タンタンメン頼んでみた。これがまた美味かった。今度はかたやき焼きそば頼んでみたい。 2021/08/21 半年ぶりに行ってきました。今回はチャーシュー麺とかた焼きそば。チャーシュー麺は醤油味のスープに分厚いチャーシューが食べても食べても減らないくらい入っていて、かた焼きそばもボリューム満点で美味しくいただきました。
I saw the Kenmin show and ate Sanmamen, but I asked for Tantanmen. This was delicious again. Next time I would like to order Katayaki Yakisoba. 2021/08/21 I went there for the first time in half a year. This time we have char siu noodles and fried noodles. The char siu noodles are contained in the soy sauce-flavored soup so that the thick char siu does not decrease even if you eat it, and the fried noodles are also delicious with full volume.
SIZ- yyz on Google

ウマニソバ1000円 焼ソバ(カタヤキ)でおなじみ好々亭。あれはホント無限に食い続けられるね コロナ緊急事態宣言も台風16号も過ぎ去ったウマニソバ初体験日和の秋晴れ それにしてもひっきりなしのテイクアウト、さすがの繁盛ぶりでなにより。厨房から流れる中華鍋サウンドが心地良いままに着丼。ていうか大将ぜったい聴かせてるよね いやあうまい。激ウマニソバと改名すべき なにげないストレート細麺と優しい中華スープがこの餡に合うね。エビイカキクラゲにんじん白菜の正統派。まあぷりっぷりなエビは最強。隣席のご主人が食っとるウマニ御飯というのも良さそうだ サンマーメン、チャーハン、ギョウザ この辺りは一度行っとかんといかん うまかった。ごちそうさまでした
Umanisoba 1000 yen Koyotei is familiar with grilled buckwheat (katayaki). That can really continue to eat infinitely Corona emergency declaration and typhoon No. 16 have passed Umanisoba's first experience sunny autumn weather Even so, it's a constant takeout, and above all, it's been prosperous. The wok sound flowing from the kitchen is comfortable to wear. I mean, the general is listening to it No, it ’s good. Should be renamed Geki Umanisoba The straight thin noodles and the gentle Chinese soup go well with this bean paste. Orthodox school of shrimp squid jellyfish carrot Chinese cabbage. Shrimp with plenty of plump is the strongest. Uman's rice that the husband in the next seat eats seems to be good Sanma-men, fried rice, gyoza I can't go around here once It was good. Thank you for the meal
松岡照幸 on Google

出社して午前中で会社でやるべき仕事終わらせたので、午後からは在宅勤務することに。となると、商店街振興券使わなきゃならないので、中山駅周辺でお昼食べることに。 んで、今回選んだのが「好々亭」さん、ですねぇ~。非常事態宣言中はテイクアウトのみでしたが、やっとお店でも食べられるようになりました。 で、一番人気の『かた焼きそば』ではなく、『サンマーメン』をチョイス。税込900円です。なんで焼きそばにしなかったかといいますと、量多いので絶対にお腹いっぱいになりすぎるので…。もうこの年だとあの量はきついよねw。 でも運ばれてきた『サンマーメン』見ますと…これ、量多いでしょw。大盛りサイズと言ってもおかしくないです。 前の週に食べたおなじく中山の「ばん里」の『サンマーメン』より130円高いのはこの量のせいだと納得。少なくとも具の量が「ばん里」さんの1.5倍はあるよねぇ~。 しかもとろみもこちらのほうがあって。なのでずっと熱々の状態で腹持ちもよく。 あっさりめの味付けなので、なんとか完食、できました。 ちなみに100円で麺多めを注文できますが、すげー量になるらしいですw。今度はそれで我妻とシェアしようかな? メニューの種類ははっきり言って少ないんだけど、ボリューミーかつ味付けがいいので、おすすめの町中華屋さんです!
I came to work and finished the work I should do at the company in the morning, so I decided to work from home in the afternoon. In that case, I had to use the shopping district promotion ticket, so I decided to have lunch around Nakayama Station. So, this time I chose "Yoshitei", isn't it? During the state of emergency, I was only able to take out, but now I can eat it at the store. So, instead of the most popular "Katayakisoba", I chose "Sanmamen". It is 900 yen including tax. The reason why I didn't make yakisoba is that it's so large that I'm definitely too full. That amount is too tight this year, isn't it? But when you look at the "Sanma-men" that was brought in ... this is a lot, isn't it? It is not strange to say that it is a large size. I am convinced that it is because of this amount that it is 130 yen higher than the same "Sanmamen" of "Banri" in Nakayama that I ate last week. At least the amount of ingredients is 1.5 times that of "Banri". Moreover, there is also thickening here. So I'm always hot and hungry. It's lightly seasoned, so I managed to finish it. By the way, you can order a lot of noodles for 100 yen, but it seems that it will be a great amount w. Should I share it with my wife this time? There aren't many types of menus to say the least, but it's a recommended Chinese restaurant because it's voluminous and seasoned!
伊藤聖(KIYOTTY) on Google

I visited for the first time. I was surprised at the size of the yakisoba (katayaki) when I saw the sample at the entrance, and I was even more surprised when I saw the actual product that was actually carried. ❗ Not only was the amount large, but the taste was also delicious. Ankake ingredients are not too thick and not too thin. Everything was delicious even with children. A very satisfying volume with yakisoba and fried rice for 4 people! The atmosphere of the shop is good and it is understandable that it is crowded at noon on Sunday.
Robert Hickton on Google

Cheap and good!

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