Nakano Pediatric Clinic - Fujimino

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakano Pediatric Clinic

住所 :

6 Chome-4-3 Kamifukuoka, Fujimino, Saitama 356-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897888
Postal code : 356-0004
Webサイト :

6 Chome-4-3 Kamifukuoka, Fujimino, Saitama 356-0004, Japan
小林さぴー on Google

評判がよくいつも混んでいます。 土曜日なんかはお昼の12時をまわっているのにまだ20人待ちとかめずらしくありません。 そんな状況ですから、病院でよくある聞きたいことも聞け無い忙しい雰囲気になりそうなものなのですが、中野先生はそうではなくどんなに混んでいようといつも同じでゆっくりと話を聞いてくださいます。棘や威圧感が一切なく、まんまるな雰囲気の先生。お昼休憩取れているのだろうかとこちらが心配になるくらいです笑。子供が風邪をひいたときなんかは、ほかの小児科では1週間分抗生剤やら咳止め、鼻水止めを出して終わりですが、中野先生はできるだけ鼻水を吸いだけにいらっしゃいとおっしゃいます。2歳未満くらいの子供の鼻風邪はやはり鼻水を吸うのが一番確かなんですよね。変に鼻水止めやら咳止めを飲ませなくて済みますむし、なにより元をとってやれば早く治りますから。そんなお医者さんは何件も探しましたがまわりにはありません。なので1時間かけてさいたま市から通っています。 アトピーのステロイドもできるだけ塗らないでいいように抗生剤とプロペトと混ぜて処方してくださいます。これ以上混んだら大変なのでみなさん口コミしないのでしょうね。
It has a good reputation and is always crowded. It's not uncommon to wait for 20 people on Saturdays, even though it's around 12:00 noon. In such a situation, it seems that it will be a busy atmosphere where you can not hear what you want to hear, which is common in hospitals, but Professor Nakano always listens slowly, no matter how crowded it is. A teacher with a round atmosphere without any thorns or intimidation. I'm worried if I'm taking a lunch break lol. When a child catches a cold, other pediatrics give a week's worth of antibiotics, cough medicine, and runny nose, but Dr. Nakano says that he should just suck the runny nose as much as possible. For children under the age of two, it's best to have a runny nose. You don't have to take a runny nose or cough medicine, and above all, if you get rid of it, it will heal faster. I searched for many such doctors, but none of them are around. So I spend an hour commuting from Saitama City. Please prescribe atopic steroids mixed with antibiotics and propet so that you do not need to apply them as much as possible. If it gets crowded any more, it will be difficult, so everyone will not review it.
MMmama on Google

先生や、診察室の看護師さん達は良い方達でしたが 受付の数名が感じ悪かったです。 初めてなので勝手が良く分からずに、ただ並んでいたのですが、声をかけてくれるでもなく、行っていいのかな?と不安になりました。以前通っていた病院ではコロナの関係で、呼ばれるまで受付の1歩手前で待っていたのでその感覚でした。もっと積極的に声を掛けてくれればな、と思いました。
The teachers and the nurses in the examination room were good people, Some of the receptionists were uncomfortable. It was my first time, so I didn't know what to do, so I just lined up, but I wonder if it's okay to go without calling out. I was worried. At the hospital I used to go to, because of the corona, I had to wait one step before the reception until I was called, so that was the feeling. I thought it would be great if you could speak to me more positively.
ランラン on Google

コロナの影響により、予約受付が電話なのかWEBなのか予約方法が分からず受付の人にたずねたところ「詳細はホームページに書いてあります」と、何を聞いても同じ返答。 だがホームページを見ても情報が更新されておらず、結局どうしたら良いのか分らない状況に。 分らないから聞いているのだから、もう少し親切に教えてほしい。 現在、一般外来は予約制でWEBからでしか受付をしていないのでクリニックに電話をしても予約はとれない。 WEB受付は、患者の待ち人数が確認できるのでタイミングを計って行ける近所の人にとっては便利なシステムかもしれないが、遠方の人には時間調整が難しく不便。診察に間に合わないとキャンセル扱いとなり、予約の取り直し。 診察が終わったら患者が自ら受付に診察券を出しに行かないといけないルールがあり、忘れると受付の人から注意を受ける。
Due to the influence of Corona, I didn't know how to make a reservation, whether it was by phone or online, and when I asked the receptionist, he said, "Details are written on the homepage." However, the information was not updated even when I looked at the homepage, and I did not know what to do after all. I'm listening because I don't understand, so please kindly tell me. Currently, general outpatients accept reservations only from the WEB, so you cannot make reservations even if you call the clinic. The WEB reception may be a convenient system for neighbors who can check the number of patients waiting, so it is inconvenient for people far away because it is difficult to adjust the time. If you do not make it in time for the examination, it will be treated as a cancellation and you will have to reschedule. There is a rule that the patient must go to the reception desk to get the examination ticket after the examination, and if he forgets it, the receptionist will warn him.
hir on Google

子供の予防接種から5年以上通っています。 穏やかで優しく信頼できる先生です。どんなに混んでいてもいつも変わらない診察で、先生が機嫌が悪い様子は見たことがありません。自宅の近くになかの小児科があり本当に助かっています。 院内も清潔で、ネット予約も出来るので便利です。
I have been vaccinated for more than 5 years. A gentle, kind and reliable teacher. I have never seen the teacher in a bad mood at the examination, which is always the same no matter how crowded. There is a pediatrics department near my home, which is really helpful. The hospital is clean and you can make online reservations, which is convenient.
しろくまさん on Google

先生は可もなく不可もなくと言った感じ。名前は伏せるが一部の受付事務が著しく酷い。対応が悪すぎる。 質問レベルの話でも全否定から始まる。また待合室の患者に聞こえる声で患者の悪口を言っている。聞こえている事に気がついていないのか? 一部の最低スタッフのせいで病院自体の評判が落ちかねない。管理者は目を配るべき。
It feels like the teacher said it was neither good nor bad. Although the name is hidden, some reception desk work is extremely terrible. Correspondence is too bad. Even question-level talk begins with total denial. In addition, the patient in the waiting room speaks badly in a voice that can be heard. Didn't you notice what you were hearing? The reputation of the hospital itself can be compromised by some of the lowest staff. The administrator should keep an eye on it.
syuraku on Google

同居している自閉症の甥が通院しています。 院内が綺麗で看護師さんも優しいですし、院長先生も専門の医師なので相談にのってくれます。 しかし他の方も書いてますが、予約制で少しでも遅れるとキャンセルになります。 以前車で行った時に渋滞にはまり5分ぐらい遅れそうと電話をしたら『時間通りに来れないのであればキャンセルです』の一点張りでした。 遠方の方は注意した方が良いです。
My nephew with autism who lives with me is going to the hospital. The hospital is clean and the nurses are kind, and the director is also a specialist doctor, so he can consult with you. However, as others have written, it will be canceled if it is delayed even a little due to the reservation system. When I went by car before, I got stuck in a traffic jam and called to be late for about 5 minutes. Those who are far away should be careful.
Nhat Minh Dang on Google

Although my Japanese is not good, nurses and doctors are still very friendly. Thanks a lot ^.^
Marouen Jilani on Google

No communication between reception and doctor. Made an appointment to issue a certificate and they said no problem. During the check-up the doctor said he can’t issue the said certificate

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