軽自動車 タックス宮城野 アーバン館

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 軽自動車 タックス宮城野 アーバン館

住所 :

Nakano, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0013 Miyagi,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.carsensor.net/shop/miyagi/206405006/%3Fvos%3Dalcsrglgmzz10000141
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi

Nakano, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0013 Miyagi,Japan
須藤雅臣 on Google

It was my first visit to the store and I didn't know much about it, but I was kind and polite and I found a car that suits me. It was very nice to have the service ♪
タカハシカズキ on Google

I trust you because they always respond kindly.
すずたつ on Google

Customer service is very good. Music is also playing and I can wait very relaxed. Smoking is also possible outside. Free drinks ♪
石橋舞 on Google

ウルトラマンが出迎えてくれ、店員さんに羽生結弦似の店長さんがいます!! おすすめです!!!
Ultraman welcomes you, and the clerk has a store manager who looks like Yuzuru Hanyu! !! it's recommended! !! !!
白川あづさ on Google

はじめて利用させていただきました!担当のスタッフの方がとても親切に対応してくださったので安心してお任せする事ができました!車検などコミコミで月々の支払いになるので大きい出費を気にする事ないのとメンテナンスや保険などもタックス宮城野さんの方でお願いできるので安心です!! 今回は軽自動車でしたが、次普通車の時も利用させていただきたいなと思ってます!! これからもよろしくお願い致します!!
I used it for the first time! The staff in charge was very kind to me, so I was able to leave it to me with confidence! You don't have to worry about big expenses because you pay monthly by scrutineering, and you can ask for maintenance and insurance by Mr. Tax Miyagino, so you can rest assured! !! This time it was a mini car, but I would like to use it for the next regular car as well! !! Thank you for your continued support! !!
ヘンルーダ on Google

今回2台目の購入です。伊藤さんという爽やかなスタッフに対応して頂いてるのですがいつも丁寧な対応をして頂き安心して購入しております。 またお願いしますね?‍♂️
This is the second purchase. I have a refreshing staff member, Mr. Ito, who always responds politely and purchases with confidence. Please again ?‍♂️
パグ太郎 on Google

以前こちらで購入した者です。担当の方居た時は、凄く親切でしたが、辞めたとたんに雑な扱いで残念です。フロントの方も辞め感じが悪いです。挨拶もない説明もない、行くと迷惑みたいです。 もう行きません
I bought it here before. When I was in charge, I was very kind, but as soon as I quit, I was disappointed with the rough treatment. The front desk also feels bad about quitting. There is no greeting or explanation, and it seems annoying to go. I won't go anymore
ルトゥルトゥ on Google

毎度利用させていただいてます。 店内は清潔感があり、落ち着きます。無料でドリンクも飲めて、テーブルの上には、お菓子や飴も置いていてサービスが行き届いています。担当の方もとても対応が良く、わからないことは丁寧に教えてくれて大満足です!次回もよろしくお願いいたします。
I use it every time. The inside of the store is clean and calm. You can drink for free, and there are sweets and candies on the table, so the service is perfect. The person in charge is also very responsive, and I am very happy that he politely tells me what I do not understand! I look forward to working with you next time.

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