Anytime Fitness - Sendai

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Anytime Fitness

住所 :

4 Chome-1-8 Nakano, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 983-0013
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

4 Chome-1-8 Nakano, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0013, Japan
柏谷家長男mk2 on Google

朝の時間出勤前に運動しないでシャワーだけ使いに来るのやめてくれないかな? 制約はないけども運動後にシャワー浴びたいのに使えない。 マナーの悪い人に対応してくれない。特にスタッフのいない時間は目につく人がいる。 一人で黙々と運動するにはいい! 利用客の声をもっと拾いやすくしてほしい。
Would you please stop coming to use the shower without exercising before work in the morning? There are no restrictions, but I cannot use it because I want to take a shower after exercise. It doesn't respond to people with bad manners. Some people are particularly noticeable when there is no staff. It is good to exercise silently alone! I want you to make it easier to pick up the voices of customers.
佐一 on Google

一階はマシントレーニングとバーベル類、二階が有酸素マシンとなっております。 入り口の外側の扉が非常にゆるく強風が吹いている時は、物凄い勢いで閉まることがあります。 他のエニタイムと比べて特に良いとか悪いとかはありません。
Machine training and barbells are on the first floor, and aerobic machines are on the second floor. When the door outside the entrance is very loose and strong winds are blowing, it can close with tremendous force. There is nothing particularly good or bad compared to other anytime.
たかちくわ on Google

エニタイム の店舗です。二階建てで一階は筋トレ、二階は有酸素運動です。 エレベーターやエスカレーターはありません。ディップスのマシン有ればもっと嬉しいと思ってます。
This is an Anytime store. It is a two-story building with muscle training on the first floor and aerobic exercise on the second floor. There are no elevators or escalators. I would be even more happy if I had a dips machine.
mochi mottie on Google

郊外型の店舗なので広々としていて、マシンも市内の他店舗にないものが有り、混雑してなければのびのびとトレーニングできる環境です。駐車場も敷地内の他店舗と共同ですが余裕があるため利用しやすいです。 難点を上げるなら、両隣に飲食店があるためにトレーニング後の空きっ腹にダメージが………
Since it is a suburban store, it is spacious, and there are machines that are not found in other stores in the city, so it is an environment where you can train freely if it is not crowded. The parking lot is shared with other stores on the premises, but it is easy to use because there is plenty of room. If you raise the difficulty, there are restaurants on both sides, so the hunger after training will be damaged ...
公園ラブ親父 on Google

ここは早朝利用しますが、あまり人もいないので遠慮なく機材が使えます。1階、中2階、2階と分かれています 一階は主にルームランナーなどのエアロビクス中心。中2階はストレッチ。3階は筋力トレーニングに分かれています。 トイレ、シャワー室は2階です 駐車場も屋根付きがあり雨天時も楽勝!! 使いやすいですよ
I use it early in the morning, but since there aren't many people, I can use the equipment without hesitation. Divided into 1st floor, mezzanine floor and 2nd floor The first floor is mainly aerobics such as treadmills. Stretch on the mezzanine floor. The 3rd floor is divided into strength training. Toilets and shower rooms are on the 2nd floor The parking lot is also covered, so it's easy to win even in the rain! !! It's easy to use
やよさん on Google

たぶん夜来ると若い人が筋トレブースを陣取っているから、昼間に来て一人でベンチやってるおじさんがめちゃくちゃガチャンガチャンうるさい。ギリギリの重さでやらないで欲しい。そんなにガチャンガチャンやるなら、自宅にベンチ台とシャフトとプレート買ってやって欲しい。 それ以外はいいけど、やっぱりジム専門だからかスポーツクラブとはまた違った雰囲気。人がいっぱいいない時間を狙って通ってます。
Maybe when it comes at night, young people are in the muscle training booth, so the uncle who comes in the daytime and is on the bench alone is very noisy. Don't do it with the weight of the last minute. If you want to do so much, I want you to buy a bench stand, a shaft and a plate at home. Other than that, it's fine, but the atmosphere is different from that of a sports club, probably because it specializes in gyms. I'm aiming for a time when there aren't many people.
まーずー on Google

It's good to disinfect before training by a regular old man who has a good age, but it's good to disinfect it before training, but after using it, wipe it properly and wipe it properly with a tank top.
ポリスメンポリスメン on Google

何年か前に通ってました こちらの手違いでエニタイム用の口座にお金が入っていなく引き落としが出来ないとスタッフの方に言われました それはこちらの落ち度なので仕方ないと思いますが、ここからが問題 引き落としが出来てなくても何日間かは通えるみたいで気づかず通ってました そうしたらスタッフの人から他の利用者が周りに、何人もいる中トレーニング中器具に座ってるとき大きめの声で (お客様お支払いが確認できてません!)とゆわれました せめて人が居ない場所に呼んでもらって言ってほしかったですね 他人のことを考えられない人が働いてるんだなと思い恥ずかしいのとイラつきで退会しました。 今その人が居るかはわかりませんが、面接をもっと厳しくしたほうがいいと思いますよ
I went there a few years ago The staff told me that I couldn't withdraw money because I didn't have money in my Anytime account due to this mistake. I think it can't be helped because it's a fault here, but the problem is from here Even if I couldn't withdraw, it seemed that I could go for several days, so I went without noticing it. Then, from the staff, other users are around, and while there are many people, when sitting on the equipment during training, with a loud voice (Customer payment cannot be confirmed!) I wanted you to call me to a place where there are no people at least. I was embarrassed to think that someone who couldn't think of others was working, so I withdrew from the membership. I don't know if that person is there now, but I think it's better to make the interview more rigorous.

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