山本接骨院 なかもず院

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 山本接骨院 なかもず院

住所 :

Nakamozucho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8023 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://heal-up.com/access/in01/
街 : Osaka

Nakamozucho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8023 Osaka,Japan
西本彩花 on Google

From the end of January, I started going to the hospital because I was suffering from throbbing and painful shoulder pain without doing anything. You will be given detailed interviews, detailed treatment explanations, and specific treatment end times, so you will feel like trying your best to go to the hospital until this period. The staff were also kind, and the pain was drastically reduced in about two weeks with proper treatment. It is said that he will remove the cause of the underlying pain, so I will continue to go to the hospital to deal with the bad parts of my body.
和田久美子 on Google

On 3/22, I was able to keep my sitting position and the pain was so painful that it hindered my work. I wish I had it, so I thought I'd go. When I went there, I was really nervous about what kind of treatment to take, but he kindly treated me and gave me a consultation. The hospital and staff were very cheerful and energetic. As I was treating, the pain gradually disappeared and I was able to reach my goal, but I thought I would do my best to cure it. I'm glad I went to the hospital.
yasuhito akimoto on Google

たまに寝違えがあるのですが、今回は酷く、日に日に痛みが増してきたので、口コミが良さそうな山本整骨院に伺うことにしました。 初めは丁寧にカウンセリングしてもらい、まず体の歪みを治す骨盤矯正をしてもらいました。それから、痛みの首や、肩のハリや、コリなどの治療にマッサージをしてもらい日に日に痛みが和らいでいきました。それからも定期的に通院していますが、たまに出る痛みにも対応してもらいながら日々過ごしています。担当してもらっている林先生は凄く親身に話を聞いてくださるので安心して施術に臨めますし、姿勢や、首を痛めない普段の過ごし方などアドバイスをしてくれて参考になっています。信頼していますのでおススメです。
I sometimes get confused, but this time it was terrible and the pain increased day by day, so I decided to visit Yamamoto Osteopathic Institute, which seems to have good reviews. At first, I had them give me careful counseling, and first I had them correct the pelvis to cure the strain on my body. After that, I had a massage to treat the pain in my neck, shoulder stiffness, and stiffness, and the pain was relieved day by day. Since then, I have been going to the hospital regularly, but I spend my days dealing with the occasional pain. Mr. Hayashi, who is in charge of this, listens to me very kindly, so I can go to the treatment with peace of mind, and he gives me advice on my posture and how to spend my time without damaging my neck. I trust it, so I recommend it.
きたいひろみ on Google

窓拭きをしようと手を上げたときに激痛が走ってから動けず娘から良いと聞いていた山本接骨院に連絡をしてすぐに診て頂きました。 アイシングをしてローラーで筋肉をやわらげて 骨盤矯正、鍼治療、灸を毎日して頂きました。 4日目ぐらいから痛みが嘘のようになくなり1週間経つ頃には普段と変わらない程です。 また、違うところ(足首、膝)が痛くなったことを伝えると適切にアドバイスを下さり治療して下さりました。 院の雰囲気もとても明るく綺麗で先生方も分かりやすく説明してくれますので不安なく通えてます。
When I raised my hand to clean the window, I got a severe pain and couldn't move. Icing and using rollers to soften the muscles I had pelvic correction, acupuncture, and moxibustion every day. From about the 4th day, the pain disappeared like a lie, and by the time one week passed, it was almost the same as usual. Also, when I told him that he had a pain in a different place (ankle, knee), he gave me appropriate advice and treated me. The atmosphere of the hospital is very bright and beautiful, and the teachers explain it in an easy-to-understand manner, so you can go there without any anxiety.
大倉多恵美 on Google

朝起きると、腰がきちんとはまってない感じがして、歩くとどうしても前屈み。今日は家族で有馬温泉に行く予定なのに…。すがる気持ちで、山本接骨院に駆け込みました。 問診・触診の結果、急性腰痛ということ。アイシング、骨盤矯正、鍼治療などをしていただき、無事に楽しく旅行に行けました。 こちらの治療法は東洋医学。症状がすぐに劇的に改善するわけではありませんが、時間をかけて一緒に治しましょう、というスタンスです。雰囲気も良く、通うのが楽しみです。
When I wake up in the morning, I feel that my waist is not properly fitted, and when I walk, I inevitably bend forward. I'm planning to go to Arima Onsen with my family today ... I rushed to Yamamoto Seikkotsuin with a feeling of urgency. As a result of interview and palpation, it means acute low back pain. I had icing, pelvic correction, acupuncture, etc., and I was able to go on a trip safely and happily. This treatment method is oriental medicine. The symptoms do not improve dramatically immediately, but the stance is to take the time to heal them together. The atmosphere is good and I'm looking forward to going there.
石橋紀絵 on Google

産後2ヵ月目から骨盤矯正と関節の痛み治療で通わせていただいています。 赤ちゃんにバウンサーを貸してくださり、グズったらスタッフの方がゆらして遊んでくれるので、安心して施術していただくことができました。 上の子を連れてきた時もおもちゃがいっぱいあって、うろうろしていてもスタッフの方が見てくれるので安心でした。 最初の診察は、状態や目標を丁寧に聞き取りして施術の計画を決めてくださいました。 当初の骨盤矯正と関節の痛み治療のほかにもその日の状態に合わせて肩や腰の疲労を取るマッサージなども組み合わせてくださり、産後のボロボロの身体のメンテナンスをしっかりしていただいて大変助かりました。
From the second month after giving birth, I have been attending for pelvic correction and joint pain treatment. I lent a bouncer to my baby, and if I got sick, the staff would shake and play, so I was able to have the treatment with peace of mind. Even when I brought my older child, there were a lot of toys, and even if I was wandering around, the staff would look at me, so I was relieved. At the first examination, he carefully listened to his condition and goals and decided on a treatment plan. In addition to the initial pelvic correction and joint pain treatment, he also combined a massage to relieve shoulder and lower back fatigue according to the condition of the day, and it was very helpful for me to maintain my body after giving birth. rice field.
ユンケル on Google

3ヶ月ほど前から膝の痛みから通わせていただいています。骨盤矯正もしていただき、かなり姿勢が良くなったなと感じます。 担当の先生もスタッフの皆さんもすごく親切で、色々と親身に体の悩みを聞いて下さいます。 日常生活でどのような姿勢で過ごせばいいのか、どのような歩き方をすれば良いのかなど、具体的なアドバイスがすごくありがたいです。 これからもお世話になりながら、趣味の音楽を続けていけたらと思います。
I have been suffering from knee pain for about 3 months. I also had my pelvis corrected, and I feel that my posture has improved considerably. The teachers and staff in charge are very kind, and they kindly listen to their physical problems. I am very grateful for specific advice such as what kind of posture I should spend in my daily life and what kind of walking I should do. I hope I can continue to play music as a hobby while being taken care of.
Luke Smith on Google

I visited with pain in my leg and as an english speaker I was a bit worried however, the staff were very friendly and kind. Everything was easy and my problem was fixed! I recommend this.

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