Yutoriharikyu Clinic - Sakai

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About Yutoriharikyu Clinic



月~土:11:00~19:00 ,日曜・祝日定休日





〒591-8023 大阪府堺市北区中百舌鳥町2丁目8番


Contact Yutoriharikyu Clinic

住所 :

2丁目-8番 Nakamozucho, Kita Ward, Sakai, Osaka 591-8023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 591-8023
Webサイト : https://www.yutori-1109.com/

2丁目-8番 Nakamozucho, Kita Ward, Sakai, Osaka 591-8023, Japan
池田真由子 on Google

At the acupuncture and moxibustion clinic who came to the conclusion that something had changed due to a deadlock in infertility treatment, he received a positive pregnancy test about half a year later. I had a consultation about my physical condition and received an acupuncture tailored to that. I was able to leave it to me because he is an acupuncturist who is also familiar with fertility treatment. I want to continue going in the future.
ヒカリユウ on Google

不妊治療を始めて中々子供に恵まれず、体質改善を見直そうと考えている時にインターネットで知りました。 鍼灸が初めてでもあったので、最初は少し不安もありましたが、院長先生含め他のスタッフの方も親身にお話を聞いて頂く事ができ、クリニックとは違った目線で治療をして頂けたと思い満足しています。お陰様で鍼灸に通って1周期目で陽性反応頂きました。 これからも宜しくお願い致します。
When I started fertility treatment, I was blessed with children and I thought about improving my constitution. I was afraid of acupuncture for the first time. I am satisfied. Thanks to you, I passed acupuncture and got a positive reaction in the first cycle. Thank you in the future.
聡子聡子 on Google

The breech was healed in 36 weeks. In addition, I found that I was tired without noticing it, and I was able to feel refreshed after the treatment.
ねこねこ on Google

When microinsemination did not go well, I learned that acupuncture and moxibustion treatment was effective, so I decided to go to this acupuncture and moxibustion clinic. I was able to get pregnant in 10 months because my coldness and stiffness improved.
今村舞 on Google

I've heard that acupuncture is effective for infertility treatment, but I was afraid of acupuncture and couldn't take on the challenge. However, at the Yutori Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment Center, you can go to the clinic with peace of mind because you can explain your physical condition and treatment policy in great detail and treat them carefully. The staff are also very friendly and kindly healed. After 3 months, I seemed to be able to improve my constitution and can sleep well until morning.
あやちゃん on Google

子供を望んでから独自でタイミングを試していましたが、なかなか授からず、まずは不妊の原因がないか検査を受けようと病院に行くも、初めて受ける検査に緊張ばかりでその時点で心身共に参ってしまいたした。 このまま自分たちは子供に恵まれないんじゃないだろうか・・・とネガティブになりつつも、他にできることはないか調べていた時に、鍼灸治療というものを知り、ゆとりさんが近所だったこともあり通い始めました。 半年程妊活目的で通い、赤ちゃんを授かることができました。 続けていくと身体が良い方向へ変化していくことがよく分かります。 また、妊活中は不安も多く、院長先生には精神面でも大変お世話になりました。 ストレス等の問題ももちろんあると思いますが、身体の土台作りがとても大事なことがよく分かります。 病院では検査のみで本格的な不妊治療までは進みませんでしたが、もし病院だけに頼っている状態だと、疲弊していたと思います。 今はマタニティ鍼灸整体でお世話になってます。 ありがとうございます。
After I wanted a child, I tried the timing on my own, but I couldn't give it, so I went to the hospital to see if there was a cause of infertility. I have done it. I think we wouldn't be blessed with children as it is ... but when we were looking for other things we could do, we learned about acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, and Yutori-san was in the neighborhood. started. I went there for about half a year for the purpose of getting pregnant and was able to have a baby. You can see that the body changes for the better as you continue. In addition, I had a lot of anxiety during my pregnancy, and the director was very kind to me mentally. Of course, there are problems such as stress, but I understand that it is very important to build a foundation for your body. At the hospital, I couldn't proceed to full-scale infertility treatment only by inspection, but if I was relying only on the hospital, I think I was exhausted. Now I am indebted to maternity acupuncture and moxibustion. Thank you very much.
YUKI on Google

I have been continuing fertility treatment, and even after repeated in vitro fertilization, I couldn't get any results, so I started going to the 5th in vitro fertilization. As a result, I got a positive reaction in the 6th in vitro fertilization, and I am still pregnant. I had a hard time with recurrent miscarriage, but I am grateful that I was able to continue my pregnancy. Although it is also a treatment, it will be very educational because you will be given detailed advice and physical condition that suits you each time. I think it's worth more than the price!
M S on Google

不妊鍼灸で以前何度かお世話になりました。毎回の治療内容は、①クリニックでの治療経過の報告②カウンセリング(妊娠しやすい体作りへのアドバイス、メンタルケア等)の時間が30分くらい③お腹と足首に針+お腹にホットストーンの時間が10分くらいでした。料金は一回8000円くらいだったと思います。 施術室は薄暗くリラックスできるエステ空間のようで素敵です。 ただ、私はエステやカウンセリングに来ていたわけではなかったので合理性を求める自分には合いませんでしたが、癒やしやメンタルケアを必要とされる方には合っているのではないかと思います。
I have been indebted several times before for infertility acupuncture and moxibustion. The contents of each treatment are as follows: (1) Report on the progress of treatment at the clinic (2) Counseling (advice for making a body that is easy to get pregnant, mental care, etc.) for about 30 minutes (3) Needle on the abdomen and ankle + Hot stone time on the abdomen It was about 10 minutes. I think the charge was about 8,000 yen at a time. The treatment room is dimly lit and looks like a relaxing esthetic space. However, I didn't come to beauty treatment salons and counseling, so it didn't suit me for rationality, but I think it suits those who need healing and mental care. increase.

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