Nakaminato Reverberatory Furnace Ruin - Hitachinaka

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakaminato Reverberatory Furnace Ruin

住所 :

1 Chome-10 Sakaecho, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 311-1223, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 311-1223
Webサイト :

1 Chome-10 Sakaecho, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 311-1223, Japan
横蛸 on Google

2021年7月12日(月)に那珂湊の街歩きで立ち寄った。 緑豊かな公園の最も高台にほぼ原型通りに復元され、那珂湊の市街地のどこからでもその先端を見てとれる、旧那珂湊市民の象徴のような存在と感じた。 案内看板には以下のように記されている。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 茨城県指定史跡 那珂湊反射炉跡 Nakaminato Cannon Foundry 幕末、那珂湊沖にも異国船が出没するようになり、水戸藩第9代藩主徳川斉昭が、 海防の要を唱えて領内各地に砲台を築くため、 大砲鋳造を目的として当吾妻台に建設したのが反射炉 (大型の金属溶解炉)である。 建設にあたっては、薩摩藩士竹下矩方、 三春藩士熊田宗弘、 南部藩士大島高任らの協力を得て、那珂湊の大工飛田与七や瓦職人福井仙吉が尽力した。 安政2年(1855年) に1号炉 (西)、 同4年に2号 (東炉) が完成した。 高さ約15m、 使用された耐火煉瓦は約4万枚といわれている。 元治元年(1864年) の元治甲子の乱で破壊され、 昭和12年に現在の模型が、ほぼ原型どおりに復元された。 指定日 平成16年11月25日 設置者 ひたちなか市教育委員会 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ さらに茨城県教育委員会のホームページには以下のように記されている。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 水戸藩の反射炉は、鉄製の大砲鋳造を目的として、安政年間に2基建造されました。反射炉とは、大型の金属溶解炉のことです。当時、全国に公営・民営あわせ十数箇所建造されたといわれています。しかし、元治元年(1864)の藩内抗争(元治甲子の乱又は天狗党の乱という)の際、破壊されました。やがて昭和8年(1933)頃から復元の動きが起こり、昭和12年(1937)12月、吾妻台の跡地にほぼ原形どおりに復元されました。 水戸藩は、徳川斉昭(1800~60)が嘉永年間に至って藩政への関与を許されるようになると、兵器の充実、とりわけ従来の銅製に変えて鉄製大砲鋳造の必要性を痛感するようになり、南部藩士の大島高任(総左衛門)らを反射炉建設の技術者として採用しました。建設地としては吾妻台が選ばれました。地盤の強固なこと、水戸城下3里の近郊で経済的にも廻船業で賑わう藩内随一の繁栄地であること、原料の鉄と燃料の石炭の調達運搬に便利であること、錐入れ水車場の建造にも便宜を有することなどの条件を満たす場所と判断されたためでしょう。 安政元年(1854)8月、起工式が行われました。大工棟梁となった飛田与七(宮大工)の指揮のもと、入念な基礎工事を施すとともに、耐火煉瓦の原料となる粘土を得るため、那須郡小砂村(栃木県那珂郡那珂川町)の土がもっとも適していることを見究め、これに磐城産の燧石(ひうちいし)の粉末を一定の割合で混ぜ合わせることで烈火に耐える煉瓦の焼成に成功しました。大島らは、当初10基の炉の建造を計画したといわれますが、当面は2基の完成を目指すこととし、翌安政2年(1855)1月から建造に着手し、11月に1号炉(西炉)が完成しました。同3年(1856)鋳込みをしてモルチール砲(臼砲)を1号砲から4号砲まで造っています。完成した大砲は約束により幕府へ送られました。もっとも、1基では一度に溶解できる鉄の量はおよそ400貫であるから、2炉以上なければ大型の大砲鋳造はできません。そこで、2号炉(東炉)の建造に着手し、1号炉と同型ながら火廻りに改良を加え、同4年(1857)12月に完成させました。 しかし、先のモルチール砲は、良質の鉄が得られず強度に問題を残しました。 そこで、大島は、故郷南部の釜石(岩手県釜石市)に出張し、かの地に洋式高炉を建設、良質の「柔鉄」(鉄鉱石から精錬した銑鉄)供給に見通しをつけて同5年(1858)年1月、那珂湊へ帰り、鋳造の本格的操業を開始しました。すなわち2月からは2基の反射炉でモルチール砲3門、カノン砲1門を鋳造、さらに4月からは釜石の「柔鉄」2700貫が那珂湊に到着し、これにより3寸径カノン砲3門を鋳造できました。 こうして鋳造作業は、約4年を費やしてようやく明るい展望が開けましたが、前藩主斉昭が再度謹慎の命を受けたとの報が届き、以後操業は事実上中止のやむなきに至りました。これが再開できたのは、万延元年(1860)12月頃とみられ、元治元年(1864)2月までカノン砲数門の鋳込みが行われたものの、同年3月に起こった元治甲子の乱の影響は那珂湊にも及び、10月にはここで激戦が展開されました。このため反射炉も水車場もその戦火のなかで焼失崩壊しました。 那珂湊反射炉の完成は、前述のように安政2年(1855)ですから、年代的には佐賀藩、薩摩藩、幕府の伊豆韮山に次いで全国第4位ということになります。しかし、大島によるわが国初の洋式高炉の建設は、水戸藩の鋳造事業に直結すること、苦心のすえ高度な耐火煉瓦の開発に成功したことは、わが国近代製鉄史上およびセラミックス工業史上に重要な意義をもつものです。また、反射炉が建造された場所に、残されていた当時の煉瓦の一部を取り入れながら復元模型を建て、その敷地を保存してきた先人の功績も忘れてはなりません。これらの点において、那珂湊反射炉は、本県の史跡の一つとして、その存在意義を十分に主張しうるものです。
I stopped by on a walk around Nakaminato on Monday, July 12, 2021. It was restored to the highest point of the lush park almost as it was originally, and I felt that it was a symbol of the former Nakaminato citizens, whose tip can be seen from anywhere in the city of Nakaminato. The information signboard says as follows. ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Ibaraki Prefecture designated historic site Nakaminato Cannon Foundry At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, foreign ships began to appear off the coast of Nakaminato. Is a reverberatory furnace (large metal melting furnace). With the cooperation of Norikata Takeshita of the Satsuma Domain, Munehiro Kumada of the Miharu Domain, and Takato Oshima of the Southern Domain, Yoshichi Tobita, a carpenter of Nakaminato, and Senkichi Fukui, a tiler, worked hard on the construction. No. 1 reactor (west) in Ansei 2 (1855), No. 2 in the same 4 years (Donglü) has been completed. It is said that the height is about 15m and the refractory bricks used are about 40,000. It was destroyed by the turbulence of the Genji Koshi in the first year of the Genji era (1864), and in 1945 the current model was restored almost as it was originally. Designated date November 25, 2004 Establisher Hitachinaka City Board of Education ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Furthermore, the website of the Ibaraki Prefectural Board of Education states as follows. ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Two reverberatory furnaces of the Mito domain were built during the Ansei era for the purpose of casting iron cannons. A reverberatory furnace is a large metal melting furnace. At that time, it is said that more than a dozen public and private buildings were built nationwide. However, it was destroyed during the feudal clan conflict in the first year of the Genji era (1864) (called the Genji Koshi Rebellion or the Tengu Party Rebellion). Eventually, a movement to restore it began around 1933, and in December 1937, it was restored to its original form on the site of Azumadai. When Tokugawa Nariaki (1800-60) was allowed to participate in the feudal affairs during the Kaei era, the Mito clan became keenly aware of the need for a full range of weapons, especially iron cannon casting instead of conventional copper. As a result, Takato Oshima (Sozaemon), a member of the Southern Clan, was hired as a reverberatory furnace construction engineer. Azumadai was selected as the construction site. The ground is strong, it is the most prosperous area in the clan, which is economically bustling with the shipping industry in the suburbs of Mito Castle 3 ri, it is convenient for procuring and transporting raw iron and fuel coal, and it is drilled. This is probably because it was judged to be a place that meets the conditions such as having convenience in building a watermill. A groundbreaking ceremony was held in August of the first year of Ansei (1854). Under the direction of Yoshichi Tobita (Miya carpenter), who became a carpenter, the soil of Koisago-mura, Nasu-gun (Nakagawa-cho, Naka-gun, Tochigi Prefecture) was used to obtain clay, which is the raw material for refractory bricks, as well as to carry out careful foundation work. We found that is the most suitable, and succeeded in firing bricks that can withstand the fiery fire by mixing it with the powder of flint from Iwaki in a certain ratio. It is said that Oshima et al. Initially planned to build 10 furnaces, but for the time being, they decided to aim for the completion of 2 pots, and started construction in January 1855, and the first one in November. The furnace (West furnace) has been completed. In the same year (1856), he cast and built Mortil guns (mortars) from No. 1 to No. 4. The completed cannon was sent to the shogunate by promise. However, since the amount of iron that can be melted at one time is about 400 pieces, it is not possible to cast a large cannon without two or more furnaces. Therefore, we started the construction of the No. 2 furnace (Donglü), improved the fire area while being the same type as the No. 1 furnace, and completed it in December 1857. However, the previous Mortil cannon did not produce good quality iron, leaving a problem with its strength. Therefore, Oshima went on a business trip to Kamaishi (Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture) in the southern part of his hometown, built a Western-style blast furnace there, and made a prospect of supplying high-quality "soft iron" (pig iron refined from iron ore). In January 1858, I returned to Nakaminato and started full-scale casting operations. That is, from February, 3 Mortil cannons and 1 Cannon cannon were cast in 2 reverberatory furnaces, and from April, 2700 pieces of Kamaishi's "soft iron" arrived at Nakaminato, which resulted in 3 inch diameter cannon 3 I was able to cast the gate. In this way, the casting work finally opened up a bright prospect after spending about four years, but it was reported that the former feudal lord Nariaki had been ordered to be reluctant again, and the operation was virtually unavoidable after that. It seems that this could be resumed around December of the first year of Man'en (1860), and although several cannons were cast until February of the first year of Genji (1864), the disturbance of the Genji Koshi that occurred in March of the same year. The influence extended to Nakaminato, and a fierce battle was fought here in October. As a result, both the reverberatory furnace and the watermill were destroyed by fire during the war. As mentioned above, the Nakaminato Reverberatory Furnace was completed in 1855, so it is the fourth largest in Japan after the Saga Domain, Satsuma Domain, and Izu Nirayama of the Shogunate. However, the fact that Oshima's construction of Japan's first Western-style blast furnace was directly linked to the casting business of the Mito Domain and that it succeeded in developing advanced refractory bricks with great significance is important in the history of modern steelmaking and the history of the ceramics industry in Japan. It has. Also, we must not forget the achievements of our predecessors who built a restored model in the place where the reverberatory furnace was built, incorporating some of the bricks left at that time, and preserved the site. In these respects, the Nakaminato Reverberatory Furnace can fully assert its raison d'etre as one of the historic sites of this prefecture.
omochi on Google

It is a restored reverberatory furnace trace. The heat-resistant brick kiln was also restored. It is said that the Yamagami Gate at the entrance was relocated, but it seems that the priests at the end of the Edo period, who appear in textbooks, also passed through here. I was surprised because it was an insanely valuable building ?
ゆうじ on Google

幕末、日本沿岸に船影を見せるようになった外国船に対抗できる西洋式大砲を鋳造するため、水戸藩第9代藩主徳川斉昭により築造されました。斉昭公は海防意識が特に強く、武装強化による国防の必要性を強調していました。 ここで造られた大砲は各地の台場へ据え付けられ、幕府(お台場)へも献上されたとの事
At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, it was built by Tokugawa Nariaki, the 9th feudal lord of the Mito Domain, to cast a Western-style cannon that could compete with foreign ships that began to show the shadow of ships on the coast of Japan. Nariaki was particularly conscious of maritime defense and emphasized the need for national defense by strengthening armament. It is said that the cannons built here were installed in Odaiba in various places and presented to the Shogunate (Odaiba).
細谷三男 on Google

3月3日の投稿です 初めて那珂湊反射炉跡に行き 写真を撮りました 情報では 知っていたのですが 直に見ると 大変立派なものでした となりの 門 も大変立派でした 今の時期 椿が大変綺麗でしたそして さくらも 少し咲いていました
It was posted on March 3rd. I went to the Nakaminato Reverberatory Furnace site for the first time and took a picture. It was very beautiful and the cherry blossoms were in bloom a little
神父尊慰安 on Google

A fascinating insight into Japans pre WWI history
Jalan Sama Peleh Oyeh on Google

Good view at night
baloch akbar on Google

Open 9am closed6pm. Saturday sundays and public hopefully. Off
Amy Melissa Yano on Google

It's very quiet, not big gathering of people, there is a couple benches at least 6 people can sit at, staircase has rail handle on both sides going down to parking lot. Also it's wheelchair accessible, with a steep sidewalk hill on the other side of someone's home from main side road, from there it can be climbed to get into the reverberatory. But from the parking lot it is staircase. The steep sidewalk is maybe 70yrds from the parking lot. Also anyone can have a picnic there in the grass, at least I think it's allowed. And there is one slider animal toy device for small children to play on in the bottom half of the reverberatory. Up by the reverberatory twin towers is a beautiful huge wide branched out tree overlooking the 7 to 8 slope furnaces that are there as well. I'm pretty sure though the information plaque board about the reverberatory is only written in Japanese. But otherwise it's very interesting to visit, and watch sunsets, sunrises from as well, watch the fishermen on the River, can see Piarport Kasumi, Ooarai's newest bridge being finished, and many other buildings are visible from here looking towards Ooarai city. Behind the reverberatory is Nakaminato High school, with students taking archery classes beside the reverberatory. Please come see for yourselves the tranquility of this historical place.

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