そば処八十一 磯子中原店(そば盛)

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処八十一 磯子中原店(そば盛)

住所 :

Nakahara, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0036 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : https://soba-yasoichi-isogo-nakahara.business.site/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakahara, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0036 Kanagawa,Japan
谷野敏男 on Google

It's a little dark inside, but the landlady is a good person
T Toku on Google

The taste with a large amount is reasonable. The Showa atmosphere of the shop is good, it seems that people in the neighborhood are using it because it is far from the station
山田愛来 on Google

前回食べたかったカツ丼を注文! お味噌汁とお漬物もついてとってもボリューミーなので女の子には十分すぎるくらいの量でした☺︎ 一口食べた味噌煮込みうどんもとっても美味しかったので次回はそれ食べてみようと思います。 ごちそうさまでした!
I ordered the katsudon I wanted to eat last time! Miso soup and pickles are also very volumey, so it was more than enough for girls ☺︎ The miso nikomi udon that I ate a bite was very delicious, so I'll try it next time. Thank you for the meal!
寺島潤 on Google

Paypay感謝デーでPaypaで昼飯食いたい!と乗り込んだお店です。 かつ丼セットのかつ丼はミニとかでなく1人前で蕎麦も1人前でとってもボリューミーです。 かつ丼の出汁とか濃いめの味付けでご飯がススム君! ただし蕎麦のつゆがちょっぴり生臭さが少しして気になりました。 その日のつゆはちょっとダメだったかな? 総合すると満足できる一品です。
I want to have lunch at Paypa on Paypay Thanksgiving Day! It is a shop where you boarded. The bonito set in the bonito set is not a mini one, but one person and the soba noodles are very volumey. The rice is soup with bonito stock and rich seasoning! However, I was worried that the soy sauce was a little bit savory. Wasn't the soup of that day a little bad? It is one article that can be satisfied when combined.
横浜三輪 on Google

I used to go there a lot, but when I ordered the tendon, I was served fried food because it didn't come with batter, so I won't go to this restaurant after that.
pooh M on Google

When I ordered Nabeyaki Udon, it was Nabeyaki Udon with two fried rice cakes on it. I thought that the price was set higher. The shrimp are small and disappointing!
73 Ossan on Google

It feels like the lunch set is gone and it will be a set for a bowl of rice + 350 yen. According to other people's writing, the katsudon set was 1000 yen, but as of September 3, 2009, it was 1100 yen, which is 750 yen for katsudon + 350 yen for soba. The taste was delicious, but the amount was so large that I was very full.
Shio on Google

磯子区内の住宅街にある知る人ぞ知るお蕎麦屋さん。お蕎麦はもちろん、てんぷらやその他のご飯ものも絶品です。 お座敷席があるので、ゆっくりくつろぎながら、ご飯を食べることができます。 アットホームなお店です。
A soba restaurant known to those in the know in a residential area in Isogo Ward. Not only soba, but also tempura and other rice dishes are excellent. There is a tatami room, so you can eat while relaxing. It's a homely shop.

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