ロンドン酒場 アーロン 浦和

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ロンドン酒場 アーロン 浦和

住所 :

Nakacho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0062 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : https://a-aron.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–12AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5:30PM–12AM
Tuesday 5:30PM–12AM
Wednesday 5:30PM–12AM
Thursday 5:30PM–12AM
Friday 5:30PM–12AM
街 : Saitama

Nakacho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0062 Saitama,Japan
Kuniyoshi Oh on Google

落ち着いて飲める大人の隠れ家。 おすすめは、ギネスとエーデルピルスのHALF&HALF、一度と言わず何度でも試す価値有り。
An adult hideaway where you can drink calmly. We recommend the Guinness and Edelpils HALF & HALF, which are worth trying many times, not once.
Cappuccino Soy on Google

職場の飲み会(二次会)で伺いました。初めて入りましたが、さすがロンドン、フィッシュ&チップスを食べながら絶妙な泡加減のギネスビールをワンパイントいただきました。雰囲気は本格的かな。今度は一次会で伺います(笑)そして料理を堪能したい! ごちそうさまでした!
I visited at a drinking party (second party) at work. It was my first time to enter, but as expected, I had a pint of Guinness beer with exquisite foam while eating fish and chips in London. Is the atmosphere authentic? Next time I will visit you at the first party (laughs) and I want to enjoy the food! Thank you for the meal!
- Yuhei on Google

The atmosphere is good. Fish and chips are also very delicious.
リサイクルマーク on Google

浦和にはHUBがなくてもアーロンがある。 階段を降りれば、そこはロンドンパブ。 ギネスの泡も絶妙で、出来たて熱々のフィッシュ&チップスによく合います。個人的にハーフ&ハーフがおすすめです。 微妙にアメリカンな小物があったりするので★4にしてしまいました。徹底して欲しかった。
Urawa has Aaron even without HUB. If you go down the stairs, you will find the London Pub. Guinness foam is also exquisite and goes well with freshly made hot fish and chips. I personally recommend half and half. There are some American accessories, so I chose ★ 4. I wanted you to be thorough.
T “グラトニー” on Google

Perfect pint certified store, you can drink the best Guinness beer that the master pours. His wife's handmade fish and chips are also good. You can enjoy the feeling of an authentic British pub in the store where British rock flows.
Jay Brown on Google

Too expensive and the fish and chips isn't that good. It's difficult to locate and not exciting enough

Good classic English songs. Good drink and good chicken side dish. Fries were without salt which i don't like so 4 ?.
Cade Maestas on Google

Great little British pub in the heart of Urawa. The black and tan was perfect, the chips crispy, and the music on point. One if my new favorite spots!

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