天ぷら ふじ

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 天ぷら ふじ

住所 :

Nakacho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0062 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
街 : Saitama

Nakacho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0062 Saitama,Japan
須藤健 on Google

妻と二人で平日昼間のランチを食べました。 妻が天ぷら定食、ワタシは天丼。 特に定食は、ランチにも関わらず揚げたてをカウンターに一品ずつ提供してくれます。 どちらもボリュームは充分、お値段も1000円前後と大満足です。 座席がカウンターのみと少なめでお昼時はタイミングが難しいですが、時間に余裕がある時はピークを外してまた利用したいと思います。
I had lunch with my wife during the daytime on weekdays. My wife has a tempura set meal, and I have a bowl of tempura. Especially for set meals, freshly fried foods are served one by one at the counter despite lunch. Both have enough volume and the price is around 1000 yen, which is very satisfying. Since there are only a few seats at the counter, timing is difficult at noon, but if you have time to spare, I would like to take off the peak and use it again.
Sho Koba on Google

I visited several times for dates with my husband and wife, birthday parties with my family, and so on. It is a small shop with about 7 seats, which is run by a female shop owner alone. All the tempura is delicious and makes you feel very happy. It seems that it is difficult to make a reservation, but I am convinced ◎ I want to go again from the moment I leave the shop! It is a shop that makes me think. I want to go again ('-' *) Next is lunch!
cocoa aki on Google

I visited a little after 11:30 on weekdays. Luckily there is no previous customer. I ordered a tempura set meal for lunch. Only 7 seats at the L-shaped counter in a small store. When I was looking at the kitchen knife handling of the female shop owner, customers came to the shop one after another and it was almost full. It is fried at the pace that customers eat, so you can enjoy it in a hot and fluffy state. Two shrimp and peppers for the first time. Compared to eating shrimp with salt and juice, peppers are a little bitter but delicious. Next, eggplant and conger eel were served with salt and juice, and the sweet potato was excellent. It's the first time for such a delicious sweet potato to be crispy and sweet. I thought about adding a single item because it was finished with kakiage with scallops, but I paid 1100 yen for the next time because it was crowded and left the store.
Tsuyoshi Miyamoto on Google

It was a tempura shop that was delicious and had a good cospa.
Sand Gasa on Google

I used it for lunch. It's a small shop with only a counter, but it was a very delicious tempura.
竹原幸一郎 on Google

Good cost performance. You can relax in a small shop with about 5 people at the counter. Lunch ends when you run out of rice. If there are many large servings, the store will close early.
emi on Google

ランチの定食は揚げたての天ぷら(海老天2本、野菜2種、季節の魚、椎茸はさみ揚げ、さつま芋、かき揚げ)が食べられ、ご飯も希望すれば最後のかき揚げを丼にしてもらえる。天つゆ、塩も選べ1,100円はとてもお手頃。いつも大満足しています。 カウンター7席のみのため、満席の場合も多々あります。
The set meal for lunch is fresh fried tempura (2 shrimp tempura, 2 kinds of vegetables, seasonal fish, shiitake mushroom scissor fried, sweet potato, kakiage). You can choose Tentsuyu and salt for 1,100 yen, which is very reasonable. I'm always very happy. Since there are only 7 seats at the counter, there are many cases where the seats are full.
_ syrup on Google

土曜日に訪問、前回日曜日に開店後来店したらいっぱいだったので、開店前から並びました。 開店後暫くして満席になり人気店です。 店内はカウンターだけでかなり狭い。合計7席だったかと。 天ぷら定食を注文。 ご飯、味噌汁、香の物と、7種類の天ぷらが順番にきました。 天ぷらはどれも揚げたてでかなり熱いですが、どれも美味しいです。 やはり揚げたてが1番いいですね。 お値段もリーズナブルで人気なのも頷けます。
I visited on Saturday, and when I visited the store last Sunday after opening, it was full, so I lined up before the store opened. It is a popular store that has become full for a while after opening. The inside of the store is quite small with only a counter. Was it a total of 7 seats? I ordered a tempura set meal. Rice, miso soup, pickles, and 7 kinds of tempura came in order. All the tempura is freshly fried and quite hot, but they are all delicious. After all freshly fried is the best. No wonder it's reasonably priced and popular.

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