御黒堂 本厚木店

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 御黒堂 本厚木店

住所 :

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.gokokudou.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan
佐藤達彦 on Google

店員の質が信じられないくらい悪いし とても不快でした、、、 タピオカは美味しかったけど、2度目は行かない。。。
The quality of the clerk is incredibly bad It was very unpleasant ... Tapioca was delicious, but I won't go there a second time. .. ..
わをん on Google

I had a male clerk respond to me, but I couldn't hear anything because it was too sweet and my voice was too quiet. There are only bad memories in this series
福岡優花(youfhua) on Google

接客も悪くなく普通に美味しいです。 ただ、蓋の止めるハートの赤いやつのサイズがあってないのか、外れてしまい零れてしまったので星4です。
The customer service is not bad and it is usually delicious. However, it is a star 4 because it came off and spilled, probably because there was no red heart that the lid stopped.
てぺ(てぺ) on Google

店員さんは120点!!!店閉めをしていたのにわざわざ開けてくださいました!お見送りまでしてくださって嬉しかったです。 タピオカはジュースは美味しいけどタピオカがゼリーっぽいです。なので30点です!
The clerk has 120 points! !! !! Even though the store was closed, he took the trouble to open it! I'm glad you sent me off. The juice of tapioca is delicious, but tapioca is like jelly. So it's 30 points!
tamu tomo on Google

味は人それぞれなので何も言いませんが店長が凄くいい人で仲良くなるとサービスしてくれるかも笑 私がハマっているのは超ニンニク臭い炒飯ととりマヨです!
The taste is different for each person, so I won't say anything, but if the store manager is a very nice person and gets along well, he may serve me lol I'm addicted to super garlic-smelling fried rice and chicken mayonnaise!
あいぽん on Google

すごい雰囲気の良い店員さんで店員さんのお薦めとか教えてくれました! 買ったのはイチゴミルクラテで一番のおすすめらしいです。おいしかったのですが、タピオカ硬めが好きな私にはちょっと柔らかいかなぁって感じでした。 あとすぐ上にある中華屋さんも一緒にやってるそうで、大盛り中華かな?って感じでした!
A clerk with a great atmosphere told me about the clerk's recommendations! I bought the strawberry milk latte, which seems to be the most recommended. It was delicious, but I felt it was a little soft for me, who likes hard tapioca. It seems that the Chinese restaurant just above is also doing it, is it a large serving of Chinese food? It was like that!
Yukari Usui on Google

The customer service was very good, but to say the least, it was unpleasant. The jellyfish and cucumber sauce, the jellyfish was cut into pieces about 1 cm wide and had only the taste of vinegar. I ordered a set of 980 yen, but I was charged about 1500 yen including the shobo through. I can smoke, so my jacket smells like cigarettes.
Aya Card on Google

When I asked, I was told that another one was better and changed. Well, it's delicious, but tapioca was too soft and I wanted it to be a little more chewy.

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