トレファクスタイル 本厚木駅前店 - Atsugi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact トレファクスタイル 本厚木駅前店

住所 :

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 243-0018
Webサイト : https://www.tf-style.com/shop/611/
街 : Kanagawa

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan
release information on Google

I felt sick because the clerk was blocking my path while shopping. The number of items is small compared to other stores, and the price is high.
tomosuke GoGo on Google

Sometimes there are bargains. The clerk has a good taste and the display is beautiful.
レベル8 saica on Google

以前、隣にあるジムに通っている頃お邪魔させていただきました。 決して広いお店ではありませんが、魅力ある古着が数多く取り揃えられています。 現在では、ネットでも色々と購入できますが、やはり手にもって確認したい方、サイズが心配な方には特にお勧めです! 私は、ちょっぴり変わったボウリングの洋服を購入しました。 なかなか普通の洋服屋さんでは買うことができない特徴のある服が売っているのも魅力の一つです。
I used to bother you when I was attending the gym next door. It's not a big store, but it has a lot of attractive second-hand clothes. Nowadays, you can buy various items online, but it is especially recommended for those who want to check by hand and those who are worried about the size! I bought some unusual bowling clothes. One of the attractions is that they sell unique clothes that cannot be bought at ordinary clothes stores.
セレスティアルーデンベルク on Google

He talked very kindly and wanted to use it again! I am very grateful to meet the clothes I was looking for ...! !! I look forward to working with you in the future!
halu naki on Google

Mr. m's customer service was polite and I thought it was rare in a second-hand clothing store like this, so I posted it unintentionally.
Akira Sato on Google

ダウンを売りたく初めてお店に行きました。店員さんの対応も凄く良く、ダウンの買取金額も納得のいく金額で買取して頂き、とても満足しています。 また、機会があれば行きたいお店だと思いました。
I went to the store for the first time to sell down. The clerk's response is also very good, and I am very satisfied with the purchase price of the down feathers at a reasonable price. Also, I thought it was a shop I would like to visit if I had the opportunity.
菅原駿一 on Google

UNIQLO +J 2020AW ダウンオーバーサイズリブブルゾン XL を9680円で購入しました。 当サイズはメルカリなどで高値で取引されておりネットサーフィンで探していたところ こちらの店舗を発見。 翌日連絡を取り在庫ありだったため すぐに店舗に伺い、購入。 物自体の質の高さに正直、この金額で買えるとは思いませんでしたし、 お店の方の対応も非常に丁寧で優しく対応して下さったので大感謝です。 また何かの際には店舗に寄りたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
I bought UNIQLO + J 2020AW Down Oversized Rib Blouson XL for 9680 yen. This size is traded at a high price in Mercari etc. and I was looking for it by surfing the net I found this store. I contacted the next day and it was in stock Immediately visit the store and purchase. To be honest with the quality of the thing itself, I didn't think I could buy it for this amount of money, I am very grateful that the shop staff was very polite and kind. Also, I would like to stop by the store in case of something. Thank you very much.
Yoshihhisa Kubota on Google

Relatively small store but they offer good prices for some interesting items

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