Nagomi Clinic - Saitama

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagomi Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-42-16 Minamiurawa, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 336-0017
Webサイト :

2 Chome-42-16 Minamiurawa, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0017, Japan
高橋菜々恵 on Google

ここマッサージを受けたくて、電車で30分かけて通ってます。 適切な強さと押し方で、コリをしっかりほぐしてくれます。 店内は清潔感があり、ベッドを温めておいてくれたりと、細かい気配りが感じられます。
I want to get a massage here, so I take a train for 30 minutes. With proper strength and pushing method, it will loosen the stiffness firmly. The inside of the store is clean and you can feel the attention to detail, such as keeping the bed warm.
m t on Google

再度口コミします。 下記口コミで星1にしたら、電話がありました。 このような口コミをされたら困る。もう来ないでくれ。と言われました。自分は社長だから、全て自分で決める。と言われ、軽く怒鳴らました。 正直びっくりです。口コミは個人が感じた事を書く場所です。何が不満だったのか疑問です。 腕が良い鍼灸師さんがいる治療院は他にもあるので、今後はそちらにお世話になります。 気に入らない客に対しての嫌がらせが凄い。 客が居るにも関わらず暴言を吐いている。ただし他の客がいるときは言わない。いまは、スマホがあれば録音も出来るので気をつけた方がいいと思います。 わざと会計時に近くに寄ってきて顔を凝視する鍼灸師さんがいます。はっきり言って気持ちが悪いです。客によって態度が激変する。声のトーンも激変します。勘違いと言うかも知れませんが、勘違いさせる態度をとるのが問題だと思います。相手がどう感じるかです。 他の方が口コミで書いていましたが、なぜか星5になっている、、、施術室に星5をつけたらサービスします。と星5をつけるように誘導しているからです。 腕がいい鍼灸師さんは何人もいます。星は1つですがおすすめできる治療院です。
I will review it again. There was a phone call when I made it 1 star in the following review. It would be a problem if such a word of mouth was given. Don't come anymore. They said. I'm the president, so I decide everything myself. And yelled lightly. To be honest, I'm surprised. Word-of-mouth is a place to write what an individual feels. I wonder what I was dissatisfied with. There are other treatment centers that have good acupuncturists, so I will be indebted to them in the future. The harassment of customers who don't like it is great. He is ranting despite the presence of customers. However, do not say when there are other guests. Nowadays, if you have a smartphone, you can record, so you should be careful. There is an acupuncturist who deliberately approaches and stares at the face at the time of accounting. To be clear, I feel sick. Attitude changes drastically depending on the customer. The tone of the voice also changes drastically. It may be a misunderstanding, but I think the problem is to take a misleading attitude. How the other person feels. Others wrote in word of mouth, but for some reason it is 5 stars ... If you add 5 stars to the treatment room, we will serve you. Because it is inducing to attach 5 stars. There are many good acupuncturists. There is only one star, but it is a recommended treatment center.
m. y on Google

島根貴広 on Google

I am always grateful for your help. I have a lot of pain in my neck and lower back, but after the massage, my body feels better. The customer service is excellent and I would like to continue to take care of you.
BOMTERRA【完全予約制】 on Google

I am always indebted to Director Takai. We have you come to visit us every Tuesday. The staff of BOMTERRA is confident that we will introduce our customers to Dr. Takai's sincere customer service and wonderful treatment. thank you very much. We look forward to working with you in the future.
sachiko f. on Google

肩が痛くなると、鍼治療をお願いしています。筋肉がほぐれていく感じがとても気持ち良く、施術後は大変楽になります。 片岡先生のほわっとした感じにいつも癒されます(^-^)
If my shoulder hurts, I ask for acupuncture. The feeling of loosening the muscles is very pleasant, and it will be very easy after the treatment. I am always healed by the relaxed feeling of Mr. Kataoka (^-^)
to mo on Google

妊娠後期で腰痛が辛かったため、マタニティコース(鍼治療)をお願いしました。1ヶ月以上前からあった腰痛が、治療して緩和されました。 また、私は7年間不妊だったため、タイミング法・人工授精・顕微授精を行なっていました。顕微授精の段階に入った時、不妊治療・妊活コースを2回通ったところ、第一子を授かる事ができました!
I had a pain in my back in the latter half of pregnancy, so I asked for a maternity course (acupuncture). Back pain that had been around for over a month has been treated and relieved. Also, since I was infertile for 7 years, I was doing timing method, artificial insemination, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection. When I entered the stage of microinsemination, I went through the fertility treatment / fertility course twice and was able to have my first child!
関谷萌 on Google

I am allowed to go when my neck and lower back become painful and I can't help it. The atmosphere inside the store is dark so that you can relax, and there is also gentle attention such as warming the bed and feet. They will lend you a change of clothes, so you can ask without worrying about your clothes. Of course, the teacher's skill is good, and I am grateful that I can run in when something happens to my body.

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