遺品整理 不用品回収 家財買取り|許認可業者|福屋 (有)新栄美創サービス

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 遺品整理 不用品回収 家財買取り|許認可業者|福屋 (有)新栄美創サービス

住所 :

Minamiurawa, Minami Ward, 〒336-0017 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.ihin-kataduke-gomi-syobun-fukuya.com/
街 : Saitama

Minamiurawa, Minami Ward, 〒336-0017 Saitama,Japan
works 780 on Google

金額、早さ両方良かった。 人の感じも良い。
Both money and speed were good. People's feeling is also good.
田中正博 on Google

I was very grateful for the quick and very polite response. I would like to use it if there is anything else.
i MAKI on Google

お見積もりから作業までスムーズにやっていただきました。 また機会がありましたらお願いしたいと思います
We had you do everything from quotation to work smoothly. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity
fiffo tanaka on Google

見積もりを頼んだらすぐ来てくれました。 作業時間も早く、皆さん丁寧な方でしたので安心しました。
He came as soon as I asked for a quote. I was relieved that the work time was quick and everyone was polite.
イギ坊 on Google

Contact two companies from the leaflet in the mailbox and ask Fukuya-san. I had them pick up three items that were no longer needed: a shredder, a computer, and a sofa. He was in his mid-30s to 40s, but his response was not bad. The cost was within the expected range, and I'm satisfied because he came immediately from the contact.
中島千恵子 on Google

今回家の不要品の処分と、仏壇の供養をしていただきました。 初めて依頼致しましたが、電話の対応も親切で、作業員の方の対応もとても良かったです。 廃棄物処理許認可も取得していて、安心してお片付けできました。 有難うございました。
This time, we had you dispose of unnecessary items in the house and memorialize the Buddhist altar. I made a request for the first time, but the telephone response was kind, and the response of the workers was also very good. I have also obtained a waste disposal permit, so I was able to clean up with confidence. Thank you.
T O on Google

引っ越しの為、大きな家具や家電のほか、生活雑貨などの不用品が出ました。 すぐに見積りにきてくれて親切、丁寧な対応でした。予算内で済み、また何かあったらお願いしようと思います。
Due to the move, large furniture, home appliances, and household goods were found. He came to me for an estimate immediately and was kind and polite. I'm within the budget and I'd like to ask if something happens again.
品川勝哉 on Google

I live in Saitama City. We requested the purchase of disused items and the collection of disused items. Thank you, Mr. Fukuya. I would like to ask if you have anything. I became a Fukuya fan.

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