Shinshushinkyu Acupuncture - Saitama

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinshushinkyu Acupuncture

住所 :

2 Chome-5-15 Minamihoncho, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0018, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 336-0018
Webサイト :

2 Chome-5-15 Minamihoncho, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0018, Japan
多田英明 on Google

主に腰痛で長年通っています。治療は確実・的確で安心して身体を預けられます。先生方はとても親切・気さくで、治療についても相談がしやすいです。 また、診療時間も朝早くから夜遅くまでで、時には柔軟に対応してもらえるので、とても通いやすいです。患者さんファーストの治療院です!
I have been going there for many years, mainly because of back pain. The treatment is reliable, accurate, and you can leave your body with peace of mind. The teachers are very kind and friendly, and it is easy to consult about treatment. In addition, the consultation hours are from early morning to late night, and sometimes you can respond flexibly, so it is very easy to go. It is a patient-first treatment center!
tt tt on Google

普段から張りは感じていましたが首と肩が急に痛くなりどうにかしてほしいと受診しました。 自分で揉んだり温めてもあまり良くならなかった症状がスッキリ改善されとても楽になりました! 定期的に通おうと思いました(^ ^) 先生達の親切な対応ですんなり施術を受けられました。 今回は手技による施術でしたがその他に鍼灸の治療も行ってるみたいです(^^)
I usually felt tight, but my neck and shoulders suddenly hurt, so I was asked to do something. Symptoms that did not improve much even if you massaged or warmed yourself were refreshed and much easier! I wanted to go regularly (^ ^) The teachers were kind enough to receive the treatment. This time it was a procedure by hand, but it seems that acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is also being performed (^ ^)
前田英子 on Google

10年以上、腰や首に違和感を覚えると通院しています。院長先生の施術も素晴らしいですが、奥様先生の鍼で、寝違えて全然動かなかった首が回るようになり、いつも感謝しています。 院内もとてもアットホームで、子育ての相談にのっていただいたり、子供の腕が抜けてしまった時もお正月にも関わらず対応していただいたこともあり、家族揃ってお世話になっています。
I have been going to the hospital for more than 10 years if I feel something is wrong with my waist or neck. The treatment by the director is wonderful, but I am always grateful that my wife's acupuncture needles helped me to turn my neck, which I fell asleep and did not move at all. The hospital is also very cozy, and the whole family is indebted to me because I was able to consult with them about child-rearing, and even when my child's arm fell out, I was treated even during the New Year.
阿部恵子 on Google

約20年前、ギックリ腰を治療してもらってからの「かかりつけ医」です。 その後、頭痛がする程の筋肉のハリやコリ、自分では気が付かなかった身体の歪み等も治してもらいました。 今は、「ビザ痛」で通院中ですが、初めの頃に比べるとほぼ普通に生活できるまでになりました。 先生方は、とても親切で優しく接してくれて、丁寧に治療してくれる、私にとって大変ありがたい治療院です。 今後とも宜しくお願いします。
About 20 years ago, I have been a "family doctor" since I had my back treated. After that, I was asked to heal the muscle tension and stiffness that caused a headache, and the strain of the body that I did not notice. I am currently going to the hospital because of "visa pain", but now I can live almost normally compared to the beginning. The teachers are very kind and kind, and they treat me carefully, which is a very thankful treatment center for me. Thank you in the future.
北村実喜 on Google

In October of last year, I was hit by a truck and was living in a hospital with a whip. I was very close to the place where I was physically and mentally exhausted. I am grateful to Mr. Shinshu for consulting with me about everything from daily body care to private concerns. I will be indebted to you if something goes wrong again! Thank you (^^)
北村彰子 on Google

三代にわたりもう30年以上お世話になっております。いつも丁寧にお話を聞いて下さり説明してくださって治療して下さいます・ 何しろ院長先生はじめ他の方々も皆さん心優しくそれだけでもホッとして治療が受けられます。思うように治らない時でも何度の質問にも答えて下さり、こういう事ってすごく大事だと思っています・ 今は頚椎からくる手のしびれで悩んでおりますが整体の他に鍼をお願いすることにしました。早く治りますように、と真面目に通っています。 これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
I have been indebted to you for more than 30 years for three generations. Please always listen carefully and explain to me for treatment. After all, the director and other people are all kind and can be relieved to receive treatment. Even when it doesn't heal as expected, he answers many questions, and I think this kind of thing is very important. I am currently suffering from numbness in my hands coming from the cervical spine, but I decided to ask for acupuncture in addition to manipulative treatment. I am seriously saying that I should heal quickly. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
あーちゃん on Google

以前の勤め先の運送会社で背中を痛めてしまい、整形外科を受診していましたが治らず、たまたま我が家の隣にお住まいの方に紹介してもらい受診したのがきっかけです。 痛いところや身体の調子が悪い所を的確に治療していただき、おかげ様で不調ともおさらばで毎日配送を頑張る事ができています。 勿論、痛めた背中も治療をはじめてすぐに良くなりました! ありがとうございます。 今後も引き続き定期的にお世話になります。よろしくお願いします
I had a back injury at the shipping company where I used to work, and I had an orthopedic surgery, but it didn't heal, and I happened to be introduced to a person living next to my house. We have been able to properly treat painful areas and areas where we are not feeling well, and thanks to you, we are able to do our best to deliver every day, even if we are not feeling well. Of course, my injured back got better soon after I started treatment! Thank you very much. We will continue to take care of you on a regular basis. Thank you
吉野久美子 on Google

I got injured twice (waist / leg) later this year and started to go there. I was able to respond immediately to sudden injuries, and thanks to you, I got better than I expected. Not only does it heal the injuries, but it also takes a stance of improving the body together and responds closely to the patient. The personalities of all the staff are good, and time always passes in a blink of an eye. I will continue to go! My husband and father also started going. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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