一等米 手むすびむすび

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Contact 一等米 手むすびむすび

住所 :

Nagatachō, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.echika-fit-nagatacho.com/temusubimusubi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 8AM–8PM
Tuesday 8AM–8PM
Wednesday 8AM–8PM
Thursday 8AM–8PM
Friday 8AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Nagatachō, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0014 Tokyo,Japan
black crow on Google

Fumihiko Fujimoto on Google

At first please try silver shari. You can see what the first rice is. After that, please choose your favorite.
Shinichiro Nakahara on Google

It is a rice ball ? shop in the station Naka of Nagatacho subway station!
黒さ驚きの on Google

The rice ball is delicious, but the pork soup is also delicious. Most of the ingredients are small, but when you have a lot of ingredients, you can return home
Jun-ichi Hasegawa on Google

温めたらおいしいのかもしれないが、そのまま食べるには冷たくて硬すぎる… 一等米ではないセブンイレブンのおにぎりの方が安くて絶対に美味しい! 大きめのお絞りがもらえる点しか勝ってないという…
It may be delicious when warmed, but it's too cold and hard to eat as it is ... Seven-Eleven rice balls, which are not first-class rice, are cheaper and absolutely delicious! It is said that only the point that you can get a large hand towel is won ...
kay3tokyo on Google

とにかく塩味が強くて一日中具合が悪くなりました。米も硬くて味が無くコンビニのおにぎりの方が数倍美味しいと思います。 ちなみに一等米の基準は味では無く大きさと形の話だそうです。 勝手に思い込ませる最近多いビジネスモデルですね。
Anyway the saltiness was strong and the condition went bad all day. Rice is also hard and tasteless, I think that convenience store rice balls are several times delicious. By the way, the standard of the first rice seems to be a tale of size and shape without taste. It is a recent many business model that makes you think freely.
能戸淳 on Google

日々会社に通勤していると、思いがけず空腹になることがある・・・あ、帰宅の方でね。 でも、電車の中では食べることはできないし(時々そういう人もいるけど)。 そんな時に、電車の乗換駅にサクッと食べるところがあれば便利だよねー・・・なんて思ったらあった!ってのがこのお店。 この日はそこそこ遅く会社を出て、その帰り道永田町駅で乗り換えたんだけど、まさにドンピシャ的にお腹が空いていたのだ。 僕はおかかと、豚汁を購入。 他のお店と共用の席、つまりこのエチカはフードコートになっているので、たまたま空いていた席に座り早速いただいた・・・美味し! ということで、劇的な空腹は治まり、気分良く帰宅した。
When I commute to a company every day, I sometimes get hungry unexpectedly ... Ah, when I go home. But I can't eat on the train (though some people do). At that time, it would be convenient if there was a place to eat quickly at the transfer station of the train ... I was wondering! This is this store. I left the company fairly late on this day and changed trains at the Nagatamachi station on my way home, but I was hungry just like Don Pischa. I bought a side dish and pork soup. The seat shared with other stores, that is, this Echika is a food court, so I sat in an empty seat and had a quick meal ... it tastes good! So, my dramatic hunger subsided and I felt good at home.
masumi kakizawa on Google

夕方お腹が空いたので、しっかり食べたいと思って、一等米のおにぎりを選びました。 フードコートのイートインコーナーで食べられます。 日高産ごま昆布と生たらこチーズを食べました。 具もごろっと入っていて、ひとつの大きさも十分に大きいです。 一粒一粒際立っていて、固めごはんが好きな方におすすめです!
I was hungry in the evening, so I wanted to eat it well, so I chose first-class rice balls. You can eat it at the eat-in corner of the food court. I ate Hidaka sesame kelp and raw cod roe cheese. It contains a lot of ingredients, and one size is big enough. It stands out one by one and is recommended for those who like hardened rice!

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