Nagata Ramen - Kofu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagata Ramen

住所 :

3 Chome-14-21 Tokugyo, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0047, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 400-0047

3 Chome-14-21 Tokugyo, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0047, Japan
清水太地 on Google

野菜がたっぷり入ってボリューム感は満点です。。 もつ煮もよく煮込まれていて柔らかく美味しかったです。 烏龍茶をサービスで出してくれます。 カウンターしかないのが残念です。 お店の方も笑顔が素敵で気持ちが良いです。
A lot of vegetables are included and the sense of volume is perfect score. . Boiled simmered was also boiled well and it was soft and delicious. You will receive Oolong tea in service. It is a pity that there is only a counter. The shop also has a nice smile and a good feeling.
黒澤浩志 on Google

かれこれ20年は通う店。飽きのこない味。タンメンが有名ですが、他のメニューも美味い? チャーシュー麺、スタミナラーメン、チャーハンも旨い。週2.3通ってます
It's been a shop I've been going to for 20 years. A timeless taste. Tammen is famous, but other menus are delicious ? Fried pork noodles, stamina ramen, and fried rice are also delicious. I go to 2.3 a week
ぷっ!ちゃ(ぷっ!ちゃ) on Google

タンメンを食べたいとググってコチラのお店を見つけたのですがスーラータンメンを頼んじゃいました(^o^;) 結構な量です? 麺は平打ち太麺! 最近タンメンをウリにしているお店平打ち麺を使うお店が多いですねっ 麺量は普通なのかもしれませんが野菜とスープがたっぷりでゴキゲン??? 後半アタマから滝汗??? おしぼりが置いてあり助かりました? 今度はタンメン食べに行きます‼️
Gugu wants to eat tanmen and found a shop here, but did not ask for the sour tanmen (^ o ^;) It's a good amount ? Noodles are flat noodles! There are many shops that use flat noodles recently. The amount of noodles may be normal, but with plenty of vegetables and soup A hand towel was placed and it was saved I'm going to eat tanmen next time ️
aq gk on Google

Tanmen with plenty of vegetables, aged soy sauce ramen, and a lot of vegetables, soy sauce ramen is very delicious with a rich and refreshing taste. There are counter seats and about 6 parking lots.
のり on Google

気がつけばもう14年ほど通ってます。 タンメンはもちろんの事、スタミナラーメンも美味しいです。 マスターもとても面白く食べながらの会話も楽しいお店です。
I've been there for about 14 years now. Not only tanmen but also stamina ramen is delicious. The restaurant is very interesting for the master and it is fun to have a conversation while eating.
YAMAMOTO山本, RIKA理香 “りか” on Google

デスラーメンを頂きました! メニューに載せるのを忘れた(笑)そうなので口頭で聞いてみてください(笑)とてもとても、美味しかったです。辛さもしっかりあるし、コクもあるし野菜もしっかり摂れるし。大満足です。 ちなみに、ここのご夫婦はとてもとても、美男美女ですよ!ご主人はハーフのような男前で、奥様はクリっとしたお目めで美人なのに可愛らしい方でした(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)
I got Death Ramen! I forgot to put it on the menu (laughs) So please ask me verbally (laughs) It was very, very delicious. It's spicy, rich, and you can eat vegetables. I am very satisfied. By the way, the couple here are very, very beautiful men and women! The husband was a man like a half, and the wife was a pretty person with crisp eyes and a beautiful woman (˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)
いわさきのりひと on Google

熟成ニンニク醤油ラーメンとチャーシュー丼小を頂く。スープは意外にもネギ系の甘味が強くてアッサリしている。脂も無ければ油も無い。そこに漂う細目縮れ麺がツルツルと口に入るとしっかりとしたニンニクの風味が香る。ニンニクと醤油の相乗効果は予想以上にスッキリとうまい。昨今はニンニクと脂がセットになっている事が多く、ニンニクだけ欲しい人にはピッタリハマるのでは無いだろうか。シナチクが立派でこれもうまい。 一緒に頼んだチャーシュー丼はチャーシューと飯と海苔のハーモニーが素晴らしかった。迷った末に食べ過ぎを承知で替え玉を追加。勢いで平らげた。ご馳走さまでした。 食べてる最中に女性がお一人様で入店。どうやら常連の様子。女性が入りやすい店なのかなと思った。 あと、帰りにふと看板を見ると「平打ち たんめん」とある。平打ち?と思ったが、タンメンは平打ち麺のようだ。タンメンを頼むべきだったのだろうか。次に来たら頼みます。
Aged garlic soy sauce ramen and small char siu bowl. Surprisingly, the soup has a strong green onion-based sweetness and is assassinous. There is no fat and no oil. When the fine curly noodles floating there slip into your mouth, you can smell the firm garlic flavor. The synergistic effect of garlic and soy sauce is better than expected. Nowadays, garlic and fat are often set as a set, so I think it's perfect for people who just want garlic. The synergy is excellent and this is also good. The char siu bowl I ordered together had a wonderful harmony of char siu, rice and seaweed. After hesitation, he added a replacement ball, knowing that he would eat too much. I flattened it with momentum. It was a feast. A woman enters the store alone while eating. Apparently a regular. I thought it was a store that was easy for women to enter. Also, when I suddenly saw the signboard on my way home, it said "Hirauchi Tanmen". Flat hit? I thought, but Tanmen is like flat noodles. Should I have asked for Tanmen? I'll ask you next time.
iwashita tomoyasu on Google

I recommend the Tanmen.

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