
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ちんめん

住所 :

Nagaoka, Date, 〒960-0414 Fukushima,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3:30PM
Sunday 11AM–3:30PM
Monday 11AM–3:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–3:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–3:30PM
Thursday 11AM–3:30PM
Friday Closed
街 : Fukushima

Nagaoka, Date, 〒960-0414 Fukushima,Japan
せんとくんミニ四駆 on Google

焼そばとラーメンはちんめんさんが 好きでたまに食べますよ、ご夫婦が元気で お仕事してる姿に何時も和みます(^ω^)
Yakisoba and ramen are made by Chimmen I like it and eat it once in a while, the couple are fine I always feel at work (^ ω ^)
キコリダヨサク on Google

グーグルレビューの点数の高さから期待して伺いました。行ってみると昔ながらの食堂で地元民御用達な感じ。 なんとなくで野菜炒め定食もらいましたが味付けはゴハンススム味。ただこれだけだと4点以上と言うにはちょっと… もう一度行って確認したいお店です。
I asked for it from the high score of Google Review. When we go there, it feels like the local people at a traditional dining room. I had a set meal with vegetables, but the seasoning was gohanssum taste. Just to say that this is just 4 points or more ... I would like to go there again and check.
ちゅう on Google

Fried noodles. 650 yen. The thin noodles are voluminous. It's so oily that it makes your lips shiny. My husband's cooking seems to burn. It is a Kitanashuran-like shop.
カンノアキヒロ on Google

The strongest town, Chinese food. There is almost no pleasant customer service or cleanliness (laughs), but the taste is great. Yakisoba made with commercially available yakiniku sauce is also delicious, but the hormone set meal and char siu are exceptional.
吉田浩人 on Google

親父さんの見事な鍋振りを見ながら待ってますとそりゃあんまそーなホルモン炒めが目の前に現れます! んでまたこれがんまい 絶品だと思います
If you wait while watching your father's splendid hot pot swing, you will see an unreasonable stir-fried hormone in front of you! And this is good again I think it's exquisite
SKボーイ on Google

醤油焼きそばが絶品!他のもうまいです 餃子デカイ? ホルモン炒めコスパいい ラーメンは麺がすごい量、すんごく昔ながらの癖の超強い醤油ラーメンなんで好みはかなり分かれるかと
The soy sauce fried noodles are excellent! Others are good Dumplings big ? Stir-fried hormone cospa is good The amount of noodles in the ramen is amazing, and the taste is quite different because it is a very old-fashioned soy sauce ramen with a very strong habit.
弦&乱にゃんこ on Google

町中華?❣️ 久しぶりに 食べたくなり モツ炒め? 見た感じ薄味かな?と食べたら❣️ ニンニク?しょうが モツに味が付けてるので 丁度良いですね♪ 熱々 シャキッと!  餃子?は手作りで餡が美味しい? パリもちですね、五目焼きそばは 鶏がらスープの優しい味です^^  野菜??8種類 此方も 白菜使ってて嬉しい? 広東麺?も  五目焼きそばで キャベツは 福島にきて ビックリ‼️した事があり 白菜派な私 若い方々や 常連さん多い店でした
Chinese food in town ?❣️ I want to eat after a long time Stir-fried offal ? Is it a light taste? If you eat it ❣️ Garlic ? Ginger is just right because the offal is seasoned ♪ Hot and crispy! Gyoza ? is handmade and the bean paste is delicious ? It's Parisian mochi, Gome Yakisoba is a gentle taste of chicken soup ^ ^ 8 kinds of vegetables ?? I'm glad to use Chinese cabbage here too ? Cantonese noodles ? also at Gome Yakisoba with cabbage I was surprised to come to Fukushima! ️ Chinese cabbage me It was a shop with many young people and regulars
M M on Google

子供のときから通い続けている町中華。 他の店舗もできましたが、やっぱり本店のこの味が1番だなと思ってます! ここの味を他でも食べれるようになったら嬉しい... ・野菜炒め定食 変わらず美味しい。キャベツがしゃきしゃき、味もしっかりしていてご飯が進む。 写真には無いですが、チャーハンの味が変わったような気がしました。少し寂しいような... でも、店主が元気なうちにまだまだ食べにきます。
The town has continued going from the time of the children Chinese. I could have other stores, has after all this taste of the head office is thought that it is No. 1! Hope you become a taste of here as also to eat in the other ... - stir-fried vegetables set meal Unchanged delicious. Cabbage is crisp, rice advances have also solid taste. It is not in the photo, but I feel like the taste of fried rice has changed. Like a little lonely ... But, the shopkeeper will come to still eat out cheerful.

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