Nagafusa - Shizuoka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagafusa

住所 :

1 Chome-4-5 Nakada, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 422-8041
Webサイト :

1 Chome-4-5 Nakada, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8041, Japan
france pear on Google

A nice French restaurant. The shop staff was also very kind, polite and had a good time. Recommended for couples and families. The food is orthodox, but it was very delicious. Besides the tomato and watermelon appetizers in the attached photo, the texture was fun and the basil was a refreshing summer dish. I would like to ask you again.
KM S on Google

静岡市内では数少ない大事なレストラン。 記念日はもちろん、デートや日常でも、色々な場面で気兼ねなくつかえる素敵なレストラン。 シェフは若く機知に溢れ、スタッフは温かく優しい。子連れでも安心。 静岡市民はなんでファミレスなんかに行くかよ、こういうお店を大事にしないとさ。
One of the few important restaurants in Shizuoka city. A nice restaurant that you can use without hesitation in various situations, not only on anniversaries, but also on dates and everyday life. The chef is young and witty, and the staff are warm and friendly. Safe with children. Why do Shizuoka citizens go to family restaurants? I have to take good care of these shops.
をけ on Google

妻の誕生日でうかがいました。 事前に妊娠していることを伝えたところ、レアは駄目など色々気遣ってメニューのチョイスもお口添えしてくれました。 味は文句ないです。また、子供が大きくなったら訪れたいとお問います。
I asked about his wife's birthday. When I told her that she was pregnant in advance, Rare also gave me a choice of menu items. There is no complaint about the taste. I also ask you to visit when your child grows up.
emoemo z on Google

First of all, I am satisfied with the mind turn hospitality as far as fine a frank and in-store that is clean. Although I received a lunch, with sufficient volume and taste, I feel like was fun Me more than price. Also firm satisfied with the dish raw ham and salad of seasonal vegetables. Crisp and baked bread, it will shake the olive oil and your salt. It was lunch and another charge is coffee was delicious. Parking is convenient and are available next to the shop. It is a shop that you want to reincarnation.
Log Tan on Google

地元の人は知ってる方は多いと思います。 コム・デ・ポワソン(閉店)の本店です 静岡のなかでは美味しいイタリアンのお店です。 現在、ランチプレートは休止しています。 写真は3000円のコース(のメインとデザート)です。 他に前菜とスープと御茶が付きます。 メインは豚、鳥、ハンバーグ、魚から選べます。 ちなみに、持ち帰りも出来るプリンが美味しいです。 前菜、写真撮る前に食べてしまった... 味:4 接客:4
I think many locals know this. This is the main store of Com de Poisson (closed) It is a delicious Italian restaurant in Shizuoka. Currently, the lunch plate is closed. The photo is a 3000 yen course (main and dessert). Besides, appetizer, soup and tea are included. You can choose from pigs, birds, hamburgers, and fish as the main. By the way, the pudding that you can take home is delicious. I ate the appetizer before taking the picture ... Taste: 4 Customer service: 4
TAKE on Google

何年か振りで利用させてもらいました。 オードブルのカンパチ、紫芋のスープ、メインデッシュは四択で魚(スズキ)を選択、デザート、コーヒーのコースで、3080円。 全部美味しい❗️スタッフの方々も客層も品が良く、最後まで気持ち良く楽しめました。
I used it for the first time in several years. Hors d'oeuvre amberjack, purple taro soup, main dish are four choices of fish (sea bass), dessert, coffee course, 3080 yen. Everything is delicious ❗️ The staff and the customer base are all good, and I enjoyed it until the end.
St. one on Google

ディナーに訪問、 エスカルゴ、ローストビーフとても美味しかった。 そして翌日はランチに訪問、 ハンバーグの焼き具合がとても良い。 焼き立てのパンと自家製バターも美味しかった。 更にデザートで出たレモンのアイスクリームの素晴らしさ。 忘れられない味になってしまった。 デザートは季節で品を変えているようで、レモンのアイスクリームは夏に提供しているとのこと。 また静岡を訪問する楽しみとしよう。
Visit for dinner, Escargot, roast beef was very delicious. And the next day, I visited for lunch, The hamburger steak is very good. Freshly baked bread and homemade butter were also delicious. Furthermore, the lemon ice cream that came out as a dessert is wonderful. It has become an unforgettable taste. The dessert seems to change depending on the season, and the lemon ice cream is served in the summer. Let's look forward to visiting Shizuoka again.
Noriyuki Matsuda on Google

Casual French restaurant. I remember there is a reasonable course 5000 yen.

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