結婚式場 ロシェル・アンティーク

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 結婚式場 ロシェル・アンティーク

住所 :

Nadamachi, Yonago, 〒683-0835 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : http://www.rochelle-antique.com/
街 : Tottori

Nadamachi, Yonago, 〒683-0835 Tottori,Japan
森尾仁 on Google

岡崎由美 on Google

3318 keut on Google

It was rebuilt on a vacant lot last year ('17) and rebuilt. The exterior has stairs outside the decoration, making it a wonderful building where Ameri lives. It is lit up until around 8 pm, and its fantastic beauty is worth a visit.
勝部真理子 on Google

I was quite satisfied with the quality of the photos and the wedding itself, but above all, the president and the staff were quite good, and I think that was one of the reasons why Rochelle gave them a good overall experience. Even if I can give another expression, I think it will be here again. Thank you very much.
青梨由美子 on Google

It was really nice to have our own wedding! I wanted to use it for future commemorative photos. Even people who are busy working together and have money ... I think it's definitely good to mention them. I showed off a lot to those who couldn't attend the ceremony! www Thank you ♡
hiroki koyama on Google

ロシェル・アンティークは結婚式場で前撮りのアルバムや式での写真はナッシュ・アーツが担当してます。 昨年にこちらで式を挙げましたが、 色々式場を周り、結婚式はお金と時間がかかるものなので納得いく所でしたいと思っていました。式場も大事ですが、そこで働いているスタッフさんも見ながら暖かみが無いと挙げたくは無いと思い、他の式場と比べスタッフさんの熱意や想いがこめられてるロシェル・アンティークに決めましたね。 値段も安く納得できました。 前撮りのアルバムは一生物で納得いく作品になりナッシュ・アーツには感謝です。 大聖堂での式は感動でしたね。 ここに決めた一つも初めて大聖堂の中を見た時にライトアップの仕方に感動して涙したことにもここに決めた理由の一つでした。 もう一つの式場は大聖堂とは違い天然の太陽の暖かみのあるフレッシュな式場だなと感じました。 今まで結婚式には呼ばれて色々見たことはありますが、この大聖堂は新郎新婦が2階からの登場は中々無い登場シーンで気に入りました。 納得いく結婚式が出来て本当に楽しく結婚式をすることが出来ました。 ちなみに式での写真は来ていない人に自慢しました。
Rochelle Antique is at the wedding hall, and Nash Arts is in charge of the pre-taken albums and photos at the ceremony. I gave a ceremony here last year, I went around various ceremonial halls, and I wanted to be satisfied with the wedding ceremony because it costs money and time. The ceremonial hall is also important, but I don't want to mention that there is no warmth while looking at the staff working there, so I decided on Rochelle Antique, which has the enthusiasm and feelings of the staff compared to other ceremonial halls. I was convinced that the price was low. I am grateful to Nash Arts for the previous album, which is a work that is convincing with a living thing. The ceremony at the cathedral was impressive. One of the reasons I decided here was that when I first saw the inside of the cathedral, I was moved by the way it was lit up and cried. I felt that the other ceremonial hall was a fresh ceremonial hall with the warmth of the natural sun, unlike the cathedral. I've been invited to weddings and have seen many things, but I like this cathedral because the bride and groom rarely appear from the second floor. I was able to have a satisfying wedding ceremony and I was able to have a really enjoyable wedding ceremony. By the way, I was proud of the photos at the ceremony to those who did not come.
竹島詩子 on Google

数年前に結婚式をこちらの会場で行いました。なぜ米子の結婚式場なのかというと、こちらはウエディング写真を撮影してくれるのですが、 世界最大級の国際プロ写真コンテストにて何度も受賞されている為、素敵な日を思い出として写真に残した場合の事も考えたからです。海外などから有名カメラマン呼ぶ際にかかる、撮影費、交通諸経費など諸々を計算しても東京から米子へ行く方が安く、結婚式もあげられると言う事が決め手となりました。また日本人の独特の感性を大切にしながらも今までにない写真を撮影してくれました。そして結婚式に関しては少人数にて行わせて頂きましたが、スタッフさんの対応、演出、料理にいたるまでとても満足しております。館内の作りもとってもオシャレです。素敵な会場で結婚式をし感動して、後日、写真で振り返り感動してと思いだす度に感動できる素敵な会場とサービスでした、
A few years ago we had a wedding at this venue. This is why Yonago's wedding hall takes a wedding photo, but since it has been won many times in the world's largest international professional photo contest, it makes a wonderful day a memory as a memory Because I thought about the case of leaving it. It was decided that it would be cheaper to go to Yonago from Tokyo and get a wedding even if we calculated various costs such as shooting costs and transportation expenses when calling famous cameramen from overseas. In addition, while taking care of the unique sensibility of Japanese people, they took photos that have never been seen before. The wedding was held with a small group of people, but I am very happy with the staff, the response, and the cooking. The interior is also very fashionable. It was a wonderful venue and service that I was impressed every time I thought that I was impressed when I got a wedding at a wonderful venue and I looked back on the photos later.
Yohsuke Astoria on Google

前撮り、結婚式ともにお世話になりました。最初は前撮りをお願いして、別の場所で式をと考えていたのですが、スタッフの方の話を聞くうちに、式まで全部お願いすることになりました。前撮りはそれ自体がとても楽しいもので、長丁場の撮影もあっという間でした。天候にも恵まれ、まさに生涯に残る記念すべき写真を残していただき、感動しましたし、この楽しい思い出により、夫婦の絆もより強固になった気もします。 結婚式ですが、50人程度(親族と友人のみ)で実施。ロシェルさんでは、「付けたいもの(演出・司会等のオプション)は新郎新婦さんで決めてください」というスタンスなので、予算に応じて、これは付けよう、これは辞めようという風に、オーダーメイドできるところがよかったです。お陰で、最終的にはリーズナブルな価格にできたと思います。 私たちは、式後の披露宴は行わず、別の料亭で会食をしました。そのため、式の演出には多少拘ったのですが、その演出についても親身に相談にのってくださって、結果的に大成功でした。 とても嬉しかったのは、出席者のお子さんに、リングガールやフラワーボーイをしてもらったことで、場が一気に和み、後で出席者たちから「こんなアットホームな式は初めてだった」とか「本当にあったかい式で、和んだ」などとコメントを頂いたことです。 正直申し上げて、豪華な式を望まれる方には向いていないのかもしれないですが、自分たちらしい、オリジナリティのある式を低予算でしたい、今しかない瞬間を、いい写真で後世まで残したい、と考えられている方にはぴったりの式場だと思います。
Thank you for taking the pre-shoot and the wedding. At first I asked for a pre-shoot and thought of the ceremony in another place, but while listening to the staff, I decided to ask for the ceremony. The pre-shoot was very fun in itself, and the shooting at Nagachoba was quick. Blessed with the weather, I was impressed by leaving memorable photos that will last a lifetime, and I feel that this fun memory has strengthened the bond between the couple. Although it is a wedding, it is held by about 50 people (relatives and friends only). Mr. Rochelle's stance is that the bride and groom should decide what they want to attach (director / moderator etc.), so depending on the budget, you can order it to add it or leave it. But it was good. Thanks to that, I think we were able to finally make a reasonable price. We did not have a reception after the ceremony and had a dinner at another restaurant. For that reason, I was a little concerned about the production of the ceremony, but I was able to consult with my relatives about the production, and as a result it was a great success. I was very pleased that the attendee's child was given a ring girl and a flower boy, and the place was softened at a stretch. “It was softened by the ceremony.” To be honest, it may not be suitable for those who want a luxury ceremony, but I want to have a unique formula with a low budget, I want to leave the moment that I have now with good photos to the future I think this is a perfect venue for those who think that.

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