
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丸京庵

住所 :

Nadamachi, Yonago, 〒683-0835 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : http://www.marukyo-seika.co.jp/marukyoan/
街 : Tottori

Nadamachi, Yonago, 〒683-0835 Tottori,Japan
sshu Rabi on Google

その名の通り丸京製菓が運営するどらやき販売所?です。 所狭しとどら焼きが並んでます。(もちろん他のものもあるけど) 2Fには米子市民に開放したギャラリーもあって、たまに行くと各種展示等を行っていたりします。 喫茶コーナーもあり、コーヒー・紅茶に加えて抹茶も楽しめ、私のおすすめは、どら焼きに衣をつけて揚げる「あげどら」(多分テクアウト不可)で、これに抹茶をセットするのが定番です。 ほんのり塩味が付いていて、とても美味しいです。 =======2021年6月8日追記====== あげどら抹茶セットの写真追加(断面を撮るため、あげどらの写真はひとくち食べた後です) お店の目の前の駐車場は狭いですが、道路を渡った向かい側に多数停められます。(20台くらい?もっと?) そこまで交通量の多い道ではないですが、横断の際はご注意を。
As the name suggests, the Dorayaki sales office operated by Marukyo Confectionery? is. Dorayaki is lined up in a narrow space. (Of course there are others) There is also a gallery open to Yonago citizens on the 2nd floor, and sometimes there are various exhibitions. There is also a coffee shop where you can enjoy matcha in addition to coffee and tea. My recommendation is "agedora" (probably not tech-out), which is battered and fried, and it is standard to set matcha on this. It has a slightly salty taste and is very delicious. ======= Added on June 8, 2021 ====== Added a photo of the Agedora Matcha set (The photo of the Agedora is after eating a bit to take a cross section) The parking lot in front of the shop is small, but many can be parked across the road. (About 20? More?) It's not a busy road, but be careful when crossing.
佃有規江 on Google

丸京と言えば、どら焼きと思いますが ここはどら焼きだけじゃなく、みたらし団子や大福や色々なものがあり見ているだけで楽しめた???
Speaking of Marukyo, I think it's Dorayaki. There are not only dorayaki but also mitarashi dumplings, daifuku and various things that I enjoyed just by looking at them ???
住田知恵子 on Google

A local Japanese sweets shop. The number of items is abundant and the prices are various. If it weren't for Corona, it would have been a place of relaxation for women in the neighborhood to gather for tea.
The only In japn on Google

どら焼きで有名なお店です? 店の前に数台ですが駐車場があります、その駐車場の横に、どら焼き神社⛩があり、どら焼きがお供えしてました☺️ 店内は栗入り、レモン入りなど、色々などら焼きがあります^_^ 店内喫茶コーナーもあったので、有名な揚げどら焼きをコーヒーとセットで注文しました? 程なくして、持って来てくれました^_^ 揚げたばかりのどら焼きだったので、熱々です? 美味い?当然ですが揚げてるどら焼きなんて初めて食べました^_^ 言葉では言い表し難いですが、アイスコーヒーと抜群に合う美味しさです? 熱々だから美味しいけど、冷めたらどうかな⁉️油がまわるかもしれないかなと思いました‥
It's famous for Dorayaki ? There are several parking lots in front of the store, there is a Dorayaki Shrine ⛩ next to the parking lot, and Dorayaki was served ☺️ There are various grilled items such as chestnuts and lemons in the store ^_^ There was also a cafe corner in the store, so I ordered the famous fried dorayaki together with coffee ? After a while, he brought me ^_^ It was fried just after being fried, so it's hot ? It's delicious ? Naturally, I ate dorayaki fried for the first time ^_^ It's hard to describe in words, but it tastes great with ice coffee ? It's delicious because it's hot, but I wonder if it should be cooled ⁉️ The oil may turn around...
ねむねむ on Google

I ate fried dorayaki. Delicious! Everything. I've come to like Dorayaki ? I especially recommend the large-format custard! Oh i want to eat again. I should be close. The clerk was also kind.
田代慎一郎 on Google

コストパフォーマンス最強の和菓子喫茶店 本当は、工場直営の販売所です。 贈り物のお菓子を買うとき、 「自分でも一つだけ食べてみたいな」 「新作の抹茶味、食べ比べたいな」 そんな願いがすべて叶う魔法の店。 圧巻は揚げどら焼。 温かくて塩味がきいていてフワフワで甘い。 1つ160円は贈り物のお菓子として割とお手頃な価格ですが、その場でイートインすると考えたとき、 160円で至高のホットスイーツが食べられる喫茶店 に化けます。 しかも、2階には定期的に地元のアーティストが展覧会を開いている。 地域に密着している生活の中の幸せを届ける世界のどら焼工場、丸京庵。 地元の方はぜひ。 旅行のかたも、足を運ぶ価値はあります。 なお、お土産は和風の巾着袋に入れると最高に喜ばれます。
Japanese sweets coffee shop with the strongest cost performance Actually, it is a sales office directly managed by the factory. When buying sweets for gifts "I want to eat only one myself" "I want to compare the new matcha flavors" A magical shop where all such wishes come true. The highlight is fried dorayaki. Warm, salty, fluffy and sweet. One 160 yen is a relatively reasonable price as a gift candy, but when I thought that I would eat in on the spot, A coffee shop where you can eat the best hot sweets for 160 yen It turns into. Moreover, local artists regularly hold exhibitions on the second floor. Marukyoan, a dorayaki factory in the world that delivers happiness in a community-based life. If you are a local, please do. Travelers are also worth a visit. If you put souvenirs in a Japanese-style drawstring bag, you will be most pleased.
竹中泉 on Google

決して大きくはない看板ですが、今や丸京庵さんは世界に輸出するどら焼き世界No.1の会社と聞きました。新商品の「極み」シリーズ、とても美味しかったです◎ 店員の方も心優しく穏やかに対応してくれました。?‼️ 紅白の餅も取り扱っておられること、行って初めて知りました。 これからも度々利用させてもらいたいと思います。
It's not a big sign, but I heard that Marukyoan is now the number one company in the world for Dorayaki to export to the world. The new product "Extreme" series was very delicious ◎ The clerk also responded kindly and calmly. ?‼ ️ I learned for the first time that I also handle red and white mochi. I would like to continue using it from now on.
西村謙志 on Google

揚げどら焼きすごくおいしかったです。 和菓子が賞味期限近くで安くなってたので買いましたが、どれもおいしく頂きました。職場の人たちにも喜ばれました。米子に行った時にはまた寄ろうと思います。
The fried dorayaki was very delicious. I bought Japanese sweets because they were cheaper near the expiration date, but they were all delicious. The people at work were also pleased. When I go to Yonago, I will stop by again.

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