Mutsu Ekimae Market - Hachinohe

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mutsu Ekimae Market

住所 :

Kubo-43 Minatomachi, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-0812, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789998
Postal code : 031-0812
Opening hours :
Saturday 3AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 3AM–3PM
Tuesday 3AM–3PM
Wednesday 3AM–3PM
Thursday 3AM–3PM
Friday 3AM–3PM

Kubo-43 Minatomachi, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-0812, Japan
Hide Kage on Google

青森旅行の時にドライブがてら行きました。 ここも青森旅行計画の時に事前にググり、画像や口コミ評価を見て目指したお店の1つです。 ゴールデンウィーク前半に行きましたので、早朝にも関われず陸奥湊駅周辺は大変混雑しており、有料駐車場が満車だらけでクルマを停めるのに苦労しました。 で!市場内もご飯セットを買い求める観光客で大行列とゴールデンウィークや連休に行くものじゃないと認識しました。 食べたい1品物を色々買い、ご飯セットを買えばOKです♪ ちなみに、ご飯セットを購入する場所で焼き魚系は買えますが、混雑していると焼き魚系は時間がかかります。
I went for a drive when traveling to Aomori. This is also one of the shops that I aimed at in advance in the Aomori Travel Plan, looking at images and reviews. I went to the first half of the Golden Week, so the area around Riku Oku Station was very crowded regardless of the early morning, and it was difficult to park the car with the toll parking lot full. so! I also realized that the market would like tourists to buy a set of rice and go to the Great Procession and Golden Week and consecutive holidays. It is OK if you buy a variety of items you want to eat, buy a rice set ♪ By the way, you can buy grilled fish at the place where you buy rice set, but if it is crowded, grilled fish will take time.
Reiko on Google

安くて美味しいので ついつい買いすぎてしまいます。 早い時間に行った方が 品数揃ってると思います。 7年振りに来ましたが、 ここの100円コーヒーが変わってなくて 嬉しかった。 コーヒーも美味しいですよ。
Because it's cheap and delicious I just buy too much. It ’s better to go early I think we have all the items. I came for the first time in 7 years The 100 yen coffee here hasn't changed Was delighted. Coffee is also delicious.
Nobuhiro Noma on Google

自分で、好きなお店から刺身や焼き魚を購入して定食や、海鮮丼を自分流にカスタム出来る。中々楽しいお店ですね❗ 地場産のお惣菜や干物も豊富です。 お店のおばちゃんも優しく人情があって、それだけでも充分価値があると思います❗
You can buy sashimi and grilled fish from your favorite shops and customize your own set meal or seafood bowl. It is a pleasant shop Locally-made side dishes and dried fish are also abundant. The aunt in the shop also has a kindhearted kindness, I think it is worth enough alone ❗
花田貴光 on Google

夜勤明けで来店が8:30過ぎたので良き品が少なかったのですが、寒いなか店番されているお婆ちゃん達を見て購入しました。ご飯と味噌汁が頼める場所も時間で閉店してたので持ち帰って頂きました。 次回はもっと早く行ってみます。
There weren't many good items because I came to the store after 8:30 at the end of the night shift, but I bought it after seeing the grandmothers who were in the store in the cold. The place where you can order rice and miso soup was closed in time, so I took it home. Next time I will go earlier.
Eriko Koga on Google

One of the fish markets that you must visit while your in Hachinohe. Small but cozy market with lots of small shops. You can buy your favorite grilled fish/ sashimis and bring it to the cafeteria located inside the market. Rice and miso soup simple set is 300yen. (If you choose the special miso soup it’ll be extra.) 八戸にいらしたら是非来て欲しい市場です!市場の中にはたくさんのお店があるので各お店で好きなお魚を買って食堂で食べることができます! ごはんとお味噌汁セットで300円です。 12月に来ましたが寒い中ストーブの近くの席で食べるのがとても楽しいです! 皆さまもぜひ!
One of the fish markets that you must visit while your in Hachinohe. Small but cozy market with lots of small shops.You can buy your favorite grilled fish / sashimis and bring it to the cafeteria located inside the market.Rice and miso soup simple set is 300yen. (If you choose the special miso soup it'll be extra.) If you are in Hachinohe, this is the market you want to visit! There are many shops in the market, so you can buy your favorite fish at each shop and eat them in the cafeteria! 300 yen for rice and miso soup set. I came in December, but it's so much fun to eat at the seat near the stove in the cold! Everyone too!
Nobu on Google

8時到着 少し終わりかけ 好きなものとご飯買って休憩所で味噌汁もらって朝ごはん 最高です
Arrived at 8 o'clock, it's almost over, buy rice with your favorite food, get miso soup at the rest area, and breakfast is the best
土田知 on Google

12月6日 久しぶりに早朝に訪れました。 メイン「魚菜市場」は改装中でした。 目的は朝飯(笑) 駅前に多くの海産物を扱うお店が連なってます。 ここで店内を見ながらーお菜(おかず)を選べます。 相変わらず浜のおばあちゃん達はパワフルでしたねー そして朝飯もすごいですよー 筋子のボリュームは???これを一人で食べる??? いつもはお刺身で朝食なんですがー筋子と芽カブの味噌汁のみ(笑) 会計は600円。 青森県民にとっては筋子は朝飯の定番です。 塩気を抑えてあるのでー炊きたてのご飯に合いますよ 食後は無料休憩所でコーヒー(110円)を飲みながら地元の人達とよもやま話で盛り上がりました。 来年の春には新施設がオープンする予定です。 アクセスはバスの方が便利です。 小中野からー下車してゆっくり歩いて約10分くらいで行けます。 途中には多くの漁船やは八戸酒造の美しい煉瓦作りの蔵も見られます。
December 6th I visited early in the morning for the first time in a long time. The main "fish market" was under renovation. The purpose is breakfast (laughs) There are many shops selling seafood in front of the station. Here you can choose side dishes while looking inside the store. As usual, the grandmas on the beach were powerful. And the breakfast is amazing too! The volume of Sujiko is ??? Eat this alone ??? I usually have sashimi for breakfast, but only Sujiko and bud turnip miso soup (laughs) The accounting is 600 yen. Sujiko is a staple of breakfast for Aomori residents. The saltiness is suppressed, so it goes well with freshly cooked rice. After the meal, we had a coffee (110 yen) at the free rest area and talked with the locals. A new facility is scheduled to open next spring. Access is more convenient by bus. You can get off from Konakano and walk slowly in about 10 minutes. Along the way, you can see many fishing boats and the beautiful brick brewery of Hachinohe Sake Brewery.
Gecko Chua on Google

On 2nd August 2017 morning , my brother in law and I walked from my sister place at Hachinohe about 10mins to Shirogane stn, and take a train to Mutsu-Minato, 1 stop away, fare 140yen each, to visit the morning market at Mutsu Ekimae Market. This morning market is bustling with life with the merchants selling fresh seafood and homemade foods and the locals also visit this morning market for breakfast, making it a kitchen for the people. We walked around the whole place to see the fresh fishes and seafood being packed and displayed neatly in rows, and vegetables and fruits neatly displayed. There were locals especially older ladies doing their groceries. We joined the locals there for breakfast as there are ready to eat side dishes, sushi shop etc. We can eat almost anything we want and it's a great place to take breakfast there in the morning.

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