Sakaiuo Market - Sakai

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakaiuo Market

住所 :

2 Chome-4-1 Sakaebashicho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0971, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 590-0971
Webサイト :

2 Chome-4-1 Sakaebashicho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0971, Japan
Qasim Muhammad on Google

I'm lonely, but ... there are good fish that are cheaper than Kuromon
なかじまひろし on Google

I went a little late but I bought something good. It's a business from 3 am.
渡辺誠仁 on Google

マグロ屋さん、品質は、確か。 東の入り口から、すぐ角の店。 忙しそうな時間帯外して、質問に、答えてくれます。
Tuna shop, quality is certain. From the east entrance, a corner store. They will be out of busy hours and will answer your questions.
yosh “JOY” letitshine on Google

From 5 to 9 in the morning. I went to the store just before closing. Toro of fresh bluefin tuna, I'm full! The squid sashimi was also hard, sweet and delicious ~
start moon light on Google

I was going to go to a tempura shop that opens in the middle of the night. The tempura is so tight in the middle of the night that if you think that no one is there, there are no seats available. It was delicious to finally vacate and eat.
やなしょう1965 on Google

昼間に行きました、ほとんどのお店が閉まってました一軒だけ大吉と言う天婦羅屋さんが営業してましたので入ろうと行けば…… 4月1日からランチ営業始まるそうで、現在は招待客だけの営業だった……⤵⤵残念⤵⤵ しかし、この市場は天婦羅が有名なのか?天婦羅屋さんが何軒か‥ 多く感じました。
I went to the daytime, most shops were closed, and only one house was called Tenyoshiya, which is called Daikichi. It seems that lunch business will start from April 1 and it is business only for invited guests now ....... ⤵⤵ But is this market famous for tempura? How many tempura shops .. I felt a lot.
阪本隆博 on Google

営業30分前で行列で待つのを覚悟しましたがそこまで。 天ぷら屋で名物のあさり汁のあさりの量に満足‼️ 殻を床に捨てるスタイルも堪能しました。 天ぷらは衣が軽く食べやすく思います。
I was prepared to wait in line 30 minutes before business, but that's it. Satisfied with the amount of clams in the famous clam soup at the tempura shop! ️ I also enjoyed the style of throwing the shells on the floor. I think tempura is light and easy to eat.
snow man on Google

もっと活気のある市場を想像していましたが、寂れていて寂しい感じです。 開店時間が3時は嘘ですね。 3時半頃に行きましたが準備してる店が3店舗ほどしか無かったです。 早い店で0420頃でした。 閉店してる店が多く聞いたところ半分は閉業している様です。 店は8時頃に閉めるそうです。 空いてる店も少しラインナップが少ない様に感じます。 自分はアカエイとタイラギ買って帰りましたが締めて丁寧に血抜きもしてもらえたので嬉しかったです。
I imagined a more vibrant market, but I feel lonely and lonely. It's a lie when the store opens at 3 o'clock. I went there around 3:30, but there were only about 3 stores preparing. It was around 0420 at an early store. I heard that many stores are closed, but half of them seem to be closed. The store will close around 8 o'clock. I feel that the lineup of vacant stores is a little small. I bought stingrays and pectinatas and went home, but I was happy because they tightened and carefully drained the blood.

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