Murasaki Shrine - Kesennuma

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Murasaki Shrine

住所 :

1-1 Hamamiyama, Kesennuma, Miyagi 988-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 988-0015
Webサイト :

1-1 Hamamiyama, Kesennuma, Miyagi 988-0015, Japan
我妻恭甫 on Google


震災以前まで行われていたかぼちゃ祭りが有名でした。 復活を希望する声を聞くがどうなるのやら?
The pumpkin festival that was held before the earthquake was famous. I hear a voice wanting to be resurrected, but what happens?
小野寺明美(Honeybee) on Google

御朱印いただきましたm(_ _)m
I received a red stamp m (_ _) m
山﨑清 on Google

You can park your car in the precincts.
井上信男(治五郎) on Google

It was a shelter at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
浅野恵一 on Google

It was a shelter at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake. I am very grateful to you. There are also benefits. Prosper family business, traffic safety, health first, study
Osamu.A on Google

当神社は慶長10年、越後、柏崎の人、斎藤四郎兵衛和泉盛方が計仙麻(ケセマ)陣ケ保(現気仙沼市笹ケ陣)に移り住む時、屋敷内に紫明神と観音を勧請したが、五代又衛門の時に火災にて御堂を焼失した。 正保年中、六代又四郎が鼎ケ浦(気仙沼湾)海辺高台に屋敷を移し建てる時に敷内に観音を祀り、柏崎観音とした。故に今もその所を柏崎山と云う。 また紫明神は地続きの西風釜(ナライガマ)鐙坂(アブミザカ)に鎮め祀りて、分家に別当を命じた。今も分家、斎藤家の屋号を別当と云う。 紫明神の「むらさき」は斎藤家の家紋、藤の花の紫より名付けたと云う。 昭和23年、御社地を別当斎藤家より寄進されて宗教法人紫神社となり、近辺、南町、柏崎地区を氏子とし、毎年の例祭はカボチャ祭りのむらさきさんと賑わっている。 (カボチャ祭り) カボチャ(南瓜)まつりの起こりは定かではないが、言い伝えによれば、昔はまつり師といって、祭りの山車等を作る職人がいた。 紫明神の祭りに、そのまつり師の作った人形が境内に並べられたと云う。 ところが江戸時代末期か明治時代初期のことか、折角準備してた人形が火災により焼失したので、付近の若者たちが方々の畑より南瓜を集めて来て、南瓜を頭にした人形を作り、境内に並べ飾ったことが大勢の人々の喝采を浴びたと云う。 その時の美談や時代を諷刺したもの色々で、以来、祭りが近づくと、各地区の若者たちが出しものを秘密裡に作成し、その出来栄を競った。 現在も氏子地域、南町、柏崎青年会によって受け継がれている。 主祭神:屋船豊受姫大神 例祭日:9月第2日曜日
This shrine in Keicho 10 years, Echigo, Kashiwazaki people, Saito Shirobei Izumi Morikata moved to Kesenma Jinkeho (currently Kesennuma City Sagasajin), and recommended Shimeijin and Kannon in the mansion However, at the time of Goshiro Mataemon, the fire destroyed Mido. During Masaho year, when Matadai Shiro moved and built a mansion on the seaside hill of Dingaura (Kesennuma Bay), he enshrined Kannon in the floor and made it Kashiwazaki Kannon. Therefore, the place is still called Mt. Kashiwazaki. Shimyojin also worshiped at Naraigama and Abuzizaka, which were connected to the ground, and ordered the branch to separate. Even now, the branch name of the branch and the Saito family is called bespoke. Shimura's "Murasaki" is named after the Saito family crest, the purple wisteria. In 1948, your shrine was donated by the Beto Saito family to become a religious corporation, Shijin Shrine. The neighborhood, Minamimachi, and Kashiwazaki districts were made up of children, and the annual festival is full of pumpkin festivals. (Pumpkin festival) The pumpkin festival is unclear, but according to tradition, there was once a festival master, a craftsman making festival floats. It is said that the dolls made by the festival master were lined up on the grounds at the Shimeijin festival. However, in the late Edo era or early Meiji era, the dolls that had been prepared were burned down by fire, so young people nearby gathered pumpkins from various fields and made dolls with pumpkin heads, It is said that the arrangement of the decorations on the precincts was a hit with the crowd. The stories and satires of the times at that time were various, and since then, as the festival approached, the young people in each district secretly created the offerings and competed for their accomplishments. It is inherited by the Ujiko area, Minamimachi and Kashiwazaki Youth Association. Main festival deity: Yabune Toyotohime Ogami Regular holiday: Second Sunday in September
久太郎 on Google

令和元年のGWに参拝しました。 神主さんが不在で書き置きの御朱印でした。 社務所の中に居た人が日付を入れてくれました。 震災では、鳥居の階段半分ぐらいまで水が来たそうです。
I visited the GW of the Dewa Year. In the absence of the god lord, it was a stamp of writing. The person who was in the office put the date. In the earthquake, it seems that water comes to about half of the stairs of the torii.

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