動物病院むこのそう - Amagasaki

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 動物病院むこのそう

住所 :

Mukonoso, Amagasaki, 〒661-0035 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Postal code : 661-0035
Webサイト : http://65nosou-vet.com/
街 : Hyogo

Mukonoso, Amagasaki, 〒661-0035 Hyogo,Japan
ジャムリンリン on Google

I knew this hospital when I was old and I couldn't see it and my heart was defective, so it was difficult to leave at a pet hotel. At first I came to the hospital because there was a pet hotel, but the teachers and staff were kind and polite, and my dog ​​was here and I have been indebted since then. The teacher listens to this story over time, and the explanation is easy to understand, and the process of treatment is full of relief. I would like to take care of you this time, but the troublesome requests are handled with great comfort and I am full of peace of mind and gratitude. It's also helpful because you can check it when you leave it.
マクドナルドビッグマックポリス on Google

飼っている犬が、体調が悪くなり、いつも行っていた病院が休みで、こちらの病院に行くことになりました。 対応も早く、優しい先生です。 ホワイトボードに、検査内容など書いてくれて、飼い主と相談しながら、検査などを進めてくれます。気になる料金ですが、その都度聞けば教えてもらえます。高くない良心的な金額です。 スタッフの方も、すごく丁寧で雰囲気もよく、素敵な病院でした。 かかりつけの病院があることを伝えましたら、処置した注射や出してもらった薬など、かかりつけの病院に伝えられるように、準備していただけました。 一度の利用ですが、とても良い病院だと感じられました。 友達に紹介するなら、今のかかりつけのの病院じゃなく、こちらを絶対紹介します。 こちらの病院に急遽行こうと決めたのは、Googleの他の方のコメントを見て決めました。 結果すごくよかったので、病院探しで悩んでる方は、是非一度伺った方がいいと思います。 猫歴12年、犬歴7年、20年近く動物と生活してますが、病院選びはとても悩みますよね。 こちら、とてもおすすめな病院ですよ。
My dog ​​became sick, and the hospital I always went to was off and I went to this hospital. The response is quick and she is a gentle teacher. They will write the details of the test on the whiteboard and consult with the owner to proceed with the tests. It is a worrisome rate, but you can tell me if you ask each time. It is not a conscientious amount. The staff was very polite and the atmosphere was good and it was a wonderful hospital. When I told them that my hospital was there, I was prepared to tell them about the injections I had taken and the medicines I had given out. It was a one-time use, but I felt it was a very good hospital. If you want to introduce it to your friends, I will definitely refer you here instead of your current hospital. I decided to go to this hospital in a hurry after seeing comments from other Googlers. The results were really good, so if you're worried about finding a hospital, you should definitely visit it. I have lived with animals for nearly 12 years, 12 years for cats, 7 years for dogs, but it is very difficult to choose a hospital. This is a very recommended hospital.
wisteria saint on Google

インコ4羽がお世話になっています。細菌検査やレントゲンなど、小さな鳥さんもしっかり診ていただけます。爪切り、クリッピングも丁寧にしてくださいました。 いついってもかなり混み合っているイメージですので初診以外は電話予約をオススメします。 先生はいつも丁寧で、病状が回復していくのを一緒に喜んでくださるようなとても感じのよい男性です。 看護師のみなさんも穏やかで受付をしていると緊張が解れます^^
Four parakeets are indebted. Even small birds can be thoroughly examined, such as bacterial tests and X-rays. Nail clippers and clipping were also done carefully. It seems that it is quite crowded even if you come, so we recommend you to make a phone reservation except for the first visit. The teacher is always polite and a very pleasant man who will be happy to work with him as his condition recovers. If the nurses are calm and the receptionist is open, the tension will be released ^^
氏田亜希子 on Google

まず飼い主のみで先生と面談したのですが 大げさではなく『最高』でした。 先生、受付さん、待合室の雰囲気・・・・ 暖かで穏やかで笑顔で丁寧に接して下さる 初めてで緊張しましたが、帰りは 『来て良かったあ~!』と感激でした。 この病院の素晴らしいのは 飼い主とのコミュニケーションを大切にして下さる所です まず、言いにくい事を伝えても『うんうん』と笑顔で聞いて下さり 決して飼い主を責めたりしません 動物だけでなく、飼い主の気持ちもフォローしてくれます 動物に熱意を向ける反面、飼い主とのコミュニケーションを軽視される獣医さんもいますが こちらの病院はそんな心配はありません 電話対応の段階からもう神でした これからお世話になります 先生、スタッフさん、素敵な笑顔をありがとう
First of all, I met with the teacher only by the owner, It was "excellent", not exaggeration. Teacher, receptionist, waiting room atmosphere... Warm, gentle, smiling and polite I was nervous for the first time, but on my way home "It was nice to come! I was very impressed. The great thing about this hospital is This is where you value communication with the owner. First of all, even if you say something difficult to say, "Yeah yes" with a smile Never blame the owner Not only animals but also the feelings of the owner While some veterinarians are enthusiastic about animals, they neglect communication with their owners. There is no such worry in this hospital I was already a god from the telephone response stage Thank you in advance for your kindness Thank you teacher, staff, and lovely smile
N K on Google

すごく丁寧にレクチャーも交えて診て頂けました。 初めてのペットで不安でしたが、近くに信頼できる病院、先生がいるのは大変心強いです! 院内は、それほど広くはないが清潔感があり明るい雰囲気。 受付の方の応対もよく、わかり易い。 限りがあるが、預かりもしてくれるので仕事でどうしても時間がない時は非常に助かります。
I was able to see you very carefully with a lecture. I was worried about my first pet, but it is very encouraging to have a reliable hospital and teacher nearby! The hospital is not very large, but it has a clean and bright atmosphere. The receptionist is very friendly and easy to understand. Although there is a limit, it will be taken care of, so it will be very helpful when you really do not have time at work.
小宮久美 on Google

午前午後の先着順の予約制なのですが、先着順で時間枠を選べる予約制になれば嬉しいのですが…。出来るだけ遅い時間帯がよく予約のタイミングをはかっていると満数になって取り損なったことも多々あります。 でも、忙しいにも関わらず先生がとても丁寧に診察、説明、提案をして下さいますので、ずっとお世話になってます。
The reservation system is on a first-come, first-served basis in the morning and afternoon, but I would be happy if the reservation system allows you to select the time frame on a first-come, first-served basis. In many cases, I missed the reservation because it was full when the reservation was timed as late as possible. However, despite my busy schedule, the teacher gives me very careful examinations, explanations, and suggestions, so I am indebted to him for a long time.
あこ on Google

オカメインコを診てもらいました。 鳥を診てもらえる病院は限られてるので、助かりました。 親切でした。「こんな症状がでたら、こういう病気の可能性があるので、連れてきてください」と、写真を提示しながら説明してくださいましたよ。 看護師さんも、小動物の気持ちを分かって、優しく接してくださいました。
I had a cockatiel examined. It was helpful because there are only a limited number of hospitals where you can see birds. It was kind. "If you have this kind of symptom, you may have this kind of illness, so please bring it with you," he explained while presenting the photo. The nurse also understood the feelings of the small animals and treated them kindly.
矢野幸 on Google

ハムスターでお世話になっています。 小動物は診てくださる病院が少ないので、とても助かります。 院長先生はじめ、皆さん、全員、一人残らず、とても優しく接してくださいます。 個人的には受付の方とベテラン看護師さん推しですw
I am indebted to you as a hamster. Small animals are very helpful because there are few hospitals that can see them. All of you, including the director, are very kind to me. Personally, I recommend the receptionist and veteran nurses.

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