Movere ムーバー

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Movere ムーバー

住所 :

Park Hills, 2 Chome−3−4, Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan

Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Saitama

Park Hills, 2 Chome−3−4, Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan
taiki abc on Google

以前からの知り合いでしたが、もともと人柄もよくいろいろと詳しく教えてくれるので、やりがいはあると思います! 個人的スケジュール管理が苦手な方はぜひ、このパーソナルジムに行きましょう!!!
I've known him for a long time, but I think it's worthwhile because he teaches me a lot about his personality. If you are not good at managing your personal schedule, please go to this personal gym! !! !!
mayumi on Google

初めてパーソナルピラティスを体験させていただきました!複数人でのレッスンだと体の動かし方や力の入れ方など合っているかどうかわからないままになってしまいますが、普段の癖なども合わせてしっかり見て下さりながら体を動かすことができ、とっても気持ちよかったです^^ 今までなったことがない部分も筋肉痛になったり、適切な体の動かし方の重要さを痛感しました。また機会があればよろしくお願いします!
I experienced Personal Pilates for the first time! If it is a lesson with multiple people, it will be difficult to know whether or not it suits how to move the body and how to put in force, but you can move your body while carefully watching the usual habits etc. It was very comfortable ^^ I also had muscle aches in areas I had never experienced before, and I realized the importance of proper physical activity. If you have another chance, thank you!
前田永世 on Google

知り合いということで、お誘いいただき 人生で初めて、トレーニングジムの体験を させていただきました。 陽気な方で、たくさんの体験談など すごく刺激的な話や、笑い話など ざっくばらんにお話しつつも 器具を使ってしっかり身体を動かして汗を流し… 驚いたのは、脳科学や心理学への知見がとても広く、 身体の動きと、脳の動きの結びつきをトレーニングの中で 教えてくださったことで、「へぇ!人間の脳と身体ってすごいや、もっと知りたい」と知的好奇心をくすぐられました❗ ということで 身体と心の悩みを同時に解消したい方は最適だと思います?
I'm an acquaintance, so please invite me For the first time in my life, experience a training gym I was allowed to. A cheerful person, many experiences, etc. Very exciting stories, laughter stories, etc. While talking briefly Use the equipment to move your body firmly and sweat ... What surprised me was that my knowledge of brain science and psychology was very wide. In training, the connection between body movement and brain movement By telling me, I was tickled by my intellectual curiosity, saying, "Hey! The human brain and body are amazing, I want to know more." So I think it's best for those who want to solve their physical and mental problems at the same time ?
Kaori S on Google

ジムで筋トレしてもなかなか筋肉痛になりにくくなっていたのに、久しぶりに佐藤さんのトレーニングを受け、しっかり翌日筋肉痛になりました(笑) どうトレーニングするかで、全然違うなと改めて実感しました。 経験も知識も豊富で、いつも的確なアドバイスをくださりありがとうございます! 5年位前に、佐藤さんのトレーニングを受けて以来、色々とお世話になっていますが、佐藤さんのおかげで、筋トレ、運動の重要性を知り、以来、夫婦共々筋トレ・運動を欠かさずやる習慣が身に付き、体力も付き、健康を維持出来、感謝感謝です! それまで筋トレをすることなんて、全く想像もつかなかったですが、今ではすっかり日常になりました(笑)
Even though I had muscle training at the gym, it was hard for me to get muscle pain, but after a long time I received training from Mr. Sato, and the next day I got muscle pain (laughs). I realized once again that it was completely different depending on how I trained. We have a lot of experience and knowledge, and thank you for always giving us accurate advice! Since I received training from Mr. Sato about 5 years ago, I have been indebted to him in various ways, but thanks to Mr. Sato, I learned the importance of muscle training and exercise. I am grateful that I have acquired the habit of doing things, gaining physical strength, and being able to maintain my health! Until then, I couldn't imagine doing muscle training at all, but now it's become a daily routine (laughs).
yukke on Google

ダイエット目的で近場のパーソナルトレーニングジムを探したのがきっかけでした。 入会して週1のトレーニングと食事指導をしてもらい、体重も13キロ減、スタイルの変化、肩の脱臼癖・腰痛の改善、定期的な運動を習慣にすることで仕事にもメリハリがでるなど良いことばかりです。 オーナーの人柄もよく、気さくで信頼できる方なので出会えてよかったなと思います。 パーソナルトレーニングジムで悩んでいる方は参考になると幸いです。
I was looking for a nearby personal training gym for the purpose of dieting. After joining the club, I get weekly training and dietary guidance, lose 13 kilograms, change my style, improve my shoulder dislocation / backache, and make regular exercise a habit to improve my work. It's all good things. The owner has a good personality and is friendly and reliable, so I'm glad I met him. If you are worried about your personal training gym, we hope you find it helpful.
神田康久 on Google

昨年体験でお世話になり、筋肉量を増やし身体を大きくしたかったので半年コースで通わせて頂いてます。モチベーションの上げ方が大変上手で、気持ちを楽にして挑めました。 しっかり成果も実感できて、今後も定期的に自分の身体を診て頂こうと思います。理論も大変面白く興味深い情報を頂けるのも魅力でした。
I was taken care of by my experience last year, and I wanted to increase my muscle mass and make my body bigger, so I am going to take a half-year course. I was very good at raising motivation, and I was able to take on the challenge with ease. I can feel the results firmly, and I would like to have my body examined regularly in the future. The theory was also very interesting and it was also attractive to receive interesting information.
ひゅう on Google

As you can see from the picture, the trainer's personality is good! Training will theoretically teach you the most necessary method and motivate you! By training, I have more physical strength, I can work harder, and my private life can be more fulfilling! !!
takanobu on Google

結婚式に向けて身体を鍛えようと思い、パーソナルトレーニングを探していた事がきっかけで半年間お世話になりました。 週に一回佐藤さんの的確なトレーニングのお陰で、結婚式に参列頂いた方には、お褒めの言葉を頂くことが出来ました。 トレーニング以外でもプライベートや仕事の相談にも乗って頂き、身体が鍛えられた事はもちろんのこと、やる気に満ちた生活が送れるようになりました!パーソナルトレーニングをお探しの方には是非おススメです。
I was looking for personal training because I wanted to train my body for the wedding ceremony, and I was taken care of for half a year. Thanks to Mr. Sato's accurate training once a week, I was able to receive compliments from those who attended the wedding ceremony. In addition to training, I was able to take part in private and work consultations, and I was able to lead a motivated life as well as being physically trained! Recommended for those looking for personal training.

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