エステティックサロンStella 浦和本店

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エステティックサロンStella 浦和本店

住所 :

Higashinakacho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0056 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://esthetic-stella.com/lp
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Saitama

Higashinakacho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0056 Saitama,Japan
Y M on Google

いつもお世話になります! 私は肌のたるみと、目の周りのくすみで悩んでいて、ステラさんにまずは相談に行きました。ドクターリセラにすごく興味もあったのもあり、ドクターリセラのことをとても丁寧に説明していただき、長い目で見て肌本来の力を取り戻したいと思い、ステラさんを信じて通うことにさせていただきました。 心配なことは、いつでも相談できて、親身になってくださる、ほんとうにお客さんの為に一生懸命なサロン様です。こういう根気強く寄り添ってくださるサロン様はなかなか他にはないと思いました。 費用を少し節約したいなと思った時も、続けやすいような提案をしてくださり、一緒に考えてくださるので、これからも安心して通っていけるとおもいます。 10ヶ月通わせていただいて、今では肌がとても元気になり、張りが全然ちがってきて、ピカピカのほっぺを見るのがとても嬉しいです。以前は夕方になるとシワが目立ってくすんで落ち込んでいた目の周りも、夕方まで頑張れる強い肌になってきたとおもいます。色の白さもさらに増した気がします。アラフィフですが、お化粧直しをしなくても大丈夫な肌になってきました。職場の方からも肌を褒められて、ステラの先生やスタッフさんにも褒められて、通っているとすごく生活にやる気が出ます! 今は、ボディのウィンバックも5回やっていますが、食事制限していないのですが、むくみや余分な脂肪がとれたのか、腰回りとか足がスッキリして、嬉しく思っています。そして、何より体調がすごく良くて、生理痛や肩こり、だるさが全然以前と違って楽になっています。 いまは、家での基本的なお手入れと、ステラさんに通っていれば綺麗でいられるから大丈夫!っていう安心と自信があります。 これからも、どうぞよろしくお願いします。
Always thank you for your help! I was worried about sagging skin and dullness around my eyes, so I went to consult with Stella first. I was also very interested in Dr. Ricella, so I asked him to explain Dr. Ricella very carefully, and I wanted to regain the original strength of my skin in the long run, so I decided to believe in Stella. rice field. What is worrisome is that the salon is really working hard for the customers, who can talk to us at any time and become friendly. I thought that there was no other salon that would be patient with me like this. Even if you want to save a little money, they will make suggestions that will make it easier for you to continue and think together, so I think you can continue to go with peace of mind. I've been through for 10 months and now my skin is very healthy and my tension is completely different, and I'm very happy to see the shiny cheeks. I think that the area around the eyes, which used to have wrinkles that were noticeably dull and depressed in the evening, has become stronger skin that can work hard until the evening. I feel that the whiteness of the color has also increased. It's Arafif, but my skin has become okay without having to remake it. The skin is praised by the people at work, and the teachers and staff of Stella also praise me, and when I go there, I feel very motivated in my life! Right now, I've been doing body winbacks 5 times, but I haven't restricted my diet, but I'm happy that my waist and legs are refreshing, probably because I've had swelling and excess fat. And above all, I'm in very good shape, and my period pain, stiff shoulders, and dullness are much easier than before. Now, it's okay because you can do basic care at home and if you go to Stella, you can be beautiful! I have the peace of mind and confidence. We look forward to working with you in the future.
市來彩 on Google

ニキビ改善のため、フェイシャルエステで通い始めました。今はもうニキビは気にならなくなり、思春期の頃から隠していたおでこを出せるようになりました!いつの間にかシミも消えていて、効果を実感しています。 施術は丁寧で、肌を大事に扱ってくれているのを感じます。 今後もよろしくお願いします。
I started going to a facial treatment to improve my acne. Now that I don't care about acne anymore, I can put out my forehead that I had hidden since I was adolescent! Before I knew it, the stains had disappeared and I was able to feel the effect. The treatment is polite and I feel that the skin is taken care of. I hope to work with you in the future.
羽純 on Google

グリーンピールでお世話になりました。 接客=素晴らしい 技術=素晴らしい 清潔感=素晴らしい 顧客の性格や肌の状態などをしっかりと把握して適切な提案があります。 なによりも、結果がついてくる。 ちゃんと話も聞いてくれます。 本当に素敵なスタッフさん達がいるので、悩んだらとりあえずステラに相談!くらいに信頼しています。 これからも継続して利用予定です。
Thank you for your help with the green peel. Customer service = wonderful Technology = great Cleanliness = great We have a firm grasp of the customer's personality and skin condition, and make appropriate proposals. Above all, the results follow. He will listen to you properly. There are really nice staff, so if you have any problems, consult Stella for the time being! I trust you so much. We will continue to use it in the future.
斎藤陽子 on Google

フェイシャルエステで利用しています。 いつ行っても清潔な店内で優しく丁寧に対応してもらえます。 マッサージの技術もよく、たくさんしていただけるので肌の調子はもちろんのこと、むくみが取れて顔がスッキリします。
I use it for facial beauty treatments. Whenever you go, you will be treated gently and politely in a clean store. The massage technique is also good, and you can do a lot of it, so not only the condition of the skin but also the swelling is removed and the face is refreshed.
久我遥人 on Google

I had my mother recommend me to do whole body hair removal and VOS salon care. The inside of the store was clean and the treatment was polite. Before I started, I was worried because I didn't know much about hair loss and VOS, and I heard that it would hurt, but I was very glad that he consulted with me personally. Actually, I was satisfied with the effect of hair removal, and even my hair, a man, was able to remove hair considerably. Also, thanks to VOS Salon Care, I am very satisfied with the acne and oily skin that I have been suffering from since I was a student. I would like to continue to attend.
藤田有希 on Google

ハイドラのコースで通ってます。 テレビでは見ていましたがクリニックで施術するイメージがあり決心がつきませんでしたが、お世話になっているサロンで安心して受けらるとのことでやってもらいました。 一回の施術でツルツル肌触りが柔らかく、おでこや顔全体が光ってます^_^ 手触りも、見た目も目に見えて変化がわかります。 脱毛も一緒に行っているのでこれからが楽しみです。 癒しの空間いつもありがとうございます^_^
I go on the hydra course. I watched it on TV, but I couldn't decide because I had an image of performing it at the clinic, but I was asked to do it at the salon where I was indebted. With one treatment, it feels soft and smooth, and the forehead and the entire face are shining ^ _ ^ You can see the changes in both texture and appearance. I'm also doing hair removal, so I'm looking forward to it. Healing space Thank you always ^ _ ^
Rina Okabe on Google

グリーンピールで何度もお世話になっています。 とても丁寧な施術で、お二人の人柄も素敵です! マッサージもとても心地よく、毎回楽しみにしています。 お肌も徐々に改善されていますし、今後もお世話になりたいサロンです! 引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。
I am indebted to you many times with the green peel. It's a very polite treatment, and the personalities of the two are wonderful! The massage is also very comfortable and I look forward to it every time. Your skin is gradually improving, and I would like to continue to take care of this salon! Thank you for your continued support.
anisonhappy on Google

グリーンピールとウインバックをお願い致しました。 2つのメニューとも初めて施術を受けましたが、 今まで色々なエステや美容を受けてきましたが本当に1番効果がありました! しかも1回でこんなに効果がわかるのは凄いです。 家族も「顔が凄い綺麗になってるね」と言われました。本当にありがとうございます。
I asked for a green peel and a winback. Both menus were treated for the first time, I have received various beauty treatments and beauty treatments, but it was the most effective! Moreover, it is amazing to see such an effect in one go. My family also said, "Your face is really beautiful." thank you very much.

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