オートバイタイヤ専門店 モト・ローラー MOTOROLLER

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オートバイタイヤ専門店 モト・ローラー MOTOROLLER

住所 :

Miyatacho, Hodogaya Ward, 神奈川県Yokohama, 〒240-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://motoroller.yokohama/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Miyatacho, Hodogaya Ward, 神奈川県Yokohama, 〒240-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
cfOc sayama on Google

予約無しの飛び込みでしたが快く引き受けてくださいました。 RX-02  110/80-17・140/70-17 前後輪とバルブ交換で24400円、安かったです。 コンビニ行って戻ってきたら交換終わってました(20分位)。早い! クレジットも使えます。店外に喫煙スペース有。
It was a dive without a reservation, but he was willing to accept it. RX-02 110 / 80-17 / 140 / 70-17 It was cheap at 24,400 yen by exchanging the front and rear wheels and valves. When I went to the convenience store and came back, the exchange was over (about 20 minutes). quick! You can also use credit. There is a smoking space outside the store.
もこもこ on Google

After reading everyone's reviews, I used it for the first time and exchanged tires and chains! With the kind and polite response according to the word of mouth, the work is completed in about 60 minutes due to the daytime on weekdays. Next time I would like to visit to replace the brake pads.
M M on Google

バイクタイヤ交換ならば、 もう、ここしかありません。店長や、従業員さんも対応が親切丁寧です。 しかも、早くて安い、ここ以上にタイヤ交換で安いところは見たことないです。 本当にオススメのSHOPさんです。
If you want to change bike tires It's only here. The store manager and employees are also kind and polite. What's more, it's fast and cheap, and I've never seen a cheaper place to change tires than here. I really recommend SHOP.
仁誠 on Google

こちらのお店で前後のタイヤ交換をお願いした。事前にどんなバイクか、マフラーはカスタム、タイヤは持ち込み等の詳細を伝えた上での作業料金を聞いたにもかかわらず 作業終了後の会計で数千円の割り増しを平気な顔で言ってきた。無論、作業終了してるので代金は支払ったが、ちょっと金額が高い事を告げようとしたら、ん?何か、問題でも?みたいなリアクションをしてきた。慣らし運転をしてみて作業に不手際は無さそうだが、 客商売であるため、その辺も気にされるような方は事前に作業料金を聞くだけで安心しないで、作業前に確定料金を聞いてから愛車を渡しましょう。急いで作業に取り掛かろうとしていたため、確信犯ぽいです。
I asked you to change the front and rear tires at this shop. Despite hearing the details of what kind of bike it is, the muffler is custom, the tires are brought in, etc. In the accounting after the work was completed, he said with a calm face that he would add a few thousand yen. Of course, I paid for it because the work was finished, but what if I tried to tell that the amount was a little high? Something wrong? I've been reacting like this. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the work after running-in, Since it is a customer business, those who are concerned about that area should not be relieved just by asking the work fee in advance, but let's ask the fixed fee before work and then hand over your car. I'm a convinced criminal because I was trying to get to work in a hurry.
otani maniacs on Google

I had you change the tire with YZF-R1 (2006). The best-selling brands and sizes are in stock, work reservations are relatively easy to make, and the price is reasonable. It is a pleasant response and the work itself is quick. The space isn't large, but it's clean, and you'll be done while flipping through the bike magazine with the counter stool. In addition to tire replacement, we are also good at drive chain replacement and pad replacement. I want to use it from the next time.
Ryosuke on Google

間違ったホイールの組付けのまま、車両を引き渡されました。危うく事故をするところでした。 素人である私が受け取り時に指摘して発覚しました。タイヤ交換を除く整備スキルはアマチュアです。 整備能力を加味すると、決して安いショップではありません。 KLX250系の車両ですが、スピードセンサーを回転どめを乗り越えた位置で無理矢理締め付けられていました。部品の形状の意味を理解できなかったようです。 事前に心配だったため、ホイール脱着が問題ないことを確認したにも関わらず間違った組付けをしました。 その上、トルク管理をしているか聞いたところ、明確に管理していないと回答をいただきました。 上記について、何が問題なのか認識できない方や、正しいホイールの取り付けを自分で確認できない方はこのショップを利用しないことを推奨します。近所にタイヤ専門店は別にありますので。
The vehicle was handed over with the wrong wheel assembly. I was about to have an accident. As an amateur, I pointed out and discovered it when I received it. Maintenance skills except tire replacement are amateurs. Considering the maintenance ability, it is not a cheap shop. Although it is a KLX250 series vehicle, the speed sensor was forcibly tightened at the position where it got over the rotation stop. It seems that I could not understand the meaning of the shape of the part. Since I was worried in advance, I made a mistake in assembling even though I confirmed that there was no problem with the wheel attachment / detachment. In addition, when asked if they manage torque, they answered that they did not manage it clearly. If you don't know what's wrong with the above, or if you can't confirm the correct wheel installation yourself, we recommend that you don't use this shop. There is another tire specialty store in the neighborhood.
65 noby on Google

I compared various things such as major shops, but this is the cheapest, and the reply to the quotation email is the fastest, so I exchanged the two wheels of the motorcycle here. The work is quick and I am very satisfied, and I think it is a very kind shop that tells me when to replace the chain. There is also a waiting space.
鶴見六百 on Google

通勤用スクーターのフロントタイヤ交換のために初めて訪れました。Webサイトから問い合わせし、あとはメールでのやり取りで取り置きをお願いしたのですが、対応はきわめてスムーズ。クチコミでは作業予約ができるようなことを読みましたが、実際に聞いてみると作業予約はできないとのこと。ただ、「**曜日なら**時以降に来ていただければ」ということで、その時間に訪れたところ、すぐに対応していただけましたので特に問題はありません。 店員さんはお二方いらっしゃいましたが、どちらも愛想よく、対応は丁寧。作業も速く、終わり際の説明(ナラシをして皮がむけるまではウンヌン、という基本的な話ですが)も親切ですね。また後で実際に走らせてみた限りでは仕事は確実な感じです。 近所なので、また何かあったらお願いしようかと思います。
I visited for the first time to change the front tires of my commuter scooter. I made an inquiry from the website and asked for a reserve by email, but the response was extremely smooth. I read that you can make a work reservation in the word of mouth, but when you actually ask, you can not make a work reservation. However, there is no particular problem because I was able to respond immediately when I visited at that time, saying "If it is ** day of the week, please come after ** time". There were two clerk, but both were friendly and polite. The work is quick, and the explanation at the end (although it is a basic story that it is unneun until it is peeled off) is also kind. Also, as far as I actually ran it later, the work seems to be certain. It's a neighborhood, so I'd like to ask if something happens again.

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