中華料理 日比力食堂

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 日比力食堂

住所 :

Motomachi, Chigasaki, 〒253-0043 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Motomachi, Chigasaki, 〒253-0043 Kanagawa,Japan
小池律子 on Google

I've been eating it since I was little, but it's still delicious! The sanma-men and soft yakisoba are excellent.
廣川洋子 on Google

何を食べても美味しいです。 酢豚、パラパラチャーハン カツカレーも絶品♥️ ママの接客もGood。。
It's delicious no matter what you eat. Vinegar pork and para para fried rice cutlet curry are also excellent ♥ ️ Mom's customer service is also good. ..
加藤知彦 on Google

美味しかったです。 ラーメンセットはラーメン、半チャーハン、餃子3個。 マーボーセットは麻婆丼と半ラーメンでした。 どちらも900円くらいでお腹いっぱいでした。 接客もgoodです。
It was delicious. The ramen set consists of ramen, half fried rice, and 3 dumplings. The marbo set was mapo tofu and half ramen. Both were full for about 900 yen. The customer service is also good.
t ame on Google

Order sammer noodles. It seems that other customers are ordering sammer noodles at a considerable rate. It was delicious with traditional orthodox ramen. The bad thing is that you can smoke. I visited early so I didn't smoke next door so I could still eat but never go anymore. I think it's a Chinese restaurant for smokers. At least I want you to stick it in front of the shop as smoking is allowed. You can't eat rice in a smoking area.
おーつ香津海 on Google

茅ケ崎名物サンマーメンとても美味しかった(//ω//)♪ 野菜たっぷりあんかけ最高お店の雰囲気も良かった。また里帰りしたら是非ここのサンマーメンセットを頼もう。チャーシュー麺もチャーシューがめちゃくちゃ柔らかい 茅ケ崎においでの際は是非サンマーメンとチャーシュー麺を食べてみてください。
Chigasaki's specialty sun rammen were very delicious (// ω //) ♪ The atmosphere of the best restaurant with plenty of vegetables was also good. If you come home again, be sure to ask for the Sun Marmen Set here. Pork soup is also very soft If you are in Chigasaki, be sure to try sun-marmen and pork noodles.
鈴木啓文 on Google

茅ヶ崎駅北口から3分程の路地にある、町中華料理 日比力食堂。直ぐ近くには、茅ヶ崎では有名な中華料理屋、横浜飯店があります。そこに負けじと頑張っているのがこのお店、日比力さん!変わった建物で表裏に入口があって、表のメインドアは写真の様に確りとした作りですが、裏入口は裏だけあって本当に裏口、、、(*_*)名物は神奈川県のソウルフードのサンマー麺、横浜飯店に対抗していますね、、、。ランチタイムは長く3時半迄オッケー、結構、ランチ終い時迄混んでいる時もあって、横浜飯店に負けず劣らずな感じです。店内は4人掛けテーブルが4、2人テーブルが1つ、カウンター席が厨房前に1列とそれと背中合わせにもう1列ある不思議な作り。料理自体は至って普通、この日食べたカレーは業務用感が出てた感じ、、、ラーメンはやや塩っぱ目、もう少し中華スープを増やして薄めて欲しいところ、、、。
The town Chinese restaurant Hibi Riki Shokudo is located in an alley about 3 minutes from the north exit of Chigasaki Station. In the immediate vicinity, there is a Chinese restaurant, Yokohama Hanten, which is famous in Chigasaki. This shop, Hibi Riki, is trying hard to lose! It's a strange building with entrances on the front and back, and the main door on the front is made as shown in the photo, but the back entrance is only on the back and it's really a back door ... (* _ *) The specialty is Seoul, Kanagawa Prefecture. It's against the food soul food, Yokohama Hanten, isn't it? Lunch time is long and it's okay until 3:30, and sometimes it's crowded until the end of lunch, so it feels as good as Yokohama restaurant. Inside the store, there are 4 tables for 4 people, 1 table for 2 people, and a mysterious counter seat in one row in front of the kitchen and another row back to back. The food itself is very normal, and the curry I ate on this day had a sense of business use ... The ramen was a little salty, and I wanted you to add a little more Chinese soup and dilute it.
nemo on Google

天津麺と餃子を注文しました。 天津麺は昔ながらの懐かし系。麺と卵が良く絡み、濃口の醤油系スープと相まって美味しくいただきました。但し餡が無いのでマイナス1ポイント。餃子は餡がパンパンに入っていて、皮もモチモチで美味しかったです。
I ordered Tianjin noodles and dumplings. Tianjin noodles are old-fashioned nostalgic. The noodles and eggs were well entwined, and it was delicious with the rich soy sauce-based soup. However, since there is no bean paste, it is minus 1 point. The dumplings had bean paste in the bread, and the skin was chewy and delicious.
i CC on Google

Not bad

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