
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact らーめん萬来

住所 :

Tsujido Motomachi, Fujisawa, 〒251-0043 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsujido Motomachi, Fujisawa, 〒251-0043 Kanagawa,Japan
TNK 0323 on Google

どこかホッとする、昔ながらの中華屋です。 お客さんのほとんどがジャンボ餃子を頼み、7~8割が肉めし(正式には「細切り肉めし」なんですが、「細切り肉めし!」って注文すると店員さんが「え?」ってなります笑)を頼みます。 オーソドックスにウマいッスd( ̄  ̄)
It is an old-fashioned Chinese shop somewhere relieved. Most of our customers asked for jumbo dumplings, 7 to 80% meat (officially "shredded meat", but if ordered to "shredded meat", the clerk is "what?" Haha) I will ask. To orthodox Umaitsu d (¯ ¯)
雄司中村 on Google

10年振りぐらいの訪問です。 移転してからは初めてですが 味も変わらず、ずっと食べてきた 味噌ラーメンとジャンボ餃子 美味しかったです!
This is my first visit in 10 years. It ’s the first time since I moved The taste hasn't changed and I've been eating it all the time Miso ramen and jumbo dumplings It was delicious!
ugrank (ugrank) on Google

2.9 ツレと行きました。 味噌ラーメンと鳥ラーメン的なやつに餃子をプラス。 ビールも二本頼みました。 どちらも味が薄め。 優しい健康的な味といなくも無いですが、薄いですね。 コショウを入れて調整しました。 量は麺も具もとても多かったです。 ありがとうございました。
2.9 I went with him. Gyoza is added to the miso ramen and chicken ramen. I ordered two bottles of beer. Both have a light taste. It doesn't have a gentle and healthy taste, but it's thin. Adjusted by adding pepper. The amount of noodles and ingredients was very large. Thank you very much.
U S on Google

何でも美味しいハズレのない街の中華屋さん。 数年前は、もう少し海側に行ったところにあったが建物の契約の関係で駅寄りに移転してきたみたい。 駐車場が近隣に契約されているので車でもOK。 ここは、ジャンボ餃子を売りにしているが他の一品料理や定食が抜群に美味しい。昔ながらの家族経営の店なので接客や感じ良さは、求めずに美味しいご飯とクールな優しさが魅力の店。座敷の個室もあるので小さい子供がいる家族連れにはピッタリ。麺類、炒飯、定食等いろいろ食べてみたがどれも美味しくてハズレがないからいろいろ食べてみたくなる。確か金曜日が餃子が安くなってたはず。もっと家の近くや駅近くにあったら毎日通いたくなる店。今度は、一品料理を並べてお酒を飲みに行ってみようと思う。口コミ書いてたらお腹空いてきた。。この口コミが参考や気になったら「いいね」を押してくださいね。
A Chinese shop where you can eat anything you want. A few years ago, I was a little closer to the sea, but it seems that she has moved to the station due to the building contract. Cars are OK, as parking lots are contracted nearby. Here, they sell jumbo gyoza but other dishes and set meals are very delicious. Because it is an old-fashioned family-run shop, it is a shop that offers delicious rice and cool tenderness without seeking customer service and good feeling. There is a private room in the room, so it is perfect for families with small children. I tried various things such as noodles, fried rice, set meals, but they are all delicious and there is no loss, so I want to try various things. Surely dumplings should have been cheaper on Friday. A shop that you will want to visit every day if you are closer to your house or to the station. Next time, I'm going to have a single dish and go for a drink. I was hungry when I wrote a word of mouth. . If you find this review helpful or anxious, please click "Like".
chiharu takahashi on Google

まえから気になっていましたが地下にあるので入るのに勇気いりました。 行ってみて良かったです。 昔ながらの街の中華屋さんといった感じ。 なんだか癖になるお店だからまた行きたいなと思いました。 うまにラーメン?しょうゆ味で野菜あんかけがどっぷりっといったラーメン タケノコ、キャベツ、しいたけ、にんじん、玉ねぎ、きくらげ、小松菜、ハム、エビ、かまぼこ、豚肉めちゃくちゃ具が多い! タンメン 普通に美味しいですよぉ!スープがすきとおっていてお腹に優しいラーメンてますね 餃子 ジャンボすぎて女性一人で食べると大変なことになります。 でも、皮がもっちもちで食べごたえがあります。あんは野菜のあまみがしっかりでていてジャンボなのにペロリと食べてしまえますね 天津丼 あんは醤油ベースの関東風。中の白飯とうまく量を調節しながら食べてみてください笑 関西人の私には味が濃すぎた!けどたまごふわふわで美味しかったです。 ✔️現金のみ ✔️駐車場あります ✔️座敷席あります
I was worried about it before, but it was courageous to enter because it was underground. It was good to go. It's like a traditional Chinese shop. I thought that I wanted to go again because it was a habitual shop. Umani ramen, a ramen noodle with soy sauce flavor and vegetable sauce There are many bamboo shoots, cabbage, shiitake, carrots, onions, jellyfish, komatsuna, ham, shrimp, kamaboko, and pork mess! Tammen-it's usually delicious! The soup is so nice that it's a nice ramen Gyoza Jumbo is too hard for women to eat alone. But the skin is sticky and eatable. You can eat it with veggies even though the vegetables are firm and jumbo Tianjin bowl is a soy sauce based Kanto style. Try eating while adjusting the amount with the white rice inside lol The taste was too strong for me as a Kansai! But the eggs were fluffy and delicious. ✔️ Cash only ✔️ Parking available ✔️There is a seat
Mon Dorae on Google

餃子がジューシーで美味しいです。全体的に薄味なのが人によって合うかどうか。子供連れには良いかと。 あと、お箸に当たりが付いていると焼売をもらえます。
The dumplings are juicy and delicious. Whether or not the overall light taste suits each person. Is it good for families with children? Also, if you hit the chopsticks, you can get shumai.
しなとも on Google

I visited at 18:30 on Saturday. It is located on the first basement floor of the building next to the first Seven Eleven, passing through the tunnel under the railroad overpass from Fujisawa (it is easy to understand because it is a big illuminated sign). There are counter table seats and a tatami room (one room), and I reserved the tatami room in advance. Previously, Tsujido was introduced on TV as being famous for its Chinese food, but that's right. All the dishes were very delicious as soon as they were ordered ? Thank you for the kind support of the females ?
克則(katsunori) on Google

辻堂のガツ盛り店 町中華で、味もよく料理の提供スピードも早い。 餃子が美味しかった。 木曜日の昼、12時30分頃訪問 六人くらい並んでいました。 中華丼と餃子を注文 皿が大きいのであまり大盛りに見えませんが、食べても食べてもご飯が減りません。 店より海側に数百メートルいったところに駐車場あり。
Tsujido's Gatsumori store The town is Chinese, the taste is good, and the food is served quickly. The dumplings were delicious. Visited around 12:30 on Thursday afternoon About six people were lined up. Order Chinese bowl and dumplings The plate is so big that it doesn't look very large, but it doesn't reduce the amount of rice even if you eat it. There is a parking lot several hundred meters to the sea side of the store.

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