やおや 守山 本店 - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact やおや 守山 本店

住所 :

Morimiyacho, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, 〒463-0096 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 463-0096
Webサイト : http://yakiniku-yaoya.com/
街 : Aichi

Morimiyacho, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, 〒463-0096 Aichi,Japan
古川政美(まるも) on Google

大満足です! 少々お値段は高いかな?と思ったら期待以上のお肉が出て来ました。 でも肉寿司は脂の板食べてるみたいであんまり美味しくなかったけど他は全部、何を食べても美味しかったです。 リピ確定です。 ごちそうさまでした。
I am very satisfied! Is it a little expensive? When I thought about it, more meat than I expected came out. But the meat sushi wasn't very delicious as it seemed to be eating a fat plate, but everything else was delicious no matter what I ate. Lipi is confirmed. Thank you for the meal.
中田田中 on Google

良い点 韓国人の定員が優しかった。 厚切りタンとカルビとハラミは美味しかった。 悪い点 お皿の衛生状態が悪かった。 ネギたんと千枚刺しは、臭くて食べれなかった。 最後の冷たい緑茶と言われた物が、甘い得体の知れない汁だった。
good point The Korean capacity was kind. Thick sliced ​​tongue, ribs and skirt steak were delicious. Bad points The hygiene of the dishes was poor. I couldn't eat the green onion and sashimi because it smelled bad. The last thing called cold green tea was a sweet and mysterious juice.
akio hirabayashi on Google

入ってすぐ靴を脱いで店内に入るのは結構快適。料理の注文はタブレットでするがとても早く持って来てもらえる。一番困るのは座敷の席で足が伸ばせないので膝が痛くて食事に集中出来ない。 カルビが脂の塊みたいな白いのには少々びっくり。他の焼肉屋さんではここまで脂ばかりのは見たことがない。 全体的には美味しい焼肉でした。
It is quite comfortable to take off your shoes and enter the store immediately after entering. You can order food on your tablet, but you can bring it very quickly. The most troublesome thing is that I can't stretch my legs in the tatami room, so my knees hurt and I can't concentrate on eating. I was a little surprised that the ribs were white like a lump of fat. I've never seen so much fat at other yakiniku restaurants. Overall it was delicious yakiniku.
しろ on Google

正月に家族で訪問 料理はとっても美味しく綺麗なのに価格は安くて大満足でした。いろいろなサービスもあって、ぜひまた行きたいと思えました。 ただ2点だけ気になるところが… 1つは入口で靴を脱ぐこと。靴を脱ぐの自体は良いのだが、土足と土禁の境界が曖昧で、ちょっと汚いなって印象だった。 もう1つは店員さんの声。忙しく指示伝達の声が飛び交うのは活気があって良いなって思うけど、厨房内で他のスタッフを叱る(?)ような大きな声が席まで継続的に聞こえてしまったのは残念。
Visit with family on New Year The food was very delicious and beautiful, but the price was cheap and I was very satisfied. There are various services, so I definitely wanted to go there again. Only two points are worrisome ... One is to take off your shoes at the entrance. Taking off my shoes is good, but the boundary between the shoes and the ban is ambiguous, and I got the impression that it was a little dirty. The other is the voice of the clerk. I think it's good to be busy and the voices of instruction transmission are lively, but it's a pity that I could hear a loud voice like scolding other staff in the kitchen continuously up to the seat.
H F・ on Google

I always go to the Kasugai store, but I presented my LINE account coupon in the month of birth in November, but I was disappointed that the special dessert did not come out, so I think that would not be the case at the main store. I went to my son's birthday month in March, but no special dessert came out here either. There was a meat service of 1290 yen at both stores, but why is there no dessert? I went there because I wanted to see my child happy, but I was disappointed. Is the special dessert for the birthday month gone?
Sho Nakao on Google

味、サービス共に文句なし!! 店内は靴を脱いでから入る仕様。座敷もあるがテーブルで今回はいただきました! 雰囲気も良く、デートにもビジネスマンにも家族にもどんな客層にも合うと思います! LINE登録やGoogle口コミに投稿すると色んなサービスがあるので是非(^^) また来たいと思います!
No complaints about taste and service! !! The inside of the store is designed to enter after taking off your shoes. There is a tatami room, but I got it at the table this time! The atmosphere is good, and I think it suits any customer base, whether it's a date, a businessman, or a family member! There are various services when you register on LINE or post on Google reviews, so please come (^^) I want to come again!
yumika on Google

何度かお店を利用させて頂いていますが、 いつもお店に活気があって店員さんの接客も丁寧で、特に店長らしき人の声かけや対応がとても素晴らしいと思います。 お肉もすごく美味しくて、特にカイノミを初めて食べた時は感動しました。 住んでいる所からは少し離れているのですが、誕生日などの特別な日には絶対行こう!と決めています。 ただ、先日伺った時にクーポンで誕生日のデザートを頂いたのですが、その時のパンがすごくしょっぱかったです。 もしかしたら砂糖と塩を間違えていたのかもしれません。(もともとそういうものだったらすみません) サービスで頂いたものなので、伝えるか迷って結局言わずに帰ってしまいましたが、少し残念でした。 お肉は本当に美味しいお店なのでまた利用させて頂きます。
I have been using the shop several times, but The store is always lively and the staff are polite, and I think the voice and response of the store manager is especially wonderful. The meat was also very delicious and I was particularly impressed when I first ate Kainomi. It's a little far from where I live, but definitely go on special occasions such as birthdays! I have decided. However, when I visited the other day, I got a birthday dessert with a coupon, and the bread at that time was very salty. Maybe I was mistaken for sugar and salt. (I'm sorry if it was originally like that) It was a service, so I wasn't sure if I would tell it, so I went home without saying it, but I was a little disappointed. Meat is a really delicious restaurant, so I will use it again.
はの on Google

もう通い始めて10年近く?になりますが、 ずーっと変わらぬおいしさです。 そして 店員さんも元気いっぱいで ほんとーに気持ちが良いです!! 通い続けた中で、嫌な思いを一度もしたことはありません。 きっとオーナー様や店長様が お肉のこだわり・接客のこだわりを 常にスタッフの方に伝えてるんだろうな、、と 見てて感じています。 色んな人に紹介したり、 一緒にお店に連れて行っても 『やおや凄くよかった!』って言って頂けます★ 今は、 やおやから離れた場所に暮らしているため 以前のように頻繁には行けませんが、 これからも 『名古屋で美味しい焼肉といえば【やおや】』 と言い続けたいと思います☻
Almost 10 years since I started going? But It's delicious all the time. and The clerk is also full of energy It feels really good! !! I have never had any unpleasant feelings while continuing to attend. I'm sure the owner and store manager Commitment to meat and customer service I think I'm always telling the staff I see and feel it. Introducing to various people Even if you take me to the store together "Oh, it was really good! You can say ★ nowadays, Because I live in a place away from Yaoya I can't go as often as I used to, from now on "Speaking of delicious yakiniku in Nagoya [Yaoya]" I would like to keep saying ☻

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