焼肉 新香園 - Nagoya

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 新香園

住所 :

Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, 〒463-0070 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 463-0070
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/tatsuji.aoyama0518
街 : Aichi

Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, 〒463-0070 Aichi,Japan
大嶋正憲 on Google

I always use it with my family. I came with my family the day before yesterday and got delicious (^^).
林昌秀 on Google

The meat was delicious, but I couldn't serve the customers. He seems to be busy talking to a friend's customer, and he doesn't come out even if he orders. Even if you order, it will be sold out after a while. It's too late for the clerk to go. The meat is delicious, so it's two stars.
mehiru on Google

The meat is tender and delicious. So the price is reasonable. There are meat scissors and children's set (rice, wiener, Korean paste, juice), so my family with children will order.
ISOX2 on Google

Since my favorite yakiniku restaurant was full, I dipped in. The meat was delicious at the store where I was doing it privately, but there were few types and I could smoke, so I was worried that the sidestream smoke from the next seat smelled and I did not smoke. Maybe it's good for smokers and smokers who don't go anymore.
えもチャンネル on Google

久々にお店にお昼ご飯を食べに行きましたが、営業中の看板は出ていましたが お休みでした。4年ほど前には自転車に乗って 一人でお肉を頂いていましたが、おいしかったですょ!!ご主人と奥さんとバイトの子が 頑張っていました。私が好きだったのは讃岐うどん!(笑) お肉もおいしいですが、讃岐うどんがおいしかったなぁ~ 近々の書き込みを読んだら、オーダーがタッチパネルを導入したりしているんですね。アルバイトもなかなか見つからないからなぁ~ 経営者がかわってしまったのかな?ご主人いないのかなぁ? 今度夜に行って 確認したら また書き込みますね!
I went to the restaurant for lunch after a long time, but there was a sign that was open, but it was closed. About 4 years ago I was riding a bicycle and got meat alone, but it was delicious! ! My husband, wife and part-time job I was doing my best. I liked Sanuki Udon! (Lol) The meat is delicious, but the Sanuki udon was delicious ~ If you read a recent entry, the order is introducing a touch panel. It's hard to find a part-time job ~ Has the manager changed? Is there a husband? I'll write again if I go to the night this time and confirm!
M S on Google

As other people have said, people with a ★ 5 seem to put word-of-mouth information only here, so they may be acquaintances or regular customers. The inside of the store is exactly the same, and maybe only acquaintances or regular customers are in the eye. I have the impression. There were times when the patrons chatted loudly and became uncomfortable. Even on the store side, it is a level that I want other customers to be aware of because it is a nuisance. However, the taste of the meat and the cost performance are good, so there are two ★.
nagoya club on Google

「役に立った10件」ありがとうございます ★5のクチコミは、ほとんどが「クチコミ1件」 つまり、この店だけを★5と評価している そのクチコミした人は、他店の評価はしてない 1年4ヶ月前に連続12件の★5は全部クチコミ1件 ★5の評価だけ、なぜか文章に違和感 接客❌❌❌❌❌ なんなのかな、自分の友人を一生懸命接客して、笑って、お喋りして、他の客はほかりっぱなし。ドリンクもわざわざ言わないと持ってこない。 接客がめんどくさいとか、自分の友人が優先であるなら、貸し切りにしておけば良いと思う。これも、程度の問題な訳だが、その程度が。。。 不定休でもなく勝手に休店、1度ならず、2度3度。これ、なぜか気になって、前を通る度についつい確認して、毎回写真撮ってしまう。休むのは勝手だけど、以前、家族で来たときに休みだったことがきっかけで、なぜかチェックしてしまう。 まぁ、他の口コミにも参考にして頂き、書いてある通りだと私も思うので、それらの評価もご参考してみてください。 ===以前の評価=== ランチの時間に訪問しましたが、 ホームページには「11:30-14:00」とあり、看板にもランチの案内があり、臨時休業とかの表記もないので、何か事故なのか、移転とか、経営者が変わったとか。確認してから行った方が良いと思います。次回訪問する際に、再評価します。
Thank you for "10 useful cases" ★ Most of the 5 cuticles are "1 cuticle" In other words, only this store is rated as ★ 5. The person who was sick did not evaluate other stores 1 year and 4 months ago, 12 consecutive ★ 5 cases are all 1 case ★ Only 5 evaluations make the text feel strange for some reason Customer service ❌❌❌❌❌ I wonder, I'm trying my best to serve my friends, laughing, talking, and leaving other customers alone. I don't bring drinks unless I tell them. If the customer service is troublesome or your friends are prioritized, I think you should reserve it. This is also a matter of degree, but that degree. .. .. The store is closed without permission, not once, but twice or three times. For some reason, I'm curious about this, and every time I pass in front of me, I just check it and take a picture every time. It's selfish to take a rest, but I checked it for some reason because it was a holiday when I came with my family before. Well, please refer to other reviews and I think that it is as written, so please also refer to those evaluations. === Previous evaluation === I visited at lunch time, The homepage says "11: 30-14: 00", and the signboard also has lunch information, and there is no indication of temporary closure, so it seems that something happened, the relocation, or the management changed. I think it is better to check it before you go. We will reassess it the next time we visit.
鳥ももみはつ on Google

旦那さんと奥さんとお嬢さんがいて、良くも悪くもアットホームな雰囲気。 お冷やのおかわりも自分から言わないといけません、でも面倒くさそうな雰囲気を出されるわけではありません。 1580円のランチをいただきましたが、ご飯大盛りのお陰でお腹いっぱいになりました。 肉は脂が口の中いっぱいに広がる3枚が限界!って感じのいい肉でした。
There is a husband, a wife, and a young lady, and the atmosphere is good and bad. You have to tell yourself about the chill, but it doesn't create a troublesome atmosphere. I had a lunch of 1580 yen, but thanks to the large amount of rice, I was full. Meat is limited to three pieces of fat that spread in your mouth! It was a nice meat.

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