
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 占いのやかたMOON

住所 :

Isago, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0006 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Webサイト : https://www.uranai-moon.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Isago, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0006 Kanagawa,Japan
L. Sunny on Google

I had my job luck up to six months ahead easily occupied. Looking back six months later, I regret that it was a waste of time and money, with no loss of quality.
サボテン on Google

I don't say that you can rely on fortune-telling, but I think that fortune-telling is a concern if medical treatment is available. Mr. Takahashi is kind to me. Tears ran down.
sa hi on Google

並んでたら前の人にもその前にも同じことを言っていたので・・・ こちらの先生の占いは個人の悩みに合わせたオーダーメイドではなく、年配男性(というか父親がする)一般論のお説教みたいな感じです。 占いを期待するのではなく、年上の男性に話を聞いて欲しいならいいと思います。じっくりと聞いてくれます。
If they were lined up, they were saying the same thing before and before ... The teacher's fortune-telling is not tailor-made to the individual's worries, but rather a sermon of the general theory of older men (or rather, fathers). It would be nice if you wanted older men to talk instead of expecting divination. He / she listens carefully.
佐藤公代 on Google

誕生日同じ人はたくさんいるのに、なんでそんなに細かく私のこと分かるのかな?ってくらい言い当てられましたので、何を言われてもアドバイスとして受け入れられました。 綺麗事をならべずよくない結果も優しくですがハッキリ伝えてくれます。 私はとても参考になりました。
There are many people who have the same birthday, so why do you know me so finely? I was told that, no matter what I said, it was accepted as advice. Even if you don't line up beautiful things and the bad results are gentle, they will tell you clearly. I was very helpful.
平田誠 on Google

以前、引越しをする際、移動する方角やタイミング等、総合的に鑑定をしていただきました。ちょうど私が厄年でもあり、家族一同、細かく詳細に鑑定内容をご説明していただき、非常に参考になりました。新居の購入ということもあり、不安だらけで本当に良い判断だったのか心配でしたが、真摯に丁寧にご説明いただき、納得して新たな土地へ引越しができました。 その後、無事に引越しが完了し、特段これといった災いもなく、日常生活を快適に過ごしています。本当にありがとうございました。
Previously, when moving, we had a comprehensive appraisal such as direction and timing to move. I was a bad year, and all the family members were very helpful in explaining the contents of the appraisal in detail. There was also a purchase of a new home, I was worried about whether it was full of anxiety and it was a really good decision, but I sincerely explained it carefully and I was convinced and was able to move to a new land. After that, the move was successfully completed, and I was able to spend my daily life comfortably without any particular disaster such as this. I'm really thankful to you.
K真奈 on Google

前回行った時、恋愛に関する占いが時期も内容も当たっていました! なのでリピートさせていただきました。
The last time I went, the fortune-telling about romance was right in time and content! So I repeated it.
かじらじら on Google

人生になんだか行き詰まった感じがし、試しに占いでもやってみようと初めて占ってもらいました。 「今年は全く駄目。でも来年は良い年になる」 と言われだが、更に悪い年になり外れました。 「半年後はこうなって一年後はこうなってる」 と明確なことを言われましたが、一切そうなりませんでした。一応もう数年後のことも言われたので、その期待を込め星2にしときます。
I felt like I was stuck in my life, so I asked him to try fortune-telling for the first time. "This year is totally useless, but next year will be a good year." However, it was a worse year and I missed it. "It will be like this in half a year, and it will be like this in a year." I was told clearly, but it didn't happen at all. I was told that it would be a few years later, so I will make it a star 2 with that expectation.
ちゃし on Google

結構前の話ですが、恋愛で当時の彼氏と上手くいくかを見てもらい「ここ2年は大丈夫だよ」って言われた3ヶ月後に別れました(笑) 運命は変わるものって分かってはいますが、意外にも早く占いが外れたのでむしろ「外れるんかーい」って思いました(笑) 手相も見てもらいましたが、〜〜〜だよね?って正直誰にでも当てはまるような言い回しでした! そんなもんだよな〜って思います。
It was a long time ago, but I broke up three months after I was asked to see if I could get along with my boyfriend at that time in love and said, "It's okay for the last two years" (laughs). I know that fate will change, but the fortune-telling came off unexpectedly quickly, so I thought it would be better (laughs). I asked him to look at the palmistry, but it's ~~~, right? To be honest, it was a phrase that applies to everyone! I think that's what it is.

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