Angelic アンジェリックウィング川崎店

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Angelic アンジェリックウィング川崎店

住所 :

Isago, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0006 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Isago, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0006 Kanagawa,Japan
中島意紗奈 on Google

いつもお世話になってます。 とっても丁寧に施術してくださるので安心してお任せできます!
I am always indebted to you. The treatment is very polite, so you can leave it to us with confidence!
高橋鈴 on Google

駅からの道がとてもわかりやすかったです!! 担当して頂いた方も優しくてとっても丁寧で 安心してお任せできました!! 以前他店でハリウッドブロウリフトをした時に 海苔みたいに眉毛が張り付いてしまったのが あまり好きではなかったのですが、こちらで して頂いたハリウッドブロウリフトは張り付き すぎず毛流れが綺麗になったので感動しました!! 今後も通いたいと思います!!! ありがとうございました!!!
The road from the station was very easy to understand !! The person in charge is also kind and very polite I was able to leave it with confidence !! When I did a Hollywood blow lift at another store before The eyebrows stuck like seaweed I didn't like it very much, but here The Hollywood blow lift you did is sticky I was impressed because the hair flow became beautiful without being too much !! I would like to continue to attend !!! thank you!!!
Yusaku Kimura on Google

I went there for the first time, but the atmosphere inside the store was clean, and the staff were kind and polite, and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. I had detailed confirmation and explanations about the care after the treatment, and I was satisfied with the finish, so I definitely wanted to receive it next time, so I made a reservation next time.
幸田沙貴 on Google

初めてアイブロウパーマとワックスを体験しましたが、きれいに整って満足です! 事前説明も丁寧で安心して施術を受けることができました?
I experienced eyebrow perm and wax for the first time, and I am satisfied with the cleanliness! The prior explanation was also polite and I was able to receive the treatment with confidence ?
よしおよしお on Google

今まで自分で整えていましたが、やはりプロにやってもらうと全然違いました。 ワックスで根本から脱毛するので、肌色もワントーン上がり、眉毛のラインがはっきりしました。 そのおかげで顔が絞まってみえます。キレイな状態が長くキープできるのも良かったです。またお願いします。
Until now, I had prepared it myself, but it was completely different when I asked a professional to do it. Since the hair is removed from the root with wax, the skin color is also raised by one tone and the line of the eyebrows is clear. Thanks to that, my face looks narrow. It was good to be able to keep it in a beautiful state for a long time. Please again.
chinatsu on Google

とても丁寧な施術で迅速にやって下さいました。 はじめての眉の施術だったので施術後にもアドバイスや不安な点なども相談に乗ってくださって安心できるお店だと思いました。ありがとうございました。
He did it quickly with a very polite treatment. Since this was my first eyebrow treatment, I thought it would be a safe place to consult with me about advice and concerns after the treatment. Thank you very much.
SONG WEI on Google

面接前に身だしなみを調べていたら眉毛ワックスを発見しました。初めてだったので口コミを参考にしました。想像以上に良かったです。 女性向けの眉毛もやっているから技術レベルが高いように感じました。最近は女性、男性共に眉毛はサロンにお手入れする時代なんだそうです。
I found eyebrow wax when I was checking my appearance before the interview. Since it was my first time, I referred to the reviews. It was better than I imagined. I also do eyebrows for women, so I felt that my skill level was high. Recently, it seems that both women and men are in the era of caring for their eyebrows at the salon.
上片野圭寅 on Google

眉毛でお世話になりました! いつも自分で剃ったりしてたのですが左右のバランスだったり形がうまくできなく、 ここのサロンさんでお世話になり、 形やバランス、さらには濃淡なども細かくカウンセリングして頂き理想の眉毛へ変貌しました! 眉毛でこんなに顔のイメージが変わるのかととても驚きました! それから何度がお伺いさせて頂いておりますがいつもとても大満足いく仕上がりです! これからもよろしくお願い致します!
Thank you for your eyebrows! I used to shave myself all the time, but I couldn't balance the left and right sides and the shape wasn't good. Thank you for your help at the salon here The shape, balance, and even the shades were finely counseled, and the eyebrows were transformed into the ideal one! I was very surprised that the image of the face would change so much with the eyebrows! I've been asking you many times since then, but it's always a very satisfying finish! Thank you for your continued support!

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